This Japanese TV series is the shi..........................
Mondo Vendo | Detroit, Michigan USA | 03/24/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Ha Ha! I met the Fockers. Now I have met the Fuccons! Fuccon hilarious! Not really. And their name happens to be the funniest thing about this series.
This is done with mannequins. Mannequins that don't move whatsoever. If you thought South Park and He-Man were the bottom of animation techniques, you haven't seen this Fuccon series. It is a bunch of changing angles of overly happy mannequins with voiceovers. The lips don't move. Nothing moves.
I thought good animated Japanese satire of American culture would be interesting. Nothing is funny here. Not really much satire either.
I could only sit through 2 episodes and various fast forwards of other ones.
Here's some examples of the content. (not exact quotes)
Mikey: What should I do today?
Father: You should go to school. It very important
Mother: School is very important. You need to get ready. Ha. Ha. Ha
Mikey: But it's Sunday. I don't think it's open today.
Father: But its very important so you should go anyway.
Mikey: Yes daddy. School is very important
later that day.
Father: What did you learn at school today, Mikey?
Mikey: Nothing, they weren't open today. No one else was there.
Father: That's because it's Sunday.
Father, Mother, Mikey: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Later in the same episode. Mannequins are standing in yard. Mother is holding a hose which is spraying near Mikey as they talk.
Mother: How are you enjoying your Sunday?
Mikey: It's fine but I am getting wet.
Mother: That's because you are standing where I am watering the lawn.
Mikey: Is that what Sunday is for doing? Is Sunday the day meant for you to spray me with water?
Mother: No Mikey, there is no direct connection with today being Sunday and me spraying you with water. It's just a coincidence that today is Sunday and that you happen to be standing where I am watering.
Everybody: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
If this was funny to you, get this Fuccon dvd. If not, just avoid this Fuccon family.
I did watch some previews of later episodes and they will actually have the mannequins be pushed over or drop other items.
I just don't see how other people enjoy the above type dialogue done with shots of totally stationary mannequins.
Quite intriguing!
Dennis A. Amith (kndy) | California | 09/04/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In a very surprising move by ADV Films, the popular OH! Mikey shown on the Tokyo TV's Vermillion Pleasure Night (known for the surreal works by Ishibashi Yoshimasa) will be coming out in the US as THE FUCCONS on December 20th with an introduction DVD and on February 22nd as a first full release (52 minutes).
It all about a mannequin family that moves from the U.S. to Japan. The series is absolutely crazy, it's fun!
The series has generated a fan following in Japan, a fan blog and even OH! Mikey merchandise.).
The episodes are about 2-3 minutes long but it's quite surreal to see a show like this. Wow! Try it! It's unbelievably funny!
Fuccons Pt. 0 is a good buy
Rube Goldfinger | savannah, GA | 01/28/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I picked this up for like $5 somewhere, maybe less. There are a number of very short episodes that I find very funny. It's ridiculous and definately not funny to the average American. But the surreality and the simplicity of the humor is great and fresh. Recommended if you find Aqua Teens or anything like that funny"