Not bad for an older movie made during the error of cheesy horror flicks.
0 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Callie K. (ballofglitter) from GRAND ISLAND, NE Reviewed on 8/19/2014...
Okay movie but still not as good as just the first.
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Tracy B. (MooVeeFreak) from CARTHAGE, TN Reviewed on 1/27/2011...
I have never been this perplexed before! I have been more excited for this film than ANY other movie to hit theaters. I walked out with the initial feeling this was awesome... I LOVED the kills, I figured I would spend the whole time covering my eyes I didnt i stayed on the edge of my seat...I couldnt wait to get it on dvd now I want to share this DVD with someone who enjoys awesome movie legends...
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Teddy B. (tigerted) from TUJUNGA, CA Reviewed on 6/10/2009...
Jason is back! This is the first movie where he puts on the hockey mask. Directed by Steve Miner ( who also directed the horrifying Part 2!). The usual cast of unknowns meet at a secluded cabin with a spooky old barn in the back. They get high, have sex, and pull pranks on each other. Didn't anyone tell these kids about what happened in Parts 1 and 2? Camp Crystal Lake is cursed! The violence is brutal and the seemingly indestructable killer crashes the party!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
This time Jason will come to YOU!
Inspector Gadget | On the trail of Doctor Claw | 10/10/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If Paramount's A-movie franchise was Star Trek, then their B-movie franchise would definitely be Friday The 13th. A total of eight were made and, with the exception of '83, there was a Friday The 13th for every year in the Eighties, with the TV series debuting in '87.
They were tacky, badly made and infrequently showed any professionalism, or dynamic filmmaking. But they sure had their moments and Part 3 is definitely the best of the first four, Part 5 being the joker in the pack and 6-8 the second instalment of the Jason Voorhees legacy.
Apparently, not getting enough of butchering teenagers with the first sequel, director Steve Miner returns for more unlucky day murders. While his first outing was almost the exact same as the original, only with a different killer, Part 3 reinvents the franchise and totally solidifies Jason as a horror movie icon.
Chris (Dana Kimmel) has had a difficult past few years and she decides to spend a long weekend at Higgins Haven with her friends. Too bad for them that Jason (Richard Brooker) is lurking in the woods. He and Chris have had a scuffle in the past and she's afraid to go out there alone.
Her friends are an unusual bunch. There are a couple of stoners, Shelly, a fat kid who just wants to be loved (Larry Zerner), a pregnant friend (Tracie Savage) and her hunky squeeze (Paul Kratka). These are not the typical goofball sex-mad teenagers of the early Eighties. For some reason, the writers have made them somewhat subdued and realistic. They seriously want a quiet weekend - no partying, no loud music. It helps that we like them, because in most other occasions we can't wait for them to get slaughtered.
And they aren't the only ones in trouble. A non-threatening biker gang plan to cause havoc at Higgins Haven, because Shelly knocked over their scooters, and end up regretting it. If anything, they make for some light comedy - intentional, or not.
Halfway through, Shelly pulls a joke on the girl he fancies. He leaps out of the water wearing a hockey mask and brandishing a harpoon. Five minutes later Jason gets his hands on them. And ever since, the image of the hockey mask has been the trademark of the series.
In every other sequel, Jason is a walking monolith. [...], show Michael Myers a thing or two about the art of teenage massacre and somehow be able to maintain his cool and make it all seems effortless. This is the only time you will see him for what he really is - a retarded hillbilly. He evens smiles! Twice!!
Miner would return later to the same location in Lake Placid. Here, he successfully portrays Crystal Lake as a tranquil, peaceful place and manages, in the final scenes, to infuse it with atmospheric excitement, all without the use of rain, or lightning.
It wouldn't be hard to make a sequel superior to the original Friday The 13th. Miner failed with Part 2, but excels in Part 3. It has a lighter tone and different feel from the others. In fact, it shouldn't be viewed as a horror film at all. It's an adventure movie, set in the woods, with one of the best villains ever."
Aspirin not included
A. Gammill | West Point, MS United States | 02/03/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Getting old is hell. It's true. You see, I'm old enough to have seen Friday the 13th Part 3 in the theater back in 1982. There were a handful of pretty bad 3-D movies made during that brief resurgence of the fad. Believe it or not, this was actually the best of them. The film took full advantage of the process, poking every possible object, body part, etc. at the screen. All in polarized 3-D. Polarized? Well, I don't know all the technical details, but the glasses were tinted gray, instead of the old-style red and blue that was used during the early 1950's heyday of 3-D movies. A polarized 3-D movie doesn't just have depth; things literally pop off the screen and, at times, would appear to be inches from your face.
Sadly, this 3-D release of Friday the 13th Part 3 is NOT the same picture I saw all those years ago.
Apparently, the polarized process can't be recreated for the home screen (not yet, anyway. . .if you'd told me ten years ago I'd be able to store thousands of songs on a gadget the size of a cigarette lighter, I'd have called you crazy). So what we have here is a sort of "remixed" cut of the film, with the old-school glasses. And all the headaches those involve.
