Very sad, yet very awesome...
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD of Fushigi Yuugi is probably my most favorite out of the ones I have seen.
Episode 27- A murder caused by Suboishi. This causes Tamahome to go into a rage and he began striking Suboishi, but before he almost murdered him, a cloaked figure saved him as Nuriko tried to hold him back. Of course, they escape, and Tamahome calms down.
As Miaka and Nuriko were going to set off without him the next morning, he was ready to go.
Episode 28- Basically a wrap-up of what has happened so far. Explains how Miaka got there, the Suzaku Seven, Yui, and Love.
Episode 29- The group sets off without Hotohori for the Hokan empire. But a storm sets them off their course as Tamahome, Nuriko, and Miaka aren thrown off. Upon that, they see shelter and try to get on, when suddenly lightning strikes just as Tamahome was about to get out.
Episode 30- Nuriko is able to pull Tamahome out of the water, and into the shelter. There, Nuriko explains about his little sister, Korin, who died when he was very young. Soon after that, the shelter gets a hole, and they are forced out, as Miaka falls into the water. Tamahome jumps in to save her, and Nuriko pulls both out. The boat with the others arrive after that, as the cloaked figure appears again.
Episode 31- Soi of the Seiryu Seven, the cloaked figure, tries to murder Miaka. Using the sword Hotohori gave her, she's able to defeat Soi, and the group arrives in Hokan. Once there, they take refuge in a small village for a day or so, and then they head to a big city.
There, a man mistakes Nuriko for a girl, and he cuts all his hair off, leaving him with shorter hair, as everyone is shocked.
The group splits up to search for clues about the Shinziho, and Nuriko, Miaka, and Tamahome discover something about it. As Tamahome goes with an air-do-well to discover it. Once he returns , he bumps into Yui, and they talk, and Yui says some harsh words.
Back with Miaka, she feels a chill up her spine, and as she walks out from where they were. Just then, Ashtaree, of the Seiryu Seven, jumps out to attack Miaka, and Nuriko runs to get to Miaka.
Episode 32- Nuriko is able to push Miaka out of the way, but he gets injured. He then uses a signal flare to burn the beast, who runs off. Miaka asks if he's okay, and Tamahome returns with news of where the Shinziho is. Tamahome asks where the signal flare is, and Nuriko explains.
They stay in an inn for a while, and Nuriko and Tamahome talk, and Miaka eavesdrops.
As they head out, one should head on for the shiniho, while the other two go find Chichiri and the others. Nuriko goes to find where the shiniho may be hidden. There, as he is about to clear the path for Miaka and the others, Ashtaree finds Nuriko and is going to fight him. "And their deathmatch began."
I won't say anything for episode 33, because anything I'd say about it would spoil it for you. But it's sad.
It's a must get for anyone! If you get it, you won't be sorry, but I do recomend watching it from the beginning. But this one's too good to pass up!"