Volume 4 includes the following episodes -- — Season Four: Love and Rocket, Leela?s Homeworld, Where No Fan Has Gone Before — Season Five: Crimes of the Hot, Jurassic Bark, A Taste of Freedom, Kif Gets Knocked up a Knotch, L... more »ess than Hero, Teenage Mutant Leela?s Hurdles, The Why of Fry, The Sting, The Farnsworth Parabox, Three Hundred Big Boys, Spanish Fry, Bend Her, Obsoletely Fabulous, Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV, The Devil?s Hands are Idle Play Things
Included Easter Eggs ?
Star Trek panel (consists of three clips)
Table Read Audio (played over a static card)
Tied Together as a Single Asset (writer Goodman on guest voice actors; writer Goodman on script changes; actor Di Maggio on Bender)« less
"Very little on television could match Futurama. At it's height (seasons 4-8) the Simpsons squeaked a narrow lead in the laughs-per-minute category, but it was also allowed a better chance to grow and mature than Futurama did.Futurama, quite obviously, takes place in the future. And while it has sci-fi themes and many references to "classic" sci-fi, it's more a show about the pop culture of our time. Pop culture references are mostly endless, and always very, very sharp. One needn't appreciate science fiction in order to adore this show.This season gives us the following:
- Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch - Not one of the best episodes, but still quite humorous. As the name implies, Kif finds himself pregnant. 6/10- Leela's Homeworld - Slightly better than the previous episode, this explores Leela's past, and how she came to the orphanage. 7/10
- Love and Rocket - A Bender episode, and a high quality one. Bender woos the new AI in the Planet Expresship. We all know how serious Bender is about commitment, and you can see disaster coming lightyears away. 8/10
- Less Than Hero - Fry and Leela manage to aquire superpowers and fight evil with Bender, who forces himself in the group. Largely a parody of 60s superhero shows, this is another quality episode. 7.5/10
- A Taste of Freedom - An episode with deeper meaning, and an episode centered on Zoidberg, leading to an episode low on laughs. 4/10.
-Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV - Bender finally makes it onto All My Circuits. Biting commentary on the impact of television on children. 8/10
- Jurassic Bark - Fry delves into his past and manages to find his dog. His petrified dog. Hilarity certainly ensues, 9/10.
- Crimes of the Hot - Global warming is looming, and the professor realizes his robot design (used in all robots) is the cause. A solid episode, 8/10.
- Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles - An instant classic, and surely the highlight of this set. All the characters find themselves aging backwards, slowly becoming infants. Ever wondered what the professor was like as a young man? Hysterical. 10/10.
- The Why of Fry - The brains are back, and again only Nibbler and Fry can save the world. Well made, chock full of big laughs. 9/10.
- Where No Fan Has Gone Before - This episode features the original Star Trek cast. I'm no Star Trek fan, don't believe I've ever seen an episode, yet the world around it is common knowledge and pop culture. Big laughs are again ever-present. 9/10.
- The Sting - A surreal episode, beginning with Fry's death and Leela blaming herself. A risky episode, yet the team has the talent to pull this together quite nicely. 9/10.
- Bend Her - Bender changes his gender. Bender episodes are never as funny as the rest, but this is still quite entertaining. 7/10.
- Obsoletely Fabulous - Another Bender episode, as Bender fears he has become obsolete. 7/10.
- The Farnsworth Parabox - Farnsworth has created a parallel universe in a box. Sharply written with numerous hysterical paradoxes, this episode is a distinct winner. 10/10.
- Three Hundred Big Boys - Thanks to a dubious military victory, the whole planet gets $300 to spend as they wish. 8.5/10
- Spanish Fry - Fry awakes from a camping trip without a nose. Yes, it sounds like a simple plot, but this episode has a great deal of fun with its setting. 8/10.
- The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings - Ah, the irony of making deals with the robodevil. Ah, the irony of Fry outsmarting someone! 10/10.Yes, some of these ratings are low. The reason for this is they're rated relative to each other. Had they been placed on their own merit against nearly any other series they'd all be 9s and 10s. All of the episodes contain commentary, often quite biting towards Fox, often a bit chaotic, and always hysterical. Many of the episodes contain cut scenes, some of which are also very funny and worth watching.If you love Futurama I'm sure this series is already yours and you're merely reading the episode listing to see how wrong I have my ratings. If you aren't familiar with Futurama, or have only seen a few episodes, jump on this! Jump on it now! You won't regret adding this to your DVD collection.The end of a great series. For shame, Fox. How could you have denied the world of such pleasure and laughter?"
Robots Rule!
Tina | Florida | 09/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have never laughed so hard as I have at the Planet Express crew. Matt Groening pokes fun at everything imagineable and it all adds up to absolute hilarity!
You've got a displaced human, a one-eyed alien love interest, a homicidal robot, a scientist boss with a love of sending his crew on hopeless missions... and, of course, I can't leave out Kif, the straight guy to Zapp Brannigan (an even more arrogant send-up of Captain Kirk). In other words, great characters with equally funny storylines. The writing is absolutely brilliant and never underestimates the audience's intelligence.
You just can't go wrong with this set. I have pared down my DVD collection, but couldn't bring myself to part with ANY volume of Futurama. In my opinion, it outshines The Simpsons by far. So do yourself a favor... order all four volumes and sit back and enjoy!"
MMAfan | USA | 06/13/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Futurama is a really cool and funny show and any one that's a fan of almost any Fox cartoon show will like this. There are a few Easter eggs (secrets) in this DVD set. I don't know what they are yet but I'll have to buy it to find out.Here is a list of the episodes in SEASON 4. If it has a * beside it has a commentary included, if it has a - beside it has no commentary. *Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch (deleted scenes)
*Leela's Homeworld (deleted scenes)
*Love and Rocket (deleted scenes)*Less Than Hero (deleted scenes)
*A Taste of Freedom (deleted scenes)
-Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV
-Jurassic Bark
*Crimes of the Hot (deleted scenes)
*Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles (deleted scenes)
*The Why of Fry (deleted scenes)
*Where No Fan Has Gone Before (deleted scenes)
*The Sting (deleted scenes)
*Bend Her (deleted scenes)
*Obsoletely Fabulous (deleted scenes)
*The Farnsworth Parabox (deleted scenes)
*Three Hundred Big Boys (deleted scenes)
*Spanish Fry (deleted scenes)
*The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings (deleted scenes)ALL TOGETHER--- 414 MINUTES LONG"
A Great Show cancelled by FOX...
MMAfan | 06/10/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Futurama is one of THE best cartoons ever. It's hilarious, very clean and cool looking, with tons of memorable characters. For some reason FOX likes to put alot of crap on the air that sucks and then take the good shows that are actually worth watching and move them all around the schedule so that no one can find them. I used to watch this show when it first debuted then after that i never knew when it was on. They did the same exact thing to Family Guy, but unlike Family Guy, Futurama didn't get picked up again. It's airing on adult swim on Cartoon Network right now. And now that i actually know what time the show is on i watch it everytime. I can't believe how funny it is!! Fox is stupid they need to pick this show back up!!! But until then, we'll always have the DVD's."
Stealth | 08/16/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The end of Futurama. :( I don't see how people can badmouth this show. it was great. Unfortunatly it was NEVER given a chance. I can't say how many times I tried to turn this show on and the beginning of the show was cut oof due to football or other sports shows. I am a Simpson fan from season 1 and by the time Futurama came on I acually liked it better than the Simpsons. I still watch them but they are getting more and more off course and just coming up with stupid plots. Futurara However stayed freh. with the show based in space it was left lot more open to plots. Buy this DVD!!!!!"