"This has got to be the worst film ever made in the history of film. How this guy was given the green light to make this movie, I'll never understand. This is an Alan Smithee case if I ever saw one. But, ironically, I find this one of the most enjoyable in the series because of this. Being that this movie is so rotten, it's one of the most amusing and hilarious films I have ever seen. It is the perfect Mystery Science Theater party movie. Jason is(naturally) brought back to life(by electricity again. Who thought of this juvenile idea anyway? What is he, Frankenstein's monster?), and slaughters everyone on the boat. He may have been on the boat only an hour or two, but he knows the layout better than everyone else. He manages to teleport himself everywhere. He's huge, black, slimy, wears a hockey mask(not exactly a low profile), and manages to stroll about the ship without anyone noticing him. When they get to the Big Apple, does Jason go beserk and murder everyone? Nope, for some unknown reason he only goes after the surviving crew members who can't seem to shake Jason even in a city the size of New York(all you'd need to do is get in a cab and say "take me to the other side of town", and you'd lose Jason forever.). Of course they all roam about the alleys and side streets instead of staying out in the open. Jason also knows the layout of New York City as though he were a native. And what's with this stupid psychic link between the leading lady and Jason? Ever notice when a horror series goes on for awhile, they throw that stupid, unscary psychic angle in? Halloween 5 for example. The most unbelievable thing in this movie is when the two survivors run into the sewer. If you were being chased by Jason, would you run to a friggin' sewer? They meet a sewer worker who informs them(and I am not kidding here!) that the sewers fill with toxic waste at midnight. Maybe this is true in the New York sewer system, but I have never heard of anything so ridiculous in my life. Jason's unmasked and he's in much better shape than the previous movie. In fact, he looks about as scary as Steve from Blue's Clues. Jason's "death" defies any kind of rational explanation. There had to have been some serious drugs used by the filmmakers to come up with that crap, and even more serious drugs consumed by whoever agreed that it was a good idea. Watch this one folks, it's funnier than any intentional comedy out there."
I Liked it Much Better When the Muppets Took Manhattan
Kasey Driscoll | 07/25/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not so sure there is a lot to say. My brother asked me to watch and review Friday the 13th part 6: Jason Lives and I told him I would do better than that and I would review every last one of these movies because I tend view them as one phenomenon and rarely as films that stand to be judged alone, despite their amazing record for failing to deliver accurate continuity. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan is one of the silliest movies ever made. Its dialogue, effects, story and overall direction are so horribly bad it allows parts seven and nine to sort of hide behind it. Although I've found time to skewer those films as well. In my eyes, part 8 is not quite the worst of the series but its real close.
Jason is electrocuted again from an underwater cable that hit a boat's anchor. He wakes up and jumps aboard the boat. The boat is on its way to New York and is full of young adults ripe for some killing. It takes a while before the boat actually gets to New York, which I'm sure bothered some people because the audience was likely looking forward to seeing Jason rampage through a different locale and the title certainly suggested more of that than we actually get. So Jason hangs out in a boat and has ample time to murder quite a few people. The boat sinks and only five people remain. Jason gradually kills them during his run through the Big Apple. The highlight of the movie is actually when he takes about twenty or so punches to the head from a boxer and then he punches the boxer's head off. Classic campy killing that keeps my smiling years later. Jason ends up in the sewer and gets drowned by a flood of toxic waste. For some reason it shows Jason as a little boy again after the flood clears out from the sewer. That part was never addressed in the final two sequels in any capacity whatsoever. Then again continuity is by no means expected from these films, especially by its seventh sequel.
Even as a kid I was very disappointed with part 8. Audiences agreed for the most part as it grossed just $14 million and cost $5 million. Compared to the rest of the movies before it this showed that the film series was on the decline. Some people view this as the best of the series and others absolutely despise this film. I lean more toward the latter of these opinions. It is incredibly silly and doesn't deliver in the way it could have. If it was the Jason from part 6 that rampaged through New York we may have had the comedic masterpiece of the series, but Jason Takes Manhattan pulls far too many punches...well, except for when he punched that dude's head off."
One of the best in the series. Deceptive title.
Matthew Jones | Hastings, MN USA | 10/24/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"With the series getting to familiar for it's own good, it was decided that Jason would leave the camp of Chrystal Lake for the most famous city in the world. New York, New York. To get there he has to board a cruise ship with a bunch of rich high school students on there way to New York for a school trip. Our anti-hero Jason kills almost everyone on board with some of the best deaths in the series, leaving very few survivors. The few who did survive make it to Manhattan on a raft and Jason tracks them down. With an interesting story and Jason at his most vile, part 8: Jason Takes Manhatton is one of the best slashers of all time. The storyline takes a wierd turn when they show Jason turn into a young boy upon his supposed death. While interesting, all it does is confuse the audience seeing that there really is no explanation as to why he does turn into a child. The scene where Jason flips his mask to show his rotting face to a bunch of punks is classic. Followed by the worst in the series, Jason Goes to Hell."
