A brand new beginning...
is what this story's all about.
Paradise is born right here, right now.
Everyday, when I awake...
and you're there at my side...
...I want to give thanks.
By planting many seeds of smiles...
"This final DVD set for Watase Yu's famous anime series, Fushigi Yuugi, contains the 2 OAVs that were released. The first OAV has 3 episodes which concerns itself about how Tamahome couldn't stay in the real world as his current form while a new evil comes out of NOWHERE. The second OAV has 6 episodes which are about the new evil returning and just tying up loose ends. This brings the series to a finish. Personally, the OAVs did not give me the same effect that I got from the TV series. The stories in the OAVs seemed random and so out of place. Because they were so random, when they got to the real story at hand, it felt way too rushed.The animation is updated from the TV series. Because Miaka and the others are older, they retain a new, mature look. I think the OAVs in general are for a more older audience. There is some nudity that is actually more detailed than in the TV series.The music gives the same feel but obviously with a more darker mood. Most of the songs are sung by Akemi Sato (who sang the opening to the TV series). Songs are nice, different ones for each OAV.Accompanied with the OAV series are these fun little sigments. For the first OAV, there's a trip to a hot spring that only girls are allowed to enter. So you can see all the *cough* fun they have there. The second OAVs have these outtakes of the episodes that are extremely weird and random.Final Note: While the FY TV series ended well in my opinion, this basically just concludes it even more I guess. Price might seem a little steep for just 9 episodes. But then again, it's good quality, it's Pioneer, it's Fushigi Yuugi! Even though the OAV series wasn't too good, it is definately worth watching. And if you bought the DVD box sets (Suzaku and Seiryu for the TV series), you'll probably want this to finish off the collection."
Confusing Beginning, Satisfying End (?)
Circe Sonne | Illinois, USA | 06/17/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Of all the anime series I have seen, Fushigi Yuugi is simply the best. The plot is great, and the series ended well, but the OAVs are definitely a good ending to the ... well... ending. For those who haven't seen the 52 episode series, you will be very confused, so you should probably see those first. (^.~)I admit that the first three OAV episodes are REALLY confusing, and a lot of people may not like them at all (Sad to say, I was one of those people). The villain just came out of NOWHERE. I didn't get that. But don't be dispirited! The other six episodes make up for the first three, I assure you! Also, a very wonderful part of the OAVs are the "in-betweeners." This are "mini-episodes" about the characters that give you a good laugh between episodes that don't give you much of one. So, basically, you still get comedy, even when the plot doesn't provide it! A very good thing it is, trust me. As some of you may have guessed from earlier episodes, Tasuki develops a love for Miaka. ( ...interesting...) The seishi falls for the priestess, despite Miaka's love for Tamahome, who is now Taka. While Taka struggles with his two sides (Taka & Tamahome), Tasuki tries to win over Miaka ... but sorry, can't tell you what happens!Also, Chichiri's old friend (you know, the one that stole his girlfriend ...;.;), Hikou, returns. The ninth episode leaves it open for another sequel (hopefully there will be one!), that's the reason for "End(?)."Saying anything else would probably spoil the story, so I won't. My last statement to all you faithful Fushigi Yuugi fans is this: Don't be disappointed by the first three OAV episodes; ultimately, the OAVs are worth every cent."
