A Magnificent Conclusion to End a Magnificent Series
Alex Hu | Boston, MA USA | 01/01/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In the final installment of Full Metal Panic, author Shiki Douji and producers create perhaps the best conclusion to an anime series I have ever seen. By mixing elements of comedy, action, and romance while magnificently and completely ending the multiple plot developments within the series, Mission 07 promises to be something that will not disappoint even the most critical of viewers. Mission 07 starts where Mission 06 left off, right at episode 22 conveniently titled "Jack in the Box." In what is perhaps the climax of the series, Gauron (or Gaul) has taken over the "toy box" (name for the submarine in the Japanese version) threatening to destroy everything the main characters have fought to build. Kaname and the captain are held hostage, however Sagara and Kurz are still fighting, managing to avoid the lockdown procedures that Guaron has initiated. Will Kaname be able to escape? Will Sagara be able to save the sub, and most importantly, will he defeat Gauron? All of these questions, I promise, are answered fully and brilliantly in this final DVD.While the relationship between Kaname and Sagara didn't end as well as I hoped, A.D. vision gives all of you who love the romance sideplot a little treat at the end, and I assure you that while the romance element doesn't end as well as the action element, it is still suitably ended. Once again the quality of the anime is well-drawn, well produced, and overall well-done. The color blending is stellar, and the acute sound and great music manages to make me like this show even more. This is a definite 5 outta 5, no questions asked."
Sesho | Pasadena, TX USA | 07/11/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Well, here we are with the last volume in the entertaining series Full Metal Panic. Gauron has obtained a computer program which allows him to take control of the de Danaan, along with the help of a few Mithril traitors. Not only that, he has Tessa and Kaname at his mercy. After calling a false fire alarm, he seals all of the crew up in a hangar, inundating it with high levels of oxygen, which he supposes will distract them from the real situation. Only Sousuke and Kurz refuse to believe the drill, suspecting something is up. They know it has something to do with Gauron. They'll have to get to the bridge without any weapons and no help. Meanwhile, a U.S. Navy sub has been tracking the de Danaan and hopes to destroy her at the same time as this is happening. While volume 7 had its moments, especially the final duel between Sosouke and Gauron (doesn't he ever die?), the last dvd left me unsatisfied. Sosouke and Kaname, while coming close to revealing their true feelings for each other, never get romantic. They tell each other they need each other but that's about it, I guess setting up the sequel series that will be coming out in the future, in which they are constantly bickering. I would have liked to have seen their relationship evolve a little. They're pretty much in the same place as they started. In fact, I don't feel as if ANY of the characters evolved over the course of the series. That's disappointing. Also, we didn't get anymore really relevant information on what the "Whispered" truly are or what their function is. Hopefully, the sequel series will not be just more of the same. Still, Full Metal Panic is a great entertainment. Just don't expect any surprises or deep insights."
Best Anime Conclusion....Ever
valkarious | 05/15/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Mission 7 of season 1 of the anime series, Full Metal Panic, contains the best conclusion to an anime, I have ever seen. While mixing fast-paced action with the dramatic evil of Gaul (or Gauron), Mission 7 holds up to be an amazing end to an amazing season. The ending is, however, more drawn to action, rather than the romantic aspect of the season, between Kaname and Souske. Those wanting to see a knight-in-shining-armor-style hero made out of Souske may be slightly disappointed. I won't spoil the ending, but it is definalty worth watching.
Note that the second season, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, has aired in Japan. I haven't seen this yet, myself, but it is said that it focuses on Kaname and Souske's life in high school. For those of you wanting more, and weren't satisfied with the first season's end, I recommend you look into Fumoffu."
valkarious | 02/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Man, what does that ending suppose to mean? The good guy never gets hurt, doesn't he? That Arlabest (sp...) sure was built with top quality...Anyways, yes, there is "Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!", the 2nd installment of this fascinating series... :) It's less serious than FMP, in fact, it's a pure school comedy! So if you like to know more about what happens between Sousuke & Chidori (sorry to the Tessa fans, she only appeared in two episodes as a guest in FMP-F), then definitely watch FMP-F :) Even if you did/didn't enjoy the mecha stuffs in the 1st installment, DEFINITELY WATCH THE 2ND ONE... either way you'd be satisfied :)"