Funny, funny, funny you will enjoy it.
CharlieGone | SB county, CA | 03/31/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you are expecting action sequences and seriousness like in FMP the first raid, you will be disappointed...almost nothing of that sort is in this series..but this series wasn't meant for that. It was meant to make you LOL. Trust me you will crack up at the stuff Kaname and Sousuke go through (or cause!) The episodes are always always funny, never a dull moment. TRUST ME! There is a bit of violence (like fights and stuff) but nothing like in the first FMP. There is a lot of fan service, but no nudity (almost!) and some bad language. The anime has no real story line (just the day in the life I guess of Sousuke and Kaname), but like I said, it was never meant for that. It was just meant to make you laugh and definitely worth the purchase. Recommended to 13yrs and up."
Lots of weapons, young love, and giant bear costumes
Tracy Christenson | 02/12/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu is sort of a spin-off of the original series Full Metal Panic. I've never seen the original series, but I have a good idea of what it's about from friends. You don't need to know a lot about the original series in order to enjoy Fumoffu because the hilarious situations in these episodes are funny in and of themselves, but having a bit of background does help. Basically, Sousuke Sagara is a teenager who has been raised by various military groups and is currently working for a secret mercenary organization dedicated to fighting terrorism and protecting a special group of people called Whispereds, who have special mental abilities. Sousuke has been assigned to protect one of these Whispereds, Kaname Chidori, because they are the same age and he can attend her high school. However, because of Sousuke's weird upbringing, he knows a lot about weaponry and nothing about normal civilian life, leading to many misunderstandings and bizarre situations. In the original series, these humorous situations alternated with battles against terrorist forces. In Fumoffu, the terrorists and other more serious stuff has been put aside to focus on the humourous parts and the characters' growing fondness for each other. One of the things that I like best is that these weird situations actually have consequences for the characters because the people they meet often appear in more than one episode, forcing them deal with situations they helped to create and people who know just how odd Sousuke's actions are. I highly recommend the series, although viewers should be aware that a couple of the episodes contain a fair amount of nudity (this is not a series that I would show to any young kids). Most of the episodes are really two short episodes put together, and there is only one two-part episode. Here is a list:
1. The Man from the South / A Hostage with No Compromises
The Man from the South: Sousuke blows up his own locker because he believes someone put a bomb in it. As Sousuke and Kaname study the remains of the letter found in the locker, they each form different conclusions about the writer. Can Kaname convince Sousuke that the writer is professing her love, not threatening to kill him?
A Hostage with No Compromises: Sousuke angers some local bullies, and they are now out for revenge. They kidnap Kaname and use her as a hostage. Fortunately, Sousuke has a plan to resolve the situation peacefully. Unfortunately, "peaceful" can be a relative term.
2. Hostility Passing By / A Fruitless Lunchtime
Hostility Passing By: After Sousuke takes Kaname's advice on dealing with lunchtime crowds to a new extreme and accidently causes a panicky stampede of students which destroys the food-seller's booth, the student council temporarily takes over the job of selling lunches. However, an angry teacher is determined to teach the students, especially Sousuke, a lesson.
A Fruitless Lunchtime: Kaname helpfully lends Sousuke her notes to help him with a difficult assignment. But when Sousuke forgets Kaname's papers at his apartment, the two of them begin a frantic mission to retrieve them before the beginning of class.
3. Summer Illusion of Steel: While on a trip to the beach with their friends, Kaname becomes irritated with Sousuke and stalks away to pout. She ends up accepting an invitation from a stranger to visit his house for tea, trying to avoid letting Sousuke find out where she is.
4. The Hamburger Hill of Art / Single-minded Stakeout!
The Hamburger Hill of Art: Kaname's art class takes a field trip in order to sketch people in a natural setting. Kaname's group makes the mistake of choosing Sousuke as their model, and Sousuke makes the mistake of asking their overzealous art teacher what a model does. After listening to the teacher rattle on about the duties of a model in rather confusing metaphorical terms, Sousuke becomes convinced that part of his job is to hide from the people who are supposed to be drawing him.
Single-minded Stakeout!: Kaname meets up with an old boyfriend and arranges to meet him for a date. As she tries to decide whether or not she still has feelings for him, Sousuke becomes worried about her preoccupied state of mind and follows her to learn more about her situation. This leads to one of the funniest scenes in the series and an explanation of what the word "fumoffu" comes from and why the mascot of the series is a teddy bear wearing a hat.