Jason Takes Your Money
M. G Watson | Los Angeles | 10/21/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"As a general rule, any film with a large number of Roman numerals behind it is going to suck, and the eighth outing of the F-13 franchise, JASON TAKES MANHATTAN, obeys this rule to a fanatical degree. This movie is terrible, an utter embarrassment, and is noteworthy only as a study in corporate greed and marketing deception.
By the fourth installment of the series, the ironically titled FINAL CHAPTER, this formulaic slasher franchise was as exhausted as an old, blood-soaked boot. Jason Voorhees had outlived his usefulness and it was time for his rotted a*s to hang up the gaolie mask and retire. But the movie industry is an industry first, and when THE FINAL CHAPTER turned unexpectedly into a cash cow the studio execs at Paramount continued to flog their exhausted serial killer into progidies of meaningless violence. THE FINAL CHAPTER was followed by three more absolutely asinine sequels, which saw Jason improve the Crystal Lake gene pool by slaughtering legions of pot-smoking teenage dimwits. By this time P-mount was beginning to get embarrassed by their deformed, kill-crazy stepchild, yet the lure of an easy payday drew them on.
I still remember seeing the preview for this flick in a movie theater back in 1989. The audience ate it up. We actually believed that the producers had decided to tweak the exhausted series by loosing Jason in a place where he would probably feel right at home: the Big Apple. One could only imagine the bloody shennanigans Crystal Lake's least popular citizen could embark upon in New Yawk City! People were laughing out loud as they imagined him loose in the City of Lights. He could slay obnoxious Volcanoites! Teach rude cab drivers the errors of their ways! Annihilate the snotty salespeople at Tiffanys! Cut down on panhandlers! Convince grafitti artists to stay out of dark alleys! Run for mayor! We sixteen year olds LOVED the idea.
There was just one problem. The gang at Paramount had no intention of delivering on their promise. The ad campaign, like the title of the movie, was a fraud, and the only thing that got "taken" in this film was the money of a lot of bloodthirsty teenage dupes.
First of all, the first 60 minutes of this 90-odd minute movie are not set in Manhattan, but in Crystal Lake and then on a ship called the Lazarus (get it?) which is conveying the usual cargo of teenage acting-skool dropout slasher fodder on a graduation cruise to New York. Jason, accidentally revived from the depths of the Lake by a jolt of electricity, stows on board the ship and proceeds to ch-ch-ch, ha-ha-ha his way through the doltish grads and the suspiciously small crew until the survivors are pursuaded to take a rowboat to Manhattan Island. Unfortunately "Manhattan Island", with the exception of a couple of second-unit establishing shots, is largely an unimaginative-looking soundstage on the Paramount lot populated by Central Casting New Yawkers, including the usual mixed-race mugger team and an Irish cop who says things like, "Well, ye seem loike foine peeple, so I'll not be arresting ye."
There is not a single scary moment in the whole film, and there are not even any particularly interesting kills. Kane Hodder's plodding, rotting, thoroughly over-rated Jason looks almost bored, as if he signed onto the cruise by accident, and then got talked into doing his mass murder shtick by the ship's entertainment director. To make up for the lack of any kind of suspense, the writers threw in a lot of gratuitous pleading for mercy from the female characters, and added nice little moments like a ship's crewmember talking warmly about his baby son right before Jason runs a harpoon through his body. Classy stuff, but really, everything about the movie is stupid, from the crazy deckhand who mumbles prophetically that the voyage is doomed (shades of Crazy Ralph), to the annoyingly cute little dog who has more acting talent than most of the victims. Hell, the climax of the film features a chase through the New York sewers, which, we are told, flood with radioactive toxic waste every midnight. (Does Rudy Guilani know about this?)
I realize having expectations for a Jason movie is silly, but even by the cellar-low standards of the franchise, this flick is a ripoff, a fraud, a dreadful fake, utterly stupid, appallingly bad, useless, terrible, and horrible. ZERO STARS.
5 stars for all the classics!
Jesse Watts | Florida | 04/10/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In 1989, the last year was here for the greatest horror decade ever! After '89, we got breif glimpses of Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers and Leatherface in the '90s. As a matter of fact, Jason himself, only got 1 '90s flick under his belt, " Jason Goes To Hell : The Final Friday. " But I have this great feeling the '00s of the 21st Century will bring back the '70s and '80s masters of the silver scream! Well, in '89, we got " Leatherface : The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 ", " A Nightmare On Elm Street 5 : The Dream Child ", " Halloween 5 : The Revenge Of Michael Myers " and " Friday the 13th Part VIII : Jason Takes Manhattan. " In Jason's 8th, he left for the wilderness to take a litte vacation to New York City! Many fans dislike this entry, seeing how most of the film takes place on the trip to New York, rather than the Big Apple itself. But I love this film, Jason looks really cool, and of course Kane Hodder returned from Part VII, to portray Mr. Voorhees. He's also returning once again to play Jason in the upcoming, highly-awaited Jason X. There's little gore here, and the nudity is very quick ( Jason throws the nude blonde against a mirror, we get to see some of her before she crashes into the mirror.) Still all of the installments in this series are great!"