Another solid volume
Sykobeevr | NY | 04/09/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"While some may write Gantz off as just another blood-and-breasts sci-fi actioner, that is really just the flair covering a potentially deep and insightful series, which we continue to get hints of in volume 3.
There's actually very little gore on this disc, as the focus shifts more towards learning more about our main characters' lives, and how they're going to develop now after their rather traumatic experiences. (It should be noted that while this volume lacks the blood and violence of Volume 2, the period from the end of episode 5 and especially through episode 6 has significantly more nudity than previous episodes).
Still, we continue to get into Kurono's head, which is always an interesting and darkly amusing place, are privy to some of Kato's less-than-ideal home life, some new characters are introduced (whose involvement in the rest of the series is as-yet unclear), and there are some distinctly unexpected developments with a certain well-endowed female in the cast (including, finally, her name), who quickly becomes a fascinating character in her own right, and not just the eye candy she has been in the last two volumes.
If you've enjoyed the first two, this volume won't change that fact. If you didn't enjoy them, this volume won't change that either. If you haven't seen them...what the heck are you reading this for, anyway?"
In Defense of `Gantz'
C. Chow | Leesburg VA | 05/09/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ask any anime fan today what the best current anime is, and you'll hear, "Full Metal Alchemist, and Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex." I've never heard such a unanimous answer in all of anime history. Everyone agrees these are the two best current anime. This tells me that not enough people have been watching `Gantz' otherwise it'd be on their list.
The plot: I'm not sure a description of the plot will really persuade you to buy `Gantz' but here it is. A perverted teenage boy is killed and finds himself along with other recently deceased being forced by a machine Gantz to assassinate aliens living in Tokyo's slums.
It's not so much the plot of `Gantz' but its characters that make it work. Our hero is a high school nerd; he's worried more about bullies and having enough money for porn than he is about aliens. His goal is sex, not protection of the human race. As you might guess this leads to laugh out loud scenes.
Yes `Gantz' has TONS of sex, violence, and profanity, but it really does have context. We care very deeply for our hero, even if his biggest adventure of the day is buying porn.
I can't really compare `Gantz' to any other anime except in terms of production quality. THE BEST I'VE EVER SEEN! And yes I've seen them all, yes even better than `Last Exile' or `Ghost In the Shell' or `Night Shift Nurses'.
The only reason I can think of as to why so few of my fellow anime fans on Amazon are giving `Gantz' a low rating is that they've never seen or just don't care for R rated or boarder line X-rated anime like `Gantz'.
NEWCOMERS NOTE: Volume 1 is not the best volume to start `Gantz' because as with all stories there's an introduction. Start with volume 3, you can catch up and trust me! After the first five minutes of volume 3, you'll be ordering every volume of `Gantz' there is.
It's totally picking up now
Derrick Jenkins | Hampton VA USA | 06/01/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"At first when i watched the first volume of Gantz. I said to myself. I dont really know if i wanna keep going on with this series. Not because of the mad violence/nudity and other stuff. I just didnt feel like i was gonna stay interested in the series long enough. But after having watched the 3rd volume last night. I can say this is one anime series that i am totally down with for the long haul. Like others have said before Gantz is a series that you shouldnt sleep on.
It has a slow start to it, because you have to start somewhere obviously. But the things that the characters deal with from trying to get laid, avoiding bullies wanting high amounts of money and a "friend" turning on you. To save his own *** not to forgot about that mysterious orb called Gantz. There are soo many things going on with this series already. It's gonna be a wild and crazy ride. I've been glad to partake in this Gantz ride so far. I'm looking forward to all the volumes that are ahead. I only wish they'd release more episodes in each volume. But other than that i have no complaints with this series.
I just hope that others will check out this anime series that has it what it takes to stand out from the pack. Check it out....GANTZZZ!!"