Sixty years ago (1945), Allied troops marching into Germany at the end of World War II found evidence of atrocities which have tortured the world's conscience ever since. As these troops entered Nazi concentration camps... more » and faced the horrors of gas chambers, medical experimentation labs, crematoria, and haunted, starving survivors, they made a film record of what they saw. "Frontline" gave the film its first world broadcast in 1985.« less
Sharon F. (Shar) from AVON PARK, FL Reviewed on 6/13/2023...
An extremely well-done, albeit, harsh and repulsive look at what happened at the Nazi concentration camps. Be warned: this is very hard to watch because it is actual footage of starved, naked dead people. The death numbers are outrageous and how Hitler got by with this is numbing.
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Movie Reviews
I am at a loss for words
Jeremy | Santa Clarita, CA USA | 03/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having just watched this unbelievably powerful documentary, I am still shaken, and suspect I will be for days. The footage is simply incredible. No other film about WWII, fictional or non-fictional, captures the horror of the concentration camps as simply and powerfully as this.
It is the most disturbing, horrifying, and powerful pieces of film I have ever seen."
Should go to Air annually across the world !!!!
OzFrase | Perth, Western Australia | 07/31/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am a white, middle aged, Australian male and try to pay attention to the needs of my family, friends and people in the local and global communities. This project is without doubt the single most graphic and convincing evidence I have ever experienced for my sense that we all need to take responsibility for ensuring our voice is ALWAYS heard.
This video has enabled me to have conversations with my teenage children, and their friends, that I hope will ensure their generation is a little better equipped to deal with the awesome challenges that await them.
But the video, watch all of it if you can, weep, rage and strengthen your resolve to do what is possible within your power to promote a legacy of - Never Again - for the countless people who were blameless victims of the worst evil humanity has ever had to confront.
I strongly advise that parents review the video personally if they have children 15-16 years or younger prior to allowing them (or not) to view it."
Deeply disturbing Holocaust footage...
Mr. B. Fraser | London United Kindom | 01/13/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This shocking film was broadcast in the U.K. as "A Painful Reminder" in 1985-forty years after WW2; I never forgot how disturbing those images were.
Available now again on DVD it really is a must see, a really chilling experience for those who want to see for themselves a terrible and dark chapter of history.
In some scenes at Bergen-Belsen there are carefully filmed scenes of the German female so called "SS" guards being put to work. Over 30,000 corpses lay strewn on the ground when the British liberated this place of hell on earth.For fourteen days these inhuman specimens were made to clear the ground of these poor pathetic 'prisoners' into several mass graves.
Deeply upsetting 100% original war footage of SEVERAL camps are included here, not recommended for those easily perturbed, and, viewer discretion certainly required."
K. Donaldson | Penrose, CO | 05/15/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is disturbing on many levels. Watching Schindler's List is one thing...but to watch this movie and know you are watching cold, hard reality is an eyeopener. I doubt anyone can watch this movie and not wonder at all the individual lives lost, tormented, tortured and terminated. You heart grieves for them. You want to know where in the world this kind of thing is going on now, what you might be able to do to stop it.
You also wonder...if you had been a German in one of the surrounding towns...would you have also complied as thousands upon thousands were prisoned, starved and exterminated under your nose? Would your heart for humanity have allowed you to speak and take action or would your basic animal instinct to survive have kept you quiet and looking the other way?
Truly some harsh self examination must take place."
A Must See
Geronimo | Canton, MA | 05/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I watched this video almost 15 years ago and it still remains one of the most vivid films I have ever seen. The fact that it is a silent movie makes it even more impressionable. I don't think I said a word as I watched it all those years ago and it still left an unforgettable mark on my mind. I finally bought this today because there are a few people I know who need to see this film. I think it is a must see for everyone whether they want to or not. We must make sure the future never forgets what happened all those years ago and that true evil does exist and if you ignore it, it will not just go away.
In September, I will be traveling to Munich for Oktoberfest which will be great, but the whole reason I wanted to go to Germany was to see one of these places for myself. Dachau will be one stop along the way."