BTW, the description has it wrong. The running time for this set is actually 15 HOURS and 14 MINUTES, not the other way around! Aw, I'm such a perfectionist! LOL!
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Movie Reviews
The first season and last good season...
S. Trapp | 05/06/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The first season offered Babylon 5 storytelling quality. Rich characters, even characters who you think of in terms of good/bad, black/white, will throw you for a curve. The main character, Boone, begins his journey into the Taelon mystery with a clear delineation of the Taelons as "bad guys" only to discover that Taelon/human relations are much more "shades of grey" filled with individual (human and Taelon) agendas.
All of which is tossed out beginning season two for a straight forward good human, bad Taelon, let the fighting begin and "oh yeah can the women of the show wear tighter sweaters and shirts?" Welcome to late 90s syndication sci-fi/fantasy storytelling. Keep it simple, keep it sexy.
Rather than ranting on; I'll merely offer you a single season one episode, "Sandoval's Run". Watch that Sandoval character in that episode versus the schemer and megalomaniac they turn him into in the later seasons. Season one Sandoval is a much more interesting character versus the one dimensional "bad guy" he turns into.
I remember back in the beginning of the season two days, a bunch of us fan boys and girls threw a fit on the usenet group over the simpler storytelling (dumbed down) the show descended into only to be told by a show rep the the creators were worried the season one storytelling complexities would chase new viewers off in later seasons who didn't follow it from the beginning. Well the new direction chased me off.
If you saw later seasons and didn't like it or thought it just never lived up to its full potential, try season one. I love it so much I bought it...
...but only season one."
Keith Lucas | Orlando, FL USA | 02/25/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Many fans of this series (including me,) have waited a very long time for this season to be released. Earth: The Final Conflict seasons 1 and 2 have been held up in a "rights" war. Basically, two studios were fighting over whom owned the rights to the series' first two seasons. Seasons 3 and 4 were not in dispute and therefore no "conflict" (forgive the pun,) held up their releases. Finally, it looks like all that legal crap is resolved and Season one is coming. This was an awesome show!!! Fantastic special FX and epic story telling. It is a MUST have for any sci-fi fan.
Finally, but a bit disappointing
Steve G | Burlingame, CA USA | 05/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As with many other fans, I have the ADV release of seasons 3,4 & 5. I was disappointed that after the dust settled with who really owned the rights to season 1 & 2, the winner released season 1 in full screen and only stereo. The 3 seasons from ADV are in widescreen and dolby 5.1. The resolution on the ADV seasons also look cleaner. I wonder how long we'll have to wait for season 2 to complete our sets."
Perhaps my most bittersweet DVD purchase
Tim Laird | Grand Rapids, MI USA | 08/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When it came out originally, I thought that Earth:Final Conflict was some of the best television Sci-Fi ever made. Now watching the first season again on DVD, I can confidently say that it might have been some of the best television ever made, period. Comparisons to Babylon 5 are plentiful, and they would be accurate. E:FC's first season hinted at a very broad, heavy hitting story arc, and the characters were nuances on top of nuances. During the commentary on one of the early episodes, someone mentions that Kilner is having to play Boone from five different emotional angles in one scene, and they are right--all of the characters have a mix of good, bad, selfish, selfless, etc that never really let you feel who the good guys and the bad guys are.
It's bittersweet, though, because this will be the only season I purchase. I know there was some decent material in later seasons, but there was nothing of what I loved. The characters were flattened out (or replaced), and the arc is either forgotten or, when they do decide to move it forward, thrust in our faces.
I like to believe that Earth:Final Conflict never made it past season 1. Because of that, it was one of the best television shows ever made."
I recommend seasons 1 and 4
Troy Heagy | Forest Hill MD | 07/25/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you're curious about this series, but don't have a lot of cash to spend, I recommend limiting yourself to seasons 1 and 4. Why those? Well as others have pointed-out very little happens in years two and three, which fell into a kind of Gilligan's Island syndrome. In every episode the characters discover a way to beat or expose the visiting Aliens as evil, but at the end they fail to achieve their goal, and there's a "reset" to return everything back to the status quo. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Seasons 2/3 are boring to watch.
But seasons 1 and 4 put in the effort to advance the story. Season 1 basically asks the questions and sets-up the mystery, while season 4 provides the answers with an ultimate conclusion to the Alien/Human story.
So that's what I have in my collection - 1 and 4. Taken together they resemble Babylon 5 or Deep Space Nine in complexity. The other seasons I owned at one point, but I eventually sold them off since they were so inferior.