The Dinosaur ChroniclesTwo tales of Prehistoric adventure highlight this Jurassic adventure. First join three shipwrecked travelers on an island lost in time filled with ancient beast of the past hungry for blood living o... more »n THE PREHISTORIC ISLAND. Next take a trip to the Earth s future in DAWN OF THE DINOSAUR where a mutant crack-pot named Caesar has obliterated the plane with radioactive death and works to release dinosaurs from a secret experimental base. A lone survivor must try to stop his evil plans.Note Rated 70 MinutesPreylien: Alien PredatorsA space freighter from the 9th galaxy is damaged and pulled into a black hole. Thrown into our constellations it makes a forced landing deep in the woods of Earth. Several alien creatures escape and begin attacking the locals and the humanoid space pilot must track down the monstrous escapees before he himself is killed. Join in the hunt of a star-spider cyclopean giant and a hairy carnivore. Originally shot in stereoscopic 3D this film is presented flat and is a fun sci-fi action romp.Not Rated 72 MinutesThe WeaponA planet with a single source of water. A mysterious instrument of impossible force. It may be the key to a new future for the inhabitants or it may bring the destruction of them all/. A science-fiction tale that enjoys a healthy dose of classic pulp flavor say Stephen Segal of InPittsburgh Not Rated 82 MinutesBlood Red PlanetIn the spirit of the Italian sci-fi films of the 60 s comes this space opera of cataclysmic proportions. A run-away planetoid threatens Earth s existence as the crew of the OMEGA 1 must intercept the sinister object and change its course before it crashes into the Earth. What secrets lie beneath its surface? Can the human race be saved? Orbit into terror and join the mission of sci-fi thrills and excitement.Not Rated 80 MinutesFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: SCI-FI/FANTASY Rating: NR UPC: 787364643691« less
"This DVD unfortunately is not the 1981 movie starring Erin Moran, Edward Albert, Ray Walston, Robert Englund, etc. but rather is actually a collection of 4 really wretched sci-fi movies that make the real Galaxy of Terror look like LOTR in sci-fi form. Only title I even remember was Blood Red Planet and the 3 other movies are so bad that my mind has already wiped them from my poor psyche before I was scarred for life. If you are looking for good cheesy sci-fi, this collection is not for you. If you are looking for bad cheesy sci-fi, this collection is still not for you. If you are looking to throw away money, go donate to a local charity instead of regretting the loss of your money on this thing."
NOT the one your wishing for!!!
David P. Rouleau | Still River,MA USA | 10/22/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This sorry collection of lame movies gathered together is just another reason not to pre-order a movie,based on just the title.One out of four movies is still, in my book, just not the right reason, to sell this crap collection.From now on,I'm not buying anything without a complete review!! I really would rate this collection with a MINUS 3!!!"
This "collection" is just another rip-off with very poor tra
John D. Page | usa | 05/22/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"i think i'm not alone in believeing that this bottom of the barrel collection of sci-fi movies(bad sci-fi movies)is the pits.the movies are almost as bad as the transfers of them are. not worth the price ever!!!!!!"
Great for fans of bad films, bad for fans of the actual "Gal
Drew S. | Baltimore, MD | 01/16/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I do feel sorry for people who thought they were getting something they'd actually like rather than four independent video productions of the lowest quality. However, I thought that an actual review of this set might be more helpful than the reviews saying "this isn't the Galaxy of Terror I wanted."
Three of these movies come from the infamous Polonia Brothers (I think they deserve the capitalization), who clearly have a blast making low-budget movies in the woods. And you know what? Bad as these movies are, more power to everyone involved! I can appreciate how much love and effort went into making these films -- I certainly can't claim I've made any better ones (or any at all). However, having seen the howls of unkind laughter that these movies provoke in most people, I don't think I'm being unfair when I call these movies AWFUL.
If you love bad movies, you owe it to yourself to see these and see just how bad things can get. Some movies are so bad they shoot past "bad" and become good (or at least fun to watch). Not so with these -- they're so bad that they make a full lap and run right back into "bad" again. They are almost unwatchable in their entirety. Making it all the way through one of these is a true feat of endurance.
