"A shocker reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds" (Variety), this amphibious horror flick is teeming with thousands of nasty-tempered creatures that are hopping madand murderous. Jumping with action, suspense, reveng... more »e and Southern Gothic charm, Frogs' stars Sam Elliott, Joan Van Ark and Ray Milland are constantly a lily pad away from croaking! Jason Crockett (Milland) is an aging, physically disabled millionaire who invites his family to his island estate for hisbirthday party. The old man is more than crotchety he's crazy! Hating nature, Crockett poisons anything that crawls on his property. But on the night of his shindig, it's nature's payback time, as thousands of frogs whip up every bug and slimy thing into a toxic frenzy until the entire environment goes environ-mental.« less
I actually liked this movie. The acting was very cheesy, but other then that it was actually a great horror movie! check it!
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Greg G. (Gregoodsell) from BAKERSFIELD, CA Reviewed on 8/3/2011...
Delightfully bad movie, made to cash in on "Willard." One has to consider what the producers thought: what can Frogs really do, other than look ugly, croaking and spreading warts? Members of the ugly rich are dispatched by snakes, turtles and other swampland critters in this ecological fable. Come to think of it, there's very little separating this horror programmer from such art-house fare as"The Exterminating Angel" and "Savages" -- both are attacks on the upper classes via nature. A very early performance by the budding Sam Elliot and a twilight turn by Ray Milland are the cherries on the sundae for this swampy tale.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
An Idiotic But Fun "Frogs"!
joe moretti | New York, NY | 06/11/2000
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The 1970's were loaded with forgotten films where nature struck back at man because of his mingling with pollution, poison or sheer carelessness ("Grizzly" - Jaws on Land, "Night of the Lepus" - giant killer rabbits), but "Frogs" stands out because it did not take itself too seriously and the cast which was headed by 50's star Ray Milland seemed to enjoy themselves filming it. Ray Milland heads a large family in the south which is gathering to celebrate his birthday. But for some reason the ole homestead seems to be bombarded with frogs and other bayou wildlife, so Papa Milland attempts to destroy them through whatever means he can including poison. Big mistake, it seems the frogs are not too happy about this and along with their reptile friends, including some nasty alligators, pick off the family members one by one. Although at times more hilarious than thrilling, "Frogs" does have a few chills and if you are looking for one of those good old drive-in movie types, this will do the trick. The cast is mainly a mix of B list actors including the usually wooden Sam Elliot, who seemed to appear in almost every other 70's flick. Judy Pace as a kooky clan member catching butterflies is hilarious. Rarely shown on television, (and then it is edited) pick up this nature versus man flick and enjoy."
"I still believe man is the master of the world."
cookieman108 | Inside the jar... | 08/02/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I can't believe it...I actually found proof that at some point in his life, actor Sam Elliot did not, I repeat, did not have gray hair...it appears his natural color was brown. I only mention this because it seems nearly every film I've seen him in, he's got those thick, silvery locks. Directed by George McCowan (The Magnificent Seven Ride!), Frogs (1972) stars the aforementioned Elliot (Road House, Tombstone), Academy Award winner Ray Milland (The Lost Weekend), and primetime soap goddess Joan Van Ark ("Knots Landing"), in her feature film debut. Also appearing is Adam Roarke (The Stunt Man), Judy Pace (Brian's Song), Lynn Borden (Black Mama, White Mama), David Gilliam (The Eagle Has Landed), George Skaff (Detroit 9000), and Holly Irving (Glass Houses).
As the film begins we see a man (whom we later learn is named Pickett Smith, played by Elliot) in a canoe, floating around in a swampy area, taking photographs of the local wildlife. Soon afterwards he turns his camera's eye towards all the pollution...damn mankind and his pollutin' ways! We find out later Smith is some sort of freelance photojournalist doing a piece on pollution and the environment, perhaps with the idea of making a difference...which is fine, but I'm thinking if'n he really wanted to make a difference, he could start by actually picking up the trash instead of just taking pictures of it...oh well...anyway, Smith paddles his way out to opens waters where's he promptly swamped by some a-hole and Joan Van Ark in a speedboat (the guy driving the boat was drinking a beer, and I kept expecting him to throw the empty over the side, you know, because man is so thoughtless with his waste, but, surprisingly, it didn't happen). The couple, who happen to be brother and sister or something, take Smith to a posh, gothic southern mansion on a nearby island owned by a curmudgeonly, crotchety, wheelchair bound wealthy industrialist named Jason Crockett (Milland), who's currently in the middle of an annual 4th of July celebration/birthday bash that none of his relatives want to be at, but they love his money so they feel obligated to show up out of fear that they may be neglected from the will...and there are quite a few of them, supplying quite the pool of future potential victims (when you've seen as many films as I have, this is how you tend to views things). It's about this time when we learn of Jason's contemptuous attitudes towards nature (I used one of his lines for the title of my review), including, but not limited to, heavy spraying and systematically poisoning of the area around his estate in order to keep the `pests' in check (I'm sure all that won't come back to bite him in the bum). I got news for you...it ain't working as there's about a bazillion reptilian and amphibious creatures crawling, hopping, slithering, sliming around the estate, their presence is becoming more and more intrusive...and then the deaths come as Mother Nature (metaphorically speaking) commands her creep crawly denizens to fight and take back what's rightfully theirs...'Today the pond! Tomorrow the world!'