Disappointments aside, it's not a complete waste. The film itself was made to have depth (as in the third dimension of depth, not the philosophical kind!), and many scenes translate fairly well. The more notorious shock scenes (SPOILERS AHEAD) involving a spear gun and an eyeball rushing toward the camera come pretty close to duplicating the original format's intensity. Objects in the background often suffer some blurriness--hence the possibility of headaches--and the print itself is surprisingly grainy in spots.
The film itself is no better or worse than any of the FRIDAY sequels. But if you were lucky enough to have the film as intended on the big screen, you will almost certainly be disappointed with this presentation. I'm glad 3-D films are making a comeback; I just hope someone is able to improve the process for home viewing.
Widescreen & Chili's uncut death
Justin Wayne Morris | Fayetteville, AR United States | 10/24/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"What I felt before was a quite mediocre entry in the series(speaking relatively, of course), I now feel is one of the most superior. What makes the difference? Widescreen. Steve Miner is a master of the form(see the underrated House or Halloween:H20) and injects this sequel with a lot of atmosphere and tension which was not as evident on previous pan-and-scan video releases of the film. For instance, consider the scene where Chris relays her previous experience with Jason to her boyfriend Rick. On video, it had always appeared as if the couple had just stopped at a random spot in the woods to talk. In widescreen, however, the entire left side of the picture is taken up by the side of a cabin and by a drainpipe spilling water throughout the scene. This one small detail adds a whole other layer to the atmosphere of the scene. You also get to see a lot more of Higgin's Haven and the surrounding woods and lake in widescreen. Also, as previously mentioned, the showdown/chase scene that climaxes this film is amazingly suspenseful, especially for an early 80's slasher sequel. Widescreen allows you to see Jason running up along the side of the barn as Chris enters. Creepy!One last note about the DVD:For years, Friday fans have lamented the lost death scene footage excised by the MPAA before the films were released to theaters. Well, apparently someone in the DVD department at Paramount is a fan, for Chili's death scene via firepoker in the Friday 3 DVD is the unrated cut. Wherein previous video versions, there is only a shot of the firepoker exiting her back, in the DVD version, a relatively long sideshot has been inserted showing Jason plunging the firepoker all the way through her and then slightly twisting it. This extra shot is worth the price of the DVD. Hopefully unrated death scenes will show up on future Friday releases also. I'd love to see some of the unrated footage from Friday 6 and 7."
K. Cope | Pennsylvania | 01/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Friday the 13th series is my favorite horror movie series, and Part 3 is my favorite. It has all the elements of a good horror movie, which I'll get to in a minute, and Jason I think is the creepiest he ever was.
*This was the first horror movie I ever saw. It was on TV and I watched a part of it at age 7 or 8 while my parents weren't watching me :). I saw the shower part in the movie and needless to say I didn't take a shower for two weeks. I'd go in the bathroom and turn on the water, but I wouldn't get in because I was afraid I'd open the shower curtain and get an axe in the head. :)
I know the chances of you reading my review out of 217 other peoples reviews, and I know that people have given this movie pretty high marks, as well as low. But I think this is the best movie out the series and here's why.
I always look for three things in horror movies. The first is, is the movie well made and is the acting up to par. This movie looks creepy. It's kind of dark many times which just adds to the feel of it. It has that 1980's feel which really gives a horror movie an edge in my book. The scenes are all well put together and the directing is right up there. The acting is pretty good for the most part. Sometimes Cris is a little unbelievable in the beginning but she is the prettiest girl out of the whole series. The rest of the actors do a great job especially Jason.
This is the movie that started the whole hockey mask mania. In the later movies, Jason got more of a personality, especially once Kane Hodder took over, but they kindof ruined the character for me. Jason is supposed to be a mindless emotionless killer, which is what makes him so scary. When they gave him emotions and facial expressions in part 7 and Fred Vs J, they ruined the character for me. In this movie, Jason walks creepy, takes his time and gives a great performance. Nice job.... uh..... guy.
The next thing I look for is are the death sequences well done and believable. If you've read my other reviews you know nothing turns me off faster than an elaborate and stupid death sequences. In this film they do it right. They are all quick, show some blood but not too much and all could have really happened. With the exception of the spear gun through the eye, but I'm sure Jason is an excellent marksman.........I'm not going to argue with him.
The last thing I look for in a horror movie is a great ending. I thought number two was pretty decent but had a lot of mistakes in it. Some things in the movie just don't make sense, especially the end. What dog was in the woods if that other white fluff ball came back??? but anyway....
Part 3 really brings the first movie into play. It's a nice reverse at the end, without giving too much away. I always felt that this should have been the sequel, instead of two because of the way it ended.
All in All this is a great horror movie. I would rank it number one in the series, with four next, then one, then probably the others, with the exception of seven. It's the first horror movie I ever saw, and it will always hold a special knife-hole in my heart. Alright so that wasn't funny, but this movie is great. My favorite scene is the fuse box when the guy gets the lights to go on, but who's behind him????? CHI CHI CHI MAH MAH MAH"