Preylien: Alien Predators - The attempt to rip off multiple science fiction cliches in the title alone is admirable. Judging from this movie, life on other planets is mostly sepia-toned, and Land's End sells their fashionable down vests throughout the galaxy. A "preylien" isn't really all that intimidating a concept -- is that a defenseless alien that is prey to all and predator to none? Don't spend too much time thinking about it, since the aliens we see all appear to be predators of some kind or another. This is the most watchable of the four films -- the special effects are bad but entertaining, the story makes at least a minimal amount of sense (especially if you read the back of the box first), and it is mercifully short. Typical of these movies, my main regret was that more of the characters didn't die (and sooner). The main action in Preylien appears to be "walking," which is easily viewed on fast-forward to speed things up.
The Dinosaur Chronicles - While Preylien may be a more watchable movie, this may be a better introduction to the Polonia Brothers and their overall filmmaking ethos. The special effects are in the so-bad-you'll-laugh category, which makes this almost tolerable. "Oh no, a dinosaur puppet! Oh no, it looks sort of like I'm being eaten if you're looking out of the corner of your eye!" Watch the dinosaurs closely and you can see the arm coming out the back several times. Flat dialogue and slightly goofy accents make the characters fun to watch in a stage-fright-at-the-Christmas-pageant manner. The Dinosaur Chronicles is also a good introduction because it'll help you recognize and hate John Polonia when he appears again in Blood Red Planet.
The Weapon - In a society desperate for water, a plausible storyline cannot be found. I liked the idea of severe water conservation measures, but the clash of bad sets, props, and acting with halfway-decent computer graphics makes for an odd mishmash. You can tell that the filmmakers had interesting ideas but little practice at making movies. I wanted to like it -- at least it isn't another one by the Polonia Brothers -- but it elicited more sympathy than enthusiasm. Perhaps spending less time and money on the production company's animated logo and more the on dialogue and plot would have helped. Another alternative would have been spending all of the money on chocolate pudding because hey, everybody likes pudding.
Blood Red Planet - After several false starts in which all of the established characters are unceremoniously killed, we get a rag-tag bunch of idiots that make the audience grateful for the sudden deaths that are surely lurking around the corner. The lead actress has hair that is truly remarkable on an astronaut. This has perhaps the worst acting of the four movies, sounding like a bunch of ninth graders forced to read a play out loud in class. The dominant activities in Blood Red Planet include typing, talking to yourself, and repeating yourself. In the end, it seems that the computer "KAL" (ahem) is our actual protagonist. The newscasts used for exposition are actually rather well done, but the content and dialogue is too unlikely and stilted to be believable. Blood Red Planet includes two main special effects: CGI of outer space, and a "lightning" effect overlaid on normal footage, which can represent pretty much any weapon/technology/phenomenon you could ask for. On a positive note, I did like the insistent techno melody that comes up several times. You can spend much of the movie placing bets on when you'll hear it again.
Apply the KY generously
C. A. Luster | Burke, VA USA | 05/16/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Are you one of those people that watches an advertisement on TV of a product with a name similar to a known product and feel the urge to buy it? Do you always scratch mosquito bites? Do you pick at open wounds? Do you like to run with scissors? Do you like to poke yourself in the eye with a stick? Do you often shoot yourself in the foot? This DVD is for you. It is guaranteed to make have dreams of "Galaxy of Terror" the real legit movie dancing in your head along with other good SciFi that isn't in the mainstream. Then once you open it and play the movies that are in it you will realize either, you have been a fool to be so naive, or that some companies and individuals get away with ripping people off here when they shouldn't. The only terror here is that Amazon can't possibly check out every item that is sold on their site. Therefore once in awhile total trash like this is going to slip into what is for sale. But once pointed out by reviewers like us at least we can save some from the pain of actually watching this, and better yet the pain of having to return it. I think these companies or individuals that try to market rip-offs should be made to suffer by forcing them to watch these type so bad they aren't even funny movies for days. Then perhaps they would see the error of their ways."