The heartrending conclusion to Fushigi Yugi the Mysterious Play! All 26 Episodes of the second season of the series available on four DVD's (in a collected eight volume boxed set). Join Miaka as she struggles to overcome Y... more »ui's betrayal and the deadly obstacles of the Seiryu Seven to protect her adoped kingdom, her friends and her true love. *Packaged in a high quality collectors boxed set with many extras: Fushigi Yugi music videos, non-credit closing, character notes and more.« less
"I'd bought every single overpriced Fushigi Yugi VHS. Yes, I did. 16 volumes at $30... You can do the math. Still, at the mention of the new DVD volume's arrival, I shivered with excitement, and with good reason. I went out and got it ASAP. It now sits prettily on my DVD shelf, right next to the Suzaku DVD box, which sits next to the 16 VHS volumes. That's how much I love this series.
The Seiyuu DVD box is a set of four DVDs, each disc holding the equivalent of 4 of the previously released VHS (that is, if you count both English dubbed and Japanese subtitled versions). The transfer to DVD was practically flawless, and both the visuals and audio are beautiful. The menu for each disc is simple and easy to navigate. In the department of Extras, this set has the coolest special features of any DVD I've ever seen: music videos for the image songs for most of the major characters! Pioneer has outdone themselves this time around!
But moving along to content, this is the second season of the shoujo anime Fushigi Yugi. Keeping the spirit of the first season, this one is slightly darker, bringing about the sadder and more touching parts of the show. To keep from spoiling any surprises (and believe me, there are plenty)I won't say anymore. Just a suggestion for the sentimental: Keep your hankies handy."
One of the best Sagas ever!
Katherine Dickerson | Mobile, AL United States | 09/23/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"No one who owns the Fushigi Yugi Suzaku Box Set will want to be without this set! This DVD contains the second season of one of the best tales ever!In the second season, we see a lot of questions answered as well as meet the entire Seriyu Seven. There are also tons and tons of surprise twists to the plotline.I would write more, but I don't want to spoil the series for anyone. I had no clue as to what was going to happen throughout the series until I saw it from episode 1 to episode 52 and I'm glad no one ruined it for me.You will not be disappointed if you buy this set. I would recommend preordering it TODAY to get your copy!"
targeter14 | Australia | 03/25/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Well, I'm writing this under the assumption that all readers are considering buying/have bought and watched the first half of the Fushigi Yuugi series. I'll start right now by saying that I've only ever seen it in Japanese, so I can't give you a fair opinion on the English dub.In brief, what I thought of Fushgi Yuugi in general- well, I really quite liked it. It's not a favourite of mine, and I don't think it ever will be, but its still incredibly cute and funny.What I thought of this set:Well, excuse me while I go bang my head against a wall. Don't get me wrong- the second half is definately not bad, and for the most part is very, very enjoyable. There are, however, certain aspects that have inspired within me the urge to hurt something. 1) The complete shifts in characters. Miyaka started out as a likeable character. Granted, she was a ditz, but the character had spirit and passion, and was done very well. By this point in the series though, her personality has shifted completely. Gone is the girl who was willing to fight a gang in an alley because she didn't have to worry about teachers yelling at her. (This was in episode 3, I believe.) Enter Miyaka, weak priestess, who wanders around wailing and blushing, waiting for people to cater to beck and call....Tamahome suffered the same personality shift as Miyaka. Like her, I really loved Tamahome at the start of the series. His character was portrayed as being shallow with a good heart underneath it all. Like Miyaka, he was hilarious, and incredibly likeable. I shamelessly admit that I was cheering him on the whole time, hoping he'd 'get the girl'. By the time the second series rocked up though, he had Miyaka and had become a simpering mess. He was completely whipped, no longer the strong character I liked. It was extremely disappointing.We get to see more insight into Yui, but not much into the Seiryuu Seven, which is vaguely disappointing, but can be forgiven. We see the Byakko Seven- well, three members- and slowly find out more and more in the dark past of 'The Universe of the Four Gods', which I have to say, is excellently done. Sadly though, there is very little Hotohori- in my opinion, a real shame, as his character was wonderful and his Japanese voice actor is one of my personal favourites.The plot is still engaging. It doesn't focus on the other members of the Seven as much as I'd like, in favour of screams of 'Tamahome!' 'Miyaka!' but each character does get their brief spot in the limelight.
The drawings are still excellent, and the animation flows as well as the first season. When it's not trying too hard to be deep and meaningful, we see that wonderful Fushigi Yuugi humour, which was originally the first thing that caught my attention. There's still plenty of fanservice, which was kind of misplaced, considering this is a series that targets girls, but is still funny.All in all, the second series is enjoyable, and is a nice way to round out the series. The ending leaves a bit to be desired, but that's what the OVAs are for. If you've seen the first half of Fushigi Yuugi (which was, to me, superior) this half is a necessity. I don't think that, on the whole, you'll be disappointed. Still, if you're anything like me, you'll wish that certain parts had been revised."
An overall review of all Fushigi Yugi...
Niko | 07/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I will try to write a review of the entire Fushigi Yugi series so that you can have a complete (and overall) picture of this wonderful anime. Therefore, if you don't want to know what happens next then please stop reading the specific section because spoilers will be included all over in the review that is to follow.
Apart from it, I will try to maintain an overall review so that to inform the reader as much as possible without giving too much away.
Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play - (Boxed Set 1, Suzaku)
Two fiends, Miaka and Yui - the typical Japanese high school girls- will come across a book called the `Universe of the four Gods' and will be drawn into it (SPOILER! The book basically presents itself to be something like a gate to a parallel universe with the difference that the gods of this parallel universe are the ones who `choose' whom to allow to enter and why, something that will be implied latter on, in the second box set).
