DISC 1: FRIDAY THE 13th - The film takes place years after a young boy named Jason drowns in a lake while attending Camp Crystal Lake and shortly thereafter, the camp closes. Flash forward to the present, where the owner ... more »decides to re-open the camp and one by one, the counselors have mysteriously been murdered by an unseen person. PART 2 - The second installment picks up with Jason Voorhees, presumed dead from drowning years ago, exacting revenge on the innocent campers at "Camp Blood." Living as a hermit in the woods all these years, Jason witnesses the graphic murder of his mother and decides to wreak havoc on everyone at the camp - killing each camp counselor one by one. DISC 2: PART 3 - Vacationing teenagers take off for a weekend of relaxation at Camp Crystal Lake. Planning a few days of sex, drugs and rock-and-roll, they are in for a series of frightening surprises when a local motorcycle gang follows the teenagers back to their campsite, only to find a persistent Jason with an agenda of his own. Adorned with his trademark hockey mask for the first time in the series, Jason delivers non-stop chills and thrills as everyone on the lake must fight for their lives. Part III includes cast commentary by author Peter Bracke and actors Larry Zerner, Paul Kratka, Dana Kimmell and Richard Brooker. PART IV: THE FINAL CHAPTER - Jason resurfaces from a seemingly deadly massacre and returns to Camp Crystal Lake to a new set of prey. Starring a young Corey Feldman as Tommy Jarvis, it seems Jason has finally met his match in the 12-year old horror movie maven. Enlisting the help of a local hunter, Tommy and his sister must rely on one another to help defeat Jason, while also trying to avoid their own demise. DISC 3: PART V: A NEW BEGINNING - With Jason dead, someone new has begun a killing spree of their own, using Jason's M.O. and preying on inhabitants of a sanctuary. PART VI: JASON LIVES - Tommy returns to the grave to ensure that Jason is indeed dead. Instead of remaining dead, Jason is accidentally brought back to life by Tommy and now Tommy must stop all the mindless killing and make sure Jason dies for good this time. Part VI features commentary by director Tom McLoughlin. DISC 4: PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD - The film centers on Tina Shepard, a young girl with telekinetic powers who believes she drowned her father in Crystal Lake. Returning to the site as a method of supposedly helping her cope with her grief, Tina accidentally frees Jason from his watery grave, only to lead to more killing sprees by the man in the infamous hockey mask. Part VII features commentary by Kane Hodder and director John Carl Buechler and Part VIII features commentary by director Tom McLoughlin. PART VIII: JASON TAKES MANHATTAN - A graduating class of a local high school vacation on a cruise ship and unbeknownst to them, Jason is a stowaway on the same ship. Slowly killing students one at a time, Jason eventually sinks the boat, stranding the few lone survivors in Manhattan. Among those survivors, is Rennie, who believes Jason attempted to drown her as a child. Fighting for her their lives, Rennie and the other survivors must make sure Jason dies once and for all. A featurette "Tales From the Cutting Room," in which exclusive deleted scenes and footage is revealed for the first time. An 8-part featurette "The Friday The 13th Chronicles," which looks at the legacy of the films throughout their history, featuring cast and crew commenting on each film and why they appeal to audiences. Includes Adrienne King, Amy Steel, Corey Feldman, Kane Hodder, Lar Park Lincoln, Betsy Palmer, Tom Savini and directors Sean Cunningham, Tom McLoughlin, Rob Heddon, Joseph Zito and John Carl Buechler. A 3-part featurette "Secrets Galore Behind The Gore," which looks at the work of master make-up effects designer Tom Savini in Part 1 and Part IV and John Carl Buechler in Part VII. Includes rare and never-before-seen footage, drawings and stills illustrating the make-up techniques used to create Jason and achieve elaborate death scenes. A featurette "Crystal Lake Victims Tell All!" in which cast and crew from various films share amusing anecdotes. Includes Corey Feldman, Larry Zerner, Adrienne King, Amy Steel, Lar Park Lincoln and directors. A featurette "Friday Artifacts and Collectibles," which looks at props and collectables from the films. The theatrical trailers from all 8 movies except Part VI, which is represented by the teaser trailer.« less
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 10/29/2008...
The Friday the 13th box set is kind of light on special feature, but for any fans of the series this is an essential purchase. The series does tend to become really silly at times (nobody in their right mind would keep going to Camp Crystal Lake past Part 2), but it remains enjoyable entertainment. Collects the first 8 films.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Paramount rips Friday fans off, yet again ...
