One of the best-reviewed documentaries of 2005 is now available on DVD in this deluxe two-disc edition. There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America, a revolution that is transform... more »ing the very nature of the food we eat. This documentary explores the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled grocery store shelves for the past decade. It also examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multi-national corporations seek to control the world's food system. "One of 2005's must-see documentaries" -San Francisco Chronicle.« less
Sharon F. (Shar) from AVON PARK, FL Reviewed on 1/2/2022...
Excellent documentary on our food source. I firmly believe that the government is killing us with the chemicals and additives they are allowing manufacturers to put into our food system. This is an EYE OPENER!! A must watch, especially for young mothers and anyone who has cancer.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Damian M. (ratchet) Reviewed on 3/11/2009...
A very good documentary about biotech food. Not just the possible dangers of the consumption of the food as addressed by Japan and Europe, but also about patent laws on life. Watch this one.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
What are People Thinking?
Paul b | Cleveland, OH USA | 12/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you live in the US and eat food, you have to see this. If you are not familiar with GM(genetically modified) foods or do not intentionally avoid GM foods, you are probably consuming them. Soy, corn and canola are the main crops being manipulated by the "White Coats".
Deborah Garcia(widow of Jerry Garcia) shows what is going on in the Corporate agriculture world. There must come a point where man says "Haven't we screwed things up enough, is profit more important than what is right and just?"
The corruption that is engulfing the whole agriculture community is unreal. If grown properly and organically there should be no need for fertilizers and pesticides. If the soil is mineral rich than crops should grow unhindered. Read "One Straw Revolution" by Masanobu Fukoka, if you can get your hands on a copy. He explanes thoroughly how to grow crops naturally with as little human intervention as possible.
Thank you Ms Garcia for this enlightening documentary.
Francois-hugues | California USA | 12/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A MUST-SEE! Thank you to Ms Garcia! This is the VERY BEST, most informative and well-done documentary on the matter. The essential is summarized in one place: a DVD that is real easy to follow. It is quite comprehensive. Some very strong reports/interviews from well-known scientists, and testimonials from genuine farmers. Also all the animations are excellent. And the photography is in many places beautiful (especially the part filmed in Mexico). On the top of that, it is also the best documentary I've ever seen, flowing along an amazingly informative path. I highly recommend it for a) those who know about this matter, and b) those who don't know yet about it :~]"
What America Eats - GMO
E-Consumer | 01/28/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Informative documentary about our food supply. Includes information about the Genetically Modified food industry, and farmers who try to resist GMO and get sued by corporations. A different DVD which shows the destructive nature of GMO / chemical farming on both the farmers and the soil, ...and shows an active solution taking place in India is "How to Save the World". Watch "The Future of Food" first, and then the enlightening "How to Save the World", for a incredible real world solution that is happening now. Both are entertaining and can educate you on what is really happening to food and farmers in the USA and other countries!"
Important information for everyone
Sheri Fogarty | United States | 04/27/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Future of Food documents what is currently going on with the food supply in the US. Monsanto, a multinational corporation who was formerly in the pesticide business (agent orange, ddt) is now one of the biggest seed suppliers in the world. And not just any seed, it's genetically engineered for a number of purposes.
Monsanto has been suing farmers who have not bought seed from them but end up with it growing in their fields from no fault of their own. In one very well known case a farmer, Percy Schmeiser, was told by his neighbor that the neighbor's truck had a hole it's tarp and a lot of Monsanto's' 'round up ready' seed was dumped on his field. Monsanto tried to sue him (and many other farmers - google and you'll see links to many of the cases) and he spent his life savings fighting them. He just recently won his case after 10 years!
The film has wonderful and informative interviews with Andrew Kimbrell, director of the center for Food Safety, Fred Kirshenman, a well known sustainable farmer, and a number of experts and scientists who document first off how GE food was pushed on the American people with no disclosure and no testing as well as the devastating potential for destruction with messing with our food supply for profit.
There's a lot we can do. Support small farmers and farmers market's. Join a community supported agriculture program where you get a box of fresh from the field organic fruits and vegetables each week. We also need to demand labeling. Right now we don't know which foods we buy are genetically altered and which aren't. If our food is labeled we can make informed choices.
I highly recommend this film - it's important information for us all."
The Future of Food
Dorell Meikle | 11/01/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I believe everyone should see this dvd. If you eat you will want to learn what is going in within our food system; how the very food we eat will soon be taken over and regulated by large food companies who have no interest in supplying us with healthy food, but who do have a interest in completely controlling every aspect of food production and distribution. This is a very educational documentary that every person should see, and then we all need to fight like crazy to keep the regulations of the production of food from falling into the hands of large corporations such as Monsanto."