Kenneth S. from PINSON, AL Reviewed on 7/24/2012...
I enjoyed it very much.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jerry S. from OCEANSIDE, CA Reviewed on 12/10/2009...
Excellent! one of the best I've watched
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
This is a very good movie
3kingsandaduce | Just off exit 23, I-60 | 11/02/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I think that perhaps the people who reviewed this film negatively simply don't see it the way I do. I don't claim to know what the director had in mind, but I know what I take from this movie. I am NOT a golfer, but this film leaves me with an appreciation for golf which I have never before felt. Bagger Vance was okay, but more an entertaining film than a study of golf. Nor is A Gentleman's Game all about golf. There's a lot going on here, some of it is about golfing, some of it deals with the inside, or other side of the game, the "loopers." Ultimately this movie is not about golfing, even though it chiefly centers on golfing and around a golf course. The overall story comes together with meaning greater than its several individual parts. Gary Sinise never dissapoints & the entire cast delivers wonderfully in this film, but Mason Gamble is the one to watch. A very talented young actor. I am reminded of Kevin Spacey in Shipping News, wherein Spacey virtually tells the entire movie with his facial expressions. Gamble does not quite have as demanding a role here as Spacey had in Shipping News, but he does remarkably well with what he's given---& considering his age that's all the more impressive. We easily know what his character, Timmy, is feeling at all times without having to hear any dialog. Mason Gamble has been around a while, & I'm sure will have no trouble remaining in the industry as long as he chooses to keep making movies. Look for him in the quirky Rushmore, or in the hook-setting opening scene of Arlington Road, & periodically thereafter throughout. I believe he was also Dennis the Mennace, & I'm sure he's done a few other films. I like gentleman's Game because it tells a story that centers around something I previously cared nothing about; now I at least have some appreciation for, and a much greater understanding of, golf. It's a good movie, and it's deffinately telling a worth while story. Plus it had the added bonus for me of coming as an unexpected surprise treat when I first saw it. (I had a cheap rental coupon & never hearing of it before, happened upon it while browsing in Hollywood Video) I reccomend this movie as a great one to watch and a good one to own."
Par Effort Approaching Birdie
rodboomboom | Dearborn, Michigan United States | 12/31/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"There is much in this golf based movie. The much is its asset and liability. There are too many plots which don't tie together well, and confuse the viewer. Father/son, poor/rich, etc.What does come out shining is a young boy's love for the game pure and simple. Wealth covering up problems and a morally sound burnt out golf champion. If the director would have just revolved it around this, it would have been more attractive.As is, a memorable view. The profanity is dominate. Maybe it has to be. Do we need so much to make a point?"
"Amateur is according the Greek meaning: all those who love what they do .
And somehow the spirit of constant and ascendant improving established the difference in Foster that day when the cheat was done. He imposed to himself the maximum penalty to finish with that hard and unbearable memories.
But when he watches that young promise who tries by all means to get close him and knowing about him, he will feel the last call and something inside him it will awake.
This slow paced but interesting script is a lesson of life, the constancy, tenacity and work ness will never lead you to a dead zone. Something is watching you and sooner or later the truth will shine.
Along the film there are another secondary lines that support the script: the caddy world, the racism and the secret passions. Splendid photography and a brilliant performance of Gary Sinise and Phillip Baker Hal confer this movie an artistic status.
Don't let the desire for greatness detract from your inner v
Gertrud Kahler | Southern California | 11/18/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"What I take from this movie is the message that it IS possible for the dazzle of success and fame to cloud your judgment. The lasting message is not about golf. It is about seeking what you want to achieve for yourself, and not for the enhancement of other people's egos. I don't want to spoil the plot line for those who have not seen it yet. But if you have seen this film, hopefully you know what I mean.
The story is done with a light hand, not relying on overly dramatic posturing for the camera. Mason Gamble does an excellent job of showing the pure joy of a personal success (perfecting the golf swing), to the disappointment he feels from his father, to the sadness of what happens to his fellow caddy buddy, to the blushes of first lust. Gary Sinise is as understated as usual, a lot of what he has to say at the end of the movie coming from his body language and facial expressions rather than from dialogue.
I found it to be a feel good movie, and I recommend it for a rainy or snowy afternoon."