New stories to tell within the program's theme
Pork Chop | Lisbon, Portugal | 02/23/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Gangland Season 4 seeks out new stories to tell within the confines
of the series, at times faltering somewhat from a more
intellectual, detached, newsperson feel to the stories, over
whelming viewers with facts and historical data while sparse on the
visual impact.
Or in other words, the overwhelming video support for the narrative
is as simple as the graffiti on various buildings around the city.
The lack of actual gangland violence completely transforms the
series, the viewers not connecting the dots about various events.
For one, the founding and evolution of the LATIN KINGS is told.
Based in Chicago, it stems from Puerto Rican and Mexican members
as late as the 1940's.
The gang centers in Humboldt Park and members are required to have
the letters LK, or a 3 or 5 point crown (Puerto Rican or Mexican),
or 3 or 5 dots tattoos to join, after an initiation lasting 3
minutes labeled "violation". The colors are golden yellow and
black, with or without a lion or Sun. Hand signals are used, as
well. Areas also controlled are Little Village, Montrose, Crown
Town and South Chicago, with the opposition Satan's Disciplines,
sometimes dissing the LK tags.
The purpose of the gang, is to control neighborhood blocks,
extorting the narcotics dealers selling coke, meth, ganja, ecstasy,
or selling directly, consolidating power. The accent on ease in
buying and selling is such that calling up the chosen narcotic is
as easy and quick as ordering a pizza from around the corner.
The founder laid out a "Code of Conduct" for members, the latter
who are required to ingrain values through mnemonics, such as
Almighty Latin Kings Nation, each letter meaning a noun. He also
laid out a hierarchy, from the 2 Coronas, to Regional Officers,
then Nation Enforcers, Inca's, Caciques, Chapter enforcers and
soldiers. Both Incas and soldiers are subject to receiving
disciplinary measures from having infringed on the rules, by
physical punishment, ranging from slaps and kicks, to more serious
blows with sticks, a "gold crush" representing discipline inflicted
on an inca.
A surprising element, is the fact that it was run over 30 years, by
the same person behind bars, and by a right hand man in freedom.
The latter met his demise only after a confidential informant
turned, with video and audio footage through a setup, such was the
extent that he shielded himself from anyone possible incriminating
him, using stooges and patsies to carry his orders, such as his
Another surprise, is the sanitizing of the episodes from the
outrageous acts perpetrated by the members, using a scholarly,
politically correct and light approach. The fact that there are
25,000 persons part of the LK in Chicago, and 50,000 in the entire
USA may have played a part.
A third surprise, is the extent and frequency of active female gang
member participation in setups, trafficking, getting information,
in being lookouts or in selling.
At one point, the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm agency) joins
forces with the county sheriff, to hire a snitch, install video and
audio eavesdropping devices, intercept and monitor cell phone
Gang jargon is introduced, such as "running the deck" being in
control of a cell block, "trick" meaning a snitch, "riding with"
meaning the pals the person hangs out with and what streets they're
from, "tumbes" meaning to retaliate against a seller not current
with his protection payments.
The people interviewed advise they left the lifestyle because it
required a 24/7 commitment, which they got fed up with."