For kids? Fun! For nostalgia-hungry adults? No.
Brendan M. Howard | Kansas, USA | 10/15/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Adult fans of "G.I. Joe" toys, cartoons and comics books from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s won't find much to like about the mega-popular brand's latest incarnation, but its new fans will appreciate it.
Compared to the classic 1980s Joe cartoons, there are few funny moments, very little characterization and no complexity among the villains. The classic arguments between the mercenary Destro and the megalomaniacial Cobra Commander are gone. A new part-robotic Cobra minion seems a likely competitor with Cobra Commander, proving that bad guys always fight among themselves, but his plot never gets going. Characters are just pawns for the video game story, which is satisfying on a visual level, but will be boring to anyone looking for much of a plot or even some cartoonish jibes among such formerly cranky and opinionated troops as Tunnel Rat, Heavy Duty, Scarlett and Snake Eyes.
Boys who like the admittedly cool toys will dig watching the figures and toys at work. But only the most G.I. Joe-crazed of nostalgia fans will find these new Joes worthy of a watch. Gone is the potentially timely idea of a U.S. special-forces unit of well-trained but outmatched experts and soldiers fighting against an increasingly vicious, backstabbing, egotistical enemy terrorist force. 9/11 has done away with terrorists as a bad guy for kids, and now it's all anime-style battles and superhero costumes."
Enjoy this series for what it is
Jacob Putnam | UTAH | 12/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's terrible that this series is getting such low reviews. It's a great series and a fabulous toy line. I have been an avid fan of G I Joe for many years. Now being a 27 year old and still owning my original figures I find it quite enjoyable to see the series in an anime style. The fighting between Snake Eyes and Stormshadow are INCREDIBLE. The way two ninjas going at it should be. I also own all the G.I.Joe boxed sets and find that I fall asleep moreso to the old episodes than I do to the new series cause there is so much more action and adventure with the new. I highly recommend this movie, its a great combination of Western Characters with an Eastern Style!"
Dear God! What did they do to G.I. Joe?
Dustin E Proehl | Chillicothe, Ohio USA | 11/05/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"As a fan of G.I. Joe for many years I picked this movie up. I loved the cartoons from the 80's and I didn't mind the last few movies they did in CGI. But, this pile of monkey crap starts off with with Hawk telling Duke about how he fought Cobra 20 years ago... as if Duke was not there! In fact, as this show starts off Duke is just named to the Joe team. It made my brain hurt trying to figure out how in the heck this could fit into the time line of the last two movies since Duke was in both of them. The morons who make the new Joe cartoon need to do their homework a little better then they have. It would take an idiot to some how not remember Duke has been a Joe for a very long time.
I also can't stand the new Anime style. TV is flooded with this crap and there is little for today's kids in the way of quality cartoons. The new Joe Anime is childish and silly, lacking the depth of even the simple cartoons of the 80's.
The first Joe cartoons were great becasue they were different then other shows on the air at the time. The new Joe tried too hard to be just like every other chop chop bang bang anime out there, and that is not a good thing. The stories are weak, if there even is a story. There are no morals to be learned or any reason to think when watching it. I think this is the kind of crap that eats children's minds.
But the Original G.I. Joe DVD's and leave this for poor saps with half their brain missing."