Join the Joie de Vivre club with the maddeningly charming Lola, as she plots to loosen up her fiancé in this exuberant comedy. Everyone is wild about Lola - even, some suspect, her own stepfather? Originally titled "M... more »onella (Rascal)", "Frivolous Lola" has generally been available in censored versions. Here, for the first time outside of Italy, and with Subtitles, is the uncut masterwork of erotica at its most humorous. Long renowned for his work in documentaries and the avant-garde, director Tinto Brass is now famous as the world's premier erotic filmmaker, turning out movies that have bridged the gender gap, earning at least as many ardent female admirers as male fans. "Frivolous Lola" is perhaps his most likeable film yet. SPECIAL FEATURES Widescreen version New Interview with Director Tinto Brass (2004) Italian Language & Restored English Language track Optional English Subtitles Photo Gallery Trailers Filmography« less