I really love the cover...
J. Kennedy | NY USA | 11/29/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Imagine a second-rate rip-off of Fulci's worst film of the 80's by a no name washed up director, without a lighting director or director of photography, without any of Fulci's talent or personal touches or even an attempt to copy them, absoutely no gore but, count 'em, 2 okay looking semi-zombies that immediately fall from one shot, painful miles of plot like mentally walking with a broken leg, with piles of 80s denim macho chesse, a final monster that looks like that thug turned huge muscle bound freak in Double Dragon: The Movie, only made by group on 8 year olds in an underground Vietnam sweatshop, on a straight from muffled audio VHS dupe, and that's this film to a T. The one amazing thing about it is it looks to be shot on pretty good quality film and has a long, 'professional'-looking Hollywood end credit crawl. Almost makes one wonder what the film was originally entitled and perhaps more background info on it, The opening credits are intact, except for the title shot, replaced with computer graphics... Makes "Redneck Zombies" look like a Kurosawa masterwork..."
Part 2 ?
D. Scott | CO USA | 09/24/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was released,for what reasons I dont know. Several years ago I remember seeing The gates Of Hell, by Fuci. It has never been released,and if you try to look it up, it shows up as some War Movie. The original had a possed Priest, with exceptional Special effects. I cant even find a VHS of this movie on any searchs, it came out when the ORIGONAL Boogy Man came out, which is now available, not to be confussed with Boogy Man from I think 2006. By all means dont waste your money on Gates 2. It dosent even deserve 1 Star."
Decent poster but film wise fulci wouldnt appreciate the ded
Dennis | new jersey | 10/18/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"dedicated to the memory of lucio fulci, this low budget thing is as bad as it gets and probably caused fulci to turn over in his grave. only thing decent about this film is the artwork which isnt that bad. too bad film isnt half as good"