Okay, okay, this movie is pretty silly, but I was entertained specifically because I wasn't expecting too much. By the time this film came out, the once powerful star status of Milland had been thoroughly (and sadly) subjugated into bloody submission, appearing in such cinematic fodder as The Premature Burial (1962), Panic in Year Zero! (1962), and Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)...and his torturous slide into B movie Hell didn't end here, as he went on to appear in such classics like The Thing with Two Heads (1972), Terror in the Wax Museum (1973), and The Attic (1980). His role here is pretty much the same role he played throughout the latter part of his career, that of the controlling, stubborn, pain in the rear, jerkhole whom you just pretty much want to throttle within an inch of his life from the git go...and he's the most interesting character in the film. Sam Elliot's character is a snooze, basically acting as the soothsayer to Milland's Julius Caesar, forewarning of the `Ides of March' i.e. the impending invasion, that is when he's not trying to use the phone which he knows to be dead because every damn time he picks it up it's there's never any connection. Another thing that annoyed me was there was one woman who did nothing but complain...perhaps she had a right, as her husband was a philandering, drunken a-hole, but still, it got old fairly quickly...and who dressed Miss Van Ark? That yellow one piece has to be one of the most unflattering outfits I've ever seen. All right, there weren't a lot of likeable characters in this film, but that's soon taken care of as the deaths come fast and furious (usually due more to a character's own stupidity than anything else), by any number of various creepy crawlies, not just frogs. The simplistic story moves along okay, riddled with continuity errors and an over abundance of nature shots (it was pretty obvious the frogs were either prodded or tossed into reaction within numerous scenes), but then sort of fizzles out at the end...I think my favorite scene involve poor old Iris...she really got the full treatment, so to speak, during her climatic sequences...there were some good aspects about the film, like the overall atmosphere of the film, highlighted by Les Baxter's spooky scoring.
Provided on this MGM release is both the widescreen (1.85:1) version, enhanced for 16 X 9 TVs, along with the fullscreen, pan & scan formats. The picture quality is relatively good, but I did notice a few flaws, and a couple of scenes were a bit grainy. The Dolby Digital mono audio comes through pretty clearly. There really isn't any special features, but there is a trailer, one that features one of the characters dying in a completely different manner than she did within the film...
By the way, if I learned anything from this movie it's that if you're running through the woods with a shotgun, best make sure the safety is on lest you accidentally kneecap yourself (Doh!) and get ate up by spiders...
Juicy, Fun Camp Classic!
Jery Tillotson | New York, NY United States | 03/28/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, so having "frogs" as the major killing machine in a movie isn't all that terrifying. But in this very well-made B-movie, the film makers have added all kinds of dangers created by nature. Each of the main characters are destroyed by an avenging Mother Nature. A group of relatives and visitors gather at the isolated plantation estate of Pappy Ray Milland, a sourpuss and snarling SOB if ever there was one. It's great fun trying to predict how each of the shallow characters, except the hunky Sam Elliott will perish. By far the best death sequence is that with Lynn Borden, the older woman who likes to hunt for butterflies. Dressed in a beautiful pink and white summer frock, she's finally done in by snakes, quicksand, vines. She's shown in wonderfully bloody make-up, her hair all mussed, dying in the swamp. Black actress, Judy Pace, is also a hoot, in very 70s mod fashions. Sam Elliott gets to strip off his shirt in several scenes, giving us worshippers of male beauty a cheap thrill. The DVD edition doesn't have any extras but the picture quality is terrific, with all the moist, gleaming greenery of the swamp, dripping with danger, caught beautifully. Milland hams it up but you sense he really wasn't acting. Probably thinking of that Academy Award he received in the 40s for his performance in "the Lost Weekend"--and now performing in a low-budget American-International classic. Cheer up, Ray! "Frogs" is still being watched and enjoyed while "The Lost Weekend" is forgotten, except by old movie buffs and nostalgia addicts."
