Episode 21: A New Inspiration It's Full Moon's first day back at work, and she's refreshed and ready to focus. Too bad Madoka's hanging around to trip her up at every turn! Episode 22: A Solo Performance--Live! Full Moon... more »'s first solo concert is in the works, and Mr. Takasu leaves it to her to pick a theme for the whole show! What can possibly go wrong? Only everything! Episode 23: Moving Panic Ms. Oshige decides to move into Mitsuki's neighborhood and enlists everyone's help, including Dr. Wakaoji and even Takuto and Meroko! But when Ms. Tanaka shows up, so does trouble! Episode 24: My Father's Song Full Moon picks her father's song "Eternal Snow" for her second single. But guess who decides to debut with the very same song?! Coincidence? Not likely! Bilingual (English/Japanese) English subtitles« less