Fading Memories and Bloody Battles
Antonio D. Paolucci | Beaver Falls, PA | 07/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The previous volume of FMA left the Elric brothers in a less-than-hearty state, and had them journeying home to get some much needed rest and relaxations, as well as a replacement for Ed's destroyed auto-mail arm. This volume picks up with the boys' arrival in the tiny village they once called home. Accompanied by Armstrong, the brutishly gentle alchemist, the boys explore what they left behind. Later, with the repairs completed, the brothers continue their search for the work of Dr. Marcoh at Central's library. Only what they find isn't what they had hoped for, and Ed becomes more determined to seek out the Philosopher's Stone, leading him to what appears to be a prison where only the most dangerous criminals are. Once here, the brother's Elric face off against creatures very familiar, at least in concept, to Ed and Al.
Fullmetal Alchemist only continues to deepen, adding a few conflicts to the characters that make them more and more lovable, especially Alphonse, who faces a sad realization in this volume. Scar also has a few moments on this volume. But the greatest surprise in this volume is Armstrong. He had a small role in the previous volume, but he really becomes something special in this volume as Ed and Al's protector while in their vulnerable state.
I'm now completely sure that FMA ranks high up there as one of anime's greats, standing easily beside classics like Akira, Cowboy Bebop, and Neon Genesis Evangelion, all anime I hold in high regard. If you're reading this you've probably already found some interest in FMA, so I probably don't have to recommend this. But still, I have to, as FMA is quickly becoming something close to legendary in the anime world."
Homunculus first in action
Andrew Rieger | 03/26/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In this volume ed and al head back to where they grew up and Ed has to get his arm once again fixed by winry.After he does ed and al decide to spar against eachother than armstrong decides to spar with them and they dont want that. Armstrong is with them because SCAR the so called serial killer wants to kill Ed and not so much al.
When Ed and Al are heading back to central to go to the library to read about Dr. marcos notes, the library is burnt and was destroyed the night before. What happened was SCAR whent into the library and found two of the homunculi who are not human at all,one lust and one gluttony.They fight lust drops a candle and the place burns and they fighting when the place crumbles.\
Al and ed find a girl who has a photographic memory and she gives them the version she wrote and ed and al find the ingrediant to make the stone it,ittttttt is live human beings in mass numbers.
They sneak at night and go to lab 5 the abanndoned lab where ed thinks the stone was being mad they go and get a surpise,Al gets a much bigger surprise than ed but not as hard.--------0"