Parisonn of Atlantis | Minneapolis, Minnesota | 09/06/2000
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The plot is the usual one about a small group of people surrounded by an enemy force. (In this case a Southern mansion located on an island inside a swamp.) The people involved include Ray Milland and his spoiled, resentful family and the enemy consists of the local wildlife, most especially frogs. Neither group is interesting enough to carry the movie but it does have a sultry, summer-afternoon atmosphere which keeps you watching in anticipation of a pay-off which never quite seems to arrive.The notable element here is Sam Elliott in the first role which won him any real attention. He plays the outsider who comes into the situation and tries to help the others deal with it. It isn't that much of a part but it allowed Elliott for the first time to project his distinctive personality and it also afforded him two opportunities to take off his shirt. (The story goes that the wife of Daniel Petrie recommended Sam Elliott for the lead role in her husband's "Lifeguard" movie after seeing his physique on display in "Frogs." There's a woman who knows a prime piece of "beefcake" when she sees it!)"
Frogs in no way related to Kermit
Simon Davis | 04/21/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Frogs', one of the classic "B" movie titles from 1972 has always excited alot of heated debate about whether it's the worst "drive-in" type feature to come out of the 1970's, or whether in actual fact it was a bit ahead of it's time as a clever commentary on man's just deserts for wrecking the native environment with his pollution. I'm sure its envirnmental message was largely unintended but nevertheless I always find viewing this film a creepy experience with its abundance of creepy crawlies just waiting to strike.Set in the beautiful wilds of the Florida keys, "Frogs", tells the story of aging Chemical Magnate Jason Crockett played by Hollywood veteran Ray Milland who lives on an isolated estate in the keys and who once a year on the 4th of July, which also happens to be his birthday, gathers together his assorted disfunctional family for a big birthday celebration. The entire action of the film takes place over this weekend when after a boating accident the family finds itself playing host to Pickett Smith (Sam Elliot in one of his most remembered macho roles). Pickett is a freelance photographer doing an article on pollution in the area for an ecology magazine and once arrived finds many strange things occuring on the estate where the assorted reptiles and native animals which include snakes of all kinds, lizards, crocodiles, and spiders begin to pick off one member of the group at a time in assorted grisly deaths until Pickett accompanied by granddaughter Karen Crockett (greatly underrated actress Joan Van Ark) sensibly decide to flee the estate reluctantly leaving Jason to a grisly fate at the hands of the rampaging Frogs who invade the house. The final shot of the film which sees all the lights go out in the estate mansion is an errie conclusion."Frogs", while viewed by many as a dumb story full of laughable situations, always succeeds in sending an uneasy chill down my spine. Having a lifelong fear of "creepy crawlies", and an absolute phobia about snakes this for me is an horrific story. The truly beautiful on location photography of the Florida wasteland gives the film a top class look while its sheer isolation adds tremendously to the horror element of the story having a group of people far from the outside world and at the mercy of the assorted animals bent on revenge. Indeed I agree with past reviewers that Frogs at first glance dont appear to be too frightening as the supposed creatures on the attack. The numerous shots of Frogs observing the action from various vantage points while other assorted reptiles do the actual killing, gives the film a good sinister touch and adds to the general creepiness. The film does benefit from some interesting casting choices. Veteran Hollywood legend Ray Milland plays the Patriarch of the clan with great authority and a cynical quality that goes well with the story of the creatures finally getting back at him for inflicting years of toxic sprays on their native environments in the area. Joan Van Ark an actress I've long admired and who is still best remembered for her long running role as Val on "Knots Landing", has the best fleshed out character as the grand daughter who falls for Pickett Smith during the horrifying weekend. She certainly is the most appealing character on the island and she and Sam Elliot make a most attractive couple who you do find yourself hoping will get away from the strange goings on at Jason Crockett's estate.Certainly "Frogs", is no masterpiece but it's an enjoyable horror tale and still makes uneasy viewing if you are in anyway not confortable about most reptiles at close quarters. Indeed this film has earned immortality because of the incredibly vivid lobby card showing a Frog with a human hand coming out of its mouth....an unforgettable horror image. Happily this memorable image was chosen as the cover for the video when it was first released. I remember as an eleven year old boy in Melbourne seeing this card displayed outside the theatre where "Frogs", was playing and being scared to death by it! Needless to say my parents would never allow me to see "Frogs', back then even though I badly wanted to! Enjoy the assorted slimy, creepy crawlies out for revenge against careless man in the chilling "Frogs"."