Accurate portayal of "Christ-haunted" America
C. Baker | Sagerton, TX | 11/24/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a pastor ministering in the "Christ-haunted" South, I thought that "Friends of God" gives an accurate image of a religion that justifies American culture and a so-called religious ideology while at the same time, ignores the plight of the poor and the wars that we have created while creating an atmosphere of fear, ignorance and intolerance. For instance, I don't believe that Jesus would ask us to be "pro-life" while supporting capital punishment and an illegal war at the same time. I don't believe that Jesus would have us gather to worship in pristine "mega-churches" while our urban areas decay and millions of American children continue to be left behind by both the Democrats and the Republicans. Jesus calls us not merely to worship him, but more importantly, to follow him--not to justify ourselves and our own culture and lifestyle--but to advance the Kingdom of God. By that, he ministered to the poor, downtrodden, and to those on the outside of the mainstream who might be different than us. (Sorry about the short sermon! It's a great and thought provoking documentary!)"
Very underwhelming.
Kate Stokes | Atlanta, GA | 03/27/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This film plays like a college student's project. I really liked "Jesus Camp" and I also really like some of Alexandra's previous work so I thought this would be a good bet. Unfortunately not. Very poorly edited, poorly structured, unfocused, boring, and shallow. Did not offer any additional insights (negative or positive) on the ostensible subject(s). If you are interested in this subject then rent/buy "Jesus Camp" and if you are interested in a solid doc from Ms. Pelosi rent/buy "Journey's With George.""
All Americans should watch this!
Gloria | Boston, MA | 04/17/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Unlike most liberal documentaries that mock Christianity, Pelosi really tries to get to know Christians in her roadtrip across America. This is a decent portrayal of red state America, including one of the last interviews with the legendary Jerry Falwell before his death."