GROOVIE GOOLIES — A haunted house, misfit monsters, rock and roll, and laughs! You ll find it all in Horrible Hall, when Frankie, Drac, Wolfie, and the whole Goolie gang cut loose with their unique brand of mirth and merrim... more »ent. Amidst all the monsterrific mayhem, you can rock out when the Goolies take the stage to play one of their catchy tunes!
We dare you to try and keep up with the lightning-fast fun and frightful frolic that the Goolies dish out in every one of their Saturday Mourning Episodes!
More cat-tales from the infamous cartoon character, Fraidy Cat .
They say that all cats have nine lives. Now Fraidy is on his last life, having been frightened out of his last eight! To make matters worse, the mischievous ghosts of his past lives are coming back to help/haunt him. Watch as Fraidy Cat runs for cover to protect the last of his nine lives!
Fraidy Cat is a fun animated film that the whole family will enjoy!
With the rallying cry of Let's go, Ghostbusters! , Jake Kong Jr. and Eddie Spenser Jr. are following in their fathers footsteps, teaming-up with the original gorilla sidekick, Tracy, to become the new Ghostbusters!
From their base of operations in Ghost Command, the Ghostbusters are always ready to battle Prime Evil and his never-ending army of bewitching monsters who are out to haunt the Earth! With its spookily cool animation and imaginatively colorful cast of characters Ghostbusters has haunted its way into the halls of history!« less