Tear Jerker
J. A. Stickles | Earth | 04/17/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I can't help but write reviews on the Fushigi Yugi series, it is my favorite, as you can tell if you read my previous two reviews. The Fushigi Yugi OAV continues with excellence in this nine episode continuation. And as a reminder, the OAV's are far more dramatic then the series, a reason why there are omake theatre sequences at the end, so hopefully you won't be too depressed at the end...didn't work for me though. For other fans of the series, we all know it's a tear jerker, but I'll get into that later.For fans of the series, you will probably most definitely agree that the OAV is very heavy on the heart, and the one reason that I am so passionate about this show. The OAV is broken up into two "parts." The first three episodes of the series will definitely make you confused as all hell, but thankfully it's explained by the third episode. If you are a fan of Tamahome and Miaka, be ready to tear up, if you are truly into the series, you won't help but tear up. Thankfully, all of the Suzaku Seven return, in one form or the other. And again, they have to be reassembled, and finding the spirits is a little more tuff. And there's a new cast of villains in the OAV. Tomo, who isn't as great as Nakago, is the psychotic leader of the "evil" side, and his group of evil comrads don't come close to the original Seryiu Seven. You'll miss Nakago for sure.As I stated before, the first three episodes are tear jerkers, but wait until you see episode four. It is for lack of a better word, gut-renching. I even know guys who were torn up over that episode. Don't get me wrong, there are some other light moments, but it is pretty emotional. The other episodes that follow continue with the same route. You grow to love the characters more and more, for they have all grown so much as individuals.Miaka for one thing, will not annoy you as much, promise. She has evolved into a smart, less gluttoness, and stronger person. She does depend on Tamahome, but can you blame her, they spent all that time trying to protect the world, and protect eachother, and just because the first part of the series is over, don't be stupid to think the dependency is over with. There's also an interesting twist about Tamahome, which you will either love, or absolutely hate, I haven't seen too much of a middle ground.Nuriko is back, and wiser and still the best friend of Miaka, but he grows even closer with Tamahome's character, and is one of most positive characters in the OAV. Tasuki is still the comedic relief, while Chichiri has an episode that actually revolves around him and his past, which you did not see during the regular series. It is quite refreshing. Hotohori is still a bit whiney, but I still love him...and it's obvious that he's over Miaka, thankfully.Like I've said, this series is something I can talk hours about, which is why I can rarely say anything "bad" about it. You'll love the OAV if you loved the series, it is thoughtfully made and devised. Yu Watase us a goddess when it comes to certain aspects of manga/anime, she has a talent for drama, and great characters. Too much to say, but I highly reccomend this to any FY fan, and/ or anime fan."
An overall review of all Fushigi Yugi...
Niko | 07/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I will try to write a review of the entire Fushigi Yugi series so that you can have a complete (and overall) picture of this wonderful anime. Therefore, if you don't want to know what happens next then please stop reading the specific section because spoilers will be included all over in the review that is to follow.
Apart from it, I will try to maintain an overall review so that to inform the reader as much as possible without giving too much away.
Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play - (Boxed Set 1, Suzaku)
Two fiends, Miaka and Yui - the typical Japanese high school girls- will come across a book called the `Universe of the four Gods' and will be drawn into it (SPOILER! The book basically presents itself to be something like a gate to a parallel universe with the difference that the gods of this parallel universe are the ones who `choose' whom to allow to enter and why, something that will be implied latter on, in the second box set).
There, the two girls will be confronted with a world that is divided into four kingdoms and resembles Ancient China, but each of the girls will end up in a different kingdom as a priestess of the kingdom's god; and their goal will be to gather the seven `holy' warriors in order to summon the god. The catch: the girls will be enemies. On top of that, Miaka will deeply fall in love with one of her warriors, Tamahome, who will love her deeply as well but: Yui will want him two; the emperor will love Miaka etc.
The first arc, deals more with the story and character development, the viewer learns a lot about the world/kingdoms, the citizens agony etc. Of course all this will be accompanied with a lot of action as well.
Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play - (Boxed Set 2, Seiryu)
This is the continuation of the first arc. Now that the viewer has gotten into the anime, the story takes off. After failing to summon Suzaku, the warriors will have to find two holy ornaments in order to achieve it. The story starts to get darker and darker, very emotional and the actual conflict between the two parties of holy warriors takes place, and the true feelings of the love triangle (Tamahome-Miaka-Emperor) will be tested; is their love destined to fail? Additionally, characters that you will learn to love, from the first arc already, will die (be it children, men, women, warriors, emperors or whatsoever)... Last but not least, the final battles will also occur not only in the Four Gods Kingdoms but also in our world as well, because the universes will start to collide (may sound confusing but once you watch the anime it is easy to understand, it is just if I will start to explain it I will give the story and twists away, sorry guys). What will be the end?
Fushigi Yugi :The Mysterious Play OVA Boxed Set
Tamahome is now Taka (well, re-incarnated) and lives together with Miaka in our world. However, trouble occurs once a very powerful and dark force tries to escape from the world of the four kingdoms and wants to come and to destroy our world. Now again, the couple will be drawn back into the book, travel forth and back into the universes, the Suzaku Seven are gathered again and hell brakes loose; because the love of Miaka and Tamahome is in serious danger (not to mention the worlds as well).
Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play - Eikoden
This is, for the time being, the last of Fushigi Yugi that is out there. In these OVAs, Tamahome and Miaka are married and she is pregnant. However, a girl named Mayo will enter the book of the four gods as a new priestess of Suzaku and will try to: steal Tamahome from Miaka, who will fall into a coma, kill the Suzaku Seven, take the child of Tamahome and Miaka as her own etc. Tamahome will enter the book but the world he once knew is starting to fall apart...
Overall opinion about the series:
Personaly, I believe that this anime alongside with Escaflowne, tops every other anime in the Fantasy genre. It is very emotional, has strong character development, solid and very interesting story with way too many twists and will keep you hooked up till the end (that is something that will happen for sure hehehe)
As for the animation:
The first arc has a fair animation but still a good one (in order to get a picture, the animation is something like crave of the fireflies). The second one is updated (something like Trigun). In the first OVAs the animation is definitely updated (something like FMP). Last but not least, in the last OVAs the animation remains in the same level as the previous OVAs but the creatures' animation is something like the ones you see in Digimon (well, personally I preferred the way they used to be in the previous OVAs).
The music, no matter arcs or OVAs, opening or ending, is very - very good and emotional. You will love the music in it.
Worth buying or not?
I will be honest. Personally I love these series and bought all of them. However, the price may present itself to be an obstacle (took me two years to buy the complete show). Therefore, if you can afford it than buy it for sure and you will not regret it; if not, than try to rent it if possible because these shows are definitely worth watching. Not to mention the fact that the series all together are very long (something that I liked).
Well, I hope that I could help you by presenting you with an overall picture of Fushigi Yugi. If so then please click on the yes button below ^_^
OAV's seem a desperate attempt to assure the original ending
J. A. Stickles | 10/16/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I basically have to say the same as all the other reviewers: that the first 3 episodes are confusing, and honestly, somewhat painful to watch (as in, depressing) but the last six are very emotional and good, sometimes going beyond what the original series did and making you feel more for the supporting cast than they allowed in the original series. But--I painfully admit--that the plotline in no way rivals that of the original 52 episode arc, and can only be enjoyed by those who have watched and thoroughly enjoyed the original series. I think what grabbed me the most about it, personally, was the greater part mountain bandit Tasuki (my favorite character) played in this series, and how well you could see how he had matured and grown over the course of the series and time, just as many of the others characters did as well.But I could go on and on about how good the series was--or how disappointing in some cases--and the real reason I wrote this review, was to correct the original reviewer's mistake. "They" mentioned that there were chronological inconsistencies that didn't make sense, and although there are chronological inconsistencies, I would just like to point out that those inconsistencies are explained in the series, and are in fact part of the first 3-episode story arc. That is all I can say w/out giving the story away, I'm afraid.And also, I couldn't possibly review this OVA w/out honorable mention for the wonderful little "omake"'s at the end of the episodes. If for any other reason, you should SOMEHOW see the OVA's just to see those whacky bits. The bus trip is an absolute riot, and can be shown to your friends or watched on its own, because it gives nothing away to the rest of the series. Some people may not catch all of the little inside jokes (such as those referring to the "Character Vocals" CD's and so on--which I fortunately own, so made perfect sense to me) but still, seeing the characters totally goofing around and acting out of character is too priceless to pass up! And although some of the "Mysterious Play-ing Around" 's are too long and dry, there are a few rare gems that will leave your sides splitting, such as the on-going rivalry between Taitsukun and one of the series' lesser baddies, found only in these little omakes.For those of you huge FY fans out there--great. This set is for you. You MUST have it to be a true FY afficionado. For those of you not willing to fork over the dough, well...you're not missing...TOO much (you poor, broke fools).(GOOD NEWS: Yes, to confirm those suspicions out there, a sequel series is in the works as we speak. The new series, (whom's name I can't recall, but bear w/me) should be released soon in Japan, and hopefully, soon after in America. Yay!!)"