5. The Pure Yet Impure Grappler / Trespassing on Good Faith
The Pure Yet Impure Grappler: The student council sends Sousuke and Kaname to tell the school's amateur karate club that their clubhouse has been condemned and needs to be torn down. However, the club refuses to leave until Sousuke beats them in single combat. Trespassing on Good Faith: When their rivalry between Sousuke and the karate club's captain causes them to injure the school's janitor, the president of the student council convinces them to resolve their differences with a contest to see which of them can do the most good deeds for the janitor.
6. The Hard Sell Fetish / The Patient of Darkness
The Hard Sell Festish: When Kaname's friend, Kyoko, is attacked by a strange man who forcibly gives girls pony tails (no, really), Kaname gets recruited by a slightly derranged police officer to act as a decoy in order to capture the fiend.
The Patient of Darkness: After an evening of telling scary stories, Kaname and her friends are frustrated because none of them scares Sousuke in the least. Determined to find something that frightens Sousuke, Kaname convinces him to come with her to an abandoned hospital that has a reputation for being haunted.
7. The Warcry of Excessiveness: The school's principal is threatening to disband the rugby club unless they can actually win a game. The trouble is that the rugby players are a bunch of softies. It's up to Sousuke to toughen them up.
8. A Goddess Comes to Japan: Part 1 -- The Suffering: Sousuke's commanding officer, Tessa, who is also a teenager and one of the Whispereds, has a chance to take some leave and decides to spend it with Sousuke. Tessa has a serious crush on him, which leads to a fierce rivalry between her and Kaname with Sousuke caught between the two feuding girls.
9. A Goddess Comes to Japan: Part 2 -- The Hot Spring: As Tessa's vacation comes to an end, Sousuke's womanizing colleague, Kurz, convinces the group to spend a weekend at a hot spring. Kurz recruits a couple of male students to help him spy on the girls, but he fails to reckon with Sousuke's determination to protect the women in his charge.
10. A Fancy Without Honor or Humanity: Kaname and Sousuke discover that a friend, Ren, is actually the daughter of a gangster. She is troubled because her father is sick and his gang is being terrorized by a rival gang. The gang hires Sousuke (in disguise) to train them to better defend themselves and their territory.
11. Uncontrollable Bluebird: Kaname's school has a problem finding room for all of its clubs. When the social science club (both members) graciously agrees to give up its room, they use the opportunity to convince the other clubs to partipate in a flirting contest so that they can study what qualities other people find the most attractive, saying that the club which attracts the most people will receive the room. The contest takes on an entirely new dimension when Sousuke joins in to help the photography club.
12. 5th Period Hot Spot: When Sousuke's weapons dealer sends him a biological weapon by mistake, a classmate accidently releases it at school. Panic sets in when everyone believes that they are going to die. What, if anything, can Sousuke do to save them? Moreover, who is going to save Sousuke from his classmates' wrath?"
Fumo Fumo Fumo
M-20 | 09/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tha Full Metal Panic series is one of my favorite anime series if not one of my favorite series in general. I hate when people write negative reviews about this series just because it has nothing to do with the previous one. Fumoffu is not to be taken seriously, if u don't know that just by lookin' by the title than you are a f***in idiot cuz you should know what you're buying be4 you buy it. This is not actually part of the main series but more like an OVA dealing with Souske's and Kanami's school life. This is slapstick comedy at it's best so don't expect a deep intuitive story because that just ruins the fun of it all.
There are 12 episodes in all with 3 DVD's containg 4 episodes in a thin DVD package just like the previous box set. The price is inexpensive but I got it for 39.99 so I don't know about ya'll. There are no extras whatsoever which is somewhat of a dissapointment, the individual DVD's still barely had any extras BUT this box set is even worse than the individaul DVDs in the extras department containing absolutely NO EXTRAS, NOTHING, NADA. MY other dissapointment is the lack of episodes, they sould of added at least another DVD worth of episodes......but even so the series is hilarious and a must buy in my opinion, but I suggest you buy the first season just cuz so you can get a feel for the characters and its more funnier when you know and love the characters first before you see this. BUY THIS TRUST ME, YOU WON"T GET DISSAPOINTED!>."
Brian | 01/23/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a must have the price is not bad and you willl laugh from start to finish, but you should see the first full metal panic if you haven't already because you will understand it better. The first one is half comedy and half action this one is like 80% comedy and 20% action."