There, the two girls will be confronted with a world that is divided into four kingdoms and resembles Ancient China, but each of the girls will end up in a different kingdom as a priestess of the kingdom's god; and their goal will be to gather the seven `holy' warriors in order to summon the god. The catch: the girls will be enemies. On top of that, Miaka will deeply fall in love with one of her warriors, Tamahome, who will love her deeply as well but: Yui will want him two; the emperor will love Miaka etc.
The first arc, deals more with the story and character development, the viewer learns a lot about the world/kingdoms, the citizens agony etc. Of course all this will be accompanied with a lot of action as well.
Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play - (Boxed Set 2, Seiryu)
This is the continuation of the first arc. Now that the viewer has gotten into the anime, the story takes off. After failing to summon Suzaku, the warriors will have to find two holy ornaments in order to achieve it. The story starts to get darker and darker, very emotional and the actual conflict between the two parties of holy warriors takes place, and the true feelings of the love triangle (Tamahome-Miaka-Emperor) will be tested; is their love destined to fail? Additionally, characters that you will learn to love, from the first arc already, will die (be it children, men, women, warriors, emperors or whatsoever)... Last but not least, the final battles will also occur not only in the Four Gods Kingdoms but also in our world as well, because the universes will start to collide (may sound confusing but once you watch the anime it is easy to understand, it is just if I will start to explain it I will give the story and twists away, sorry guys). What will be the end?
Fushigi Yugi :The Mysterious Play OVA Boxed Set
Tamahome is now Taka (well, re-incarnated) and lives together with Miaka in our world. However, trouble occurs once a very powerful and dark force tries to escape from the world of the four kingdoms and wants to come and to destroy our world. Now again, the couple will be drawn back into the book, travel forth and back into the universes, the Suzaku Seven are gathered again and hell brakes loose; because the love of Miaka and Tamahome is in serious danger (not to mention the worlds as well).
Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play - Eikoden
This is, for the time being, the last of Fushigi Yugi that is out there. In these OVAs, Tamahome and Miaka are married and she is pregnant. However, a girl named Mayo will enter the book of the four gods as a new priestess of Suzaku and will try to: steal Tamahome from Miaka, who will fall into a coma, kill the Suzaku Seven, take the child of Tamahome and Miaka as her own etc. Tamahome will enter the book but the world he once knew is starting to fall apart...
Overall opinion about the series:
Personaly, I believe that this anime alongside with Escaflowne, tops every other anime in the Fantasy genre. It is very emotional, has strong character development, solid and very interesting story with way too many twists and will keep you hooked up till the end (that is something that will happen for sure hehehe)
As for the animation:
The first arc has a fair animation but still a good one (in order to get a picture, the animation is something like crave of the fireflies). The second one is updated (something like Trigun). In the first OVAs the animation is definitely updated (something like FMP). Last but not least, in the last OVAs the animation remains in the same level as the previous OVAs but the creatures' animation is something like the ones you see in Digimon (well, personally I preferred the way they used to be in the previous OVAs).
The music, no matter arcs or OVAs, opening or ending, is very - very good and emotional. You will love the music in it.
Worth buying or not?
I will be honest. Personally I love these series and bought all of them. However, the price may present itself to be an obstacle (took me two years to buy the complete show). Therefore, if you can afford it than buy it for sure and you will not regret it; if not, than try to rent it if possible because these shows are definitely worth watching. Not to mention the fact that the series all together are very long (something that I liked).
Well, I hope that I could help you by presenting you with an overall picture of Fushigi Yugi. If so then please click on the yes button below ^_^
Shove it up The Butts of Critics
J. A. Stickles | Earth | 03/15/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"...This is the best anime series I have ever seen. The first season of the show or the Suzaku box set was very light-weight compared to the Seiryu box set (second season). The first disk of the Seiryu set has the best episodes of the entire series. Thankfully, they included Nuriko as the center character of the series at this point in the show. He is my favorite of all of the characters, you can say I am mildly obsessed with him. He truly is Miaka's best friend out the the Celestial Seven. He is there for Miaka when Tamahome visits his family, and is there to comfort Miaka and her heart break. He opens up to Miaka and Tamahome, the only two who truly know who he is, and why. For those who've seen the show, he's a transvestite, who loves Hotohori, but there's a very interesting twist in the first disk of the second series that is left to interpereation. He also is there to counsel both Miaka and Tamahome yet again when their future is at a cross-roads. Unfortunately, for those who've seen it, we know what happens, and from personal experience, it's the hardest disk to watch, because of the inevitible scene. I cry EVERY SINGLE TIME I WATCH that episode! It's so heart breaking, you just ask "why does it have to happen?"As for the rest of the second season, it's fantastic, better than the first, and that's saying a lot, because it's such a magnificent series, all around. There is far more character interaction, and we discover more about the Suzaku Seven as the series progresses. The undeniable love that the characters have for one another is incredbily touching. Nothing can shake the bond between the characters, not even death. The Seiryu set is far more dramatic and gut-renching than the first. The interaction between the two worlds come to a head on war, and the love and respect between Miaka and Tamahome is always put to the test. The Seiryu Seven become more evolved into the plot, with a few of the warriors setting some rather dark moods. Nakago is an unbelievably fantastic villain, who continues to minipulate Yui (Miaka's best friend and worst enemy) with every word and action. You feel bad for him once you witness the very end, for you realize where this ultra-secretive warrior is coming from. I trust that anime fans will love this series, although it is rather long. The series end is predictable, and was left open for the third season, which never happened, and instead the OVA was introduced a little later. But this is a fantastic series, perfect for all ages. I guarentee all will love it, for everything that it has, love, drama, action, comedy and magic. The magic is in many forms, it'll make you believe in the power of love and friendship."