Not as good as "The Future of Food"
E. Karasik | Washington, DC United States | 05/25/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While this film is reasonably informative and covers the usual topics of concern associated with GM foods, including genetic drift, loss of diversity, and privatization, it feels a little choppy and repetitive. A far better film called "The Future of Food" was made a year earlier; that film is more factual and succinct, and also paints a detailed portrait of the incestuous relationship between Monsanto and the Bush administration. It is also no longer available -- makes you wonder!"
Amazing Video
purple8ball | NC,USA | 02/17/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So glad I ordered this movie. I ordered this after watching Food, Inc. I want to share with everyone. It is totally amazing and mind blowing about our food industry here in the US. They do tend to talk a little fast about things as I kept rewinding some to understand the points they were making but overall it was a great movie!"
Real Information vs. TV News Soaps
Michael M. Jones | Sun Valley, Idaho | 05/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Since our media and news reporting agencies have decided to do TV news soaps or fictional representations of real life, as a replacement for news, people are forced to get accurate information from other sorces. Productions such as, 'Genetically Modified Food: Panacea or Poison,' in my opinion, is a wonderfully accurate reporting documentary and, most likely, the only way people will be able to receive true information for the foreseeable future on subjects that have impact on peoples lives."
OK for introduction to GM foods, but not too interesting.
Dorothy Gale | Cincinnati | 03/24/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you are interested in learning moke about GM foods, this is an OK place to start. However, it is not presented in a very exciting way."