Sloopydrew | USA | 10/03/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Fans have been begging Paramount for years to release the unrated and uncut Friday the 13th films. The "Blockbuster and Wal-Mart won't sell them" excuse I've heard, here and there, is patently untrue. Both Blockbuster and Wal-Mart sell and rent unrated films (call either of them up and ask if they carry the unrated edition of "Bad Santa," if you need proof). They simply don't sell or rent NC-17 movies.
So what's Paramount's excuse? No input from the Directors of the films? Nope, that's not it. John Carl Buechler, director of Friday the 13th Part VII has openly campaigned for an unrated version to be released (so fans can finally see "the new BLOOD"). Tom McLoughlin, director of Friday the 13th Part VI, told me directly that he has contacted Paramount, letting them know that he would be willing to do a director's commentary AND re-edit an unrated Director's Cut of Jason Lives. The studio didn't take him up on his offer to create an unrated Director's cut (he does provide commentary on part VI). If this box set is any indication, they never will. Kane Hodder, Jason in Paramount's F13 6, 7 and 8 has been screaming for unrated and uncut versions, and has expressed a desire to do commentary for each of the films (including the ones he didn't star in). So why, at the very least, isn't there commentary on EVERY disc? I suspect it's because Paramount wanted to cram two movies onto each disc, leaving no space for commentary or other valuable extras on some of the films (and giving a compressed picture, that isn't much better than what you get on video).
Why aren't the films uncut and unrated? Because Paramount is too stubborn to release them that way. It has been known for years that Paramount has been "ashamed" of this series. They don't get what it is that makes the movies great, and therefore think they can give fans bargain bin box sets like this, rather than presenting them with the quality box set the Friday the 13th films DESERVE.
This should have been a 16 disc set. Each film should have had 2 discs, one featuring the unrated version, the other the theatrical version. There should have been commentary on the unrated version (disc 1) for the movie, and extras on the rated version (disc 2). It's a shame that Paramount won't sell the entire series to New Line, a studio who has expressed interest in doing a comprehensive box set, which would include the long sought after uncut films.
If New Line's Freddy vs. Jason wouldn't have been the hit it was, fans wouldn't even be getting this box set. Then again, they wouldn't have been missing much. Fans should let Paramount know what they think, by voting with their dollars. Until we get the box set we deserve, after we made these movies the gigantic hits that they were (most of them), and stuck with the series through thick and thin, we should reject this lame offering by Paramount and hold out for something better.
Paramount should be proud of this series. They should embrace it. They should never be ashamed of the 8 films they distributed. The only thing Paramount needs to be ashamed of is this quickie box set made to milk more cash from diehard Friday fans, at Halloween time. While I'll forever love the films, I cannot say anything nice about this set. It is easily the most poorly put together major DVD release I've ever seen. It's a disgrace. Not even the bloodiest uncut scenes could be as disgusting as Paramount's lackluster treatment of the Friday fans who have made the studio filthy rich, over the years.
I've seen ahead what this set has to offer, save your money
Richard Lamery | Charlestown, NH United States | 09/27/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Paramount truly are quite shameful, lazy, and contemptable. Everything about this 'Ultimate' release screams "cheap-a$$" quite loudly. And here's why.
I think it is forgiveable that Paramount didn't see fit to release these movies in their uncut forms. It would lose them money in some circles if this boxset were to not be stocked in Blockbuster. So for this release, uncut death scenes have been prepared.
Here are the catches, and they are quite significant: 1) gore footage for the original Friday the 13th and Part 6 are presented in horizontal SPLIT SCREENS alongside the R-rated versions. That's right, Jason fans- it's squeezed into only HALF the screen space. That's 2 out of 3 movies. 2) The gore footage from Part 7 looks quite bad, in a very rough made-for-video way in which the age shows a lot of wear and tear. There's bonus footage here as well from Part 4, but it's made-for-tv deleted scenes that don't include any gore.
Also, remember when Paramount put out the first Friday on DVD? You could finally see Annie's throat-slitting in it's entirety. Well, Paramount's decided to cut that back out. So that means if you ever want to see it again, you have to buy the original on DVD separately. Which I'll be doing, you can bet.
Here are some other things you might like to know. The set contains 4 discs of movies. Each disc has 2 movies on each disc side. I'm sorry, but my DVD players freeze erratically whenever a disc has more than 3 hours and 10 minutes of stuff on them. 20th Century Fox released The Family Guy TV seasons in these very slim single cases- why didn't Paramount have this brainstorm too?! That way, we could get 1 movie a disc, like we deserve. At least that would show Paramount thought about someone else.
The 1 Bonus Disc contains a few truly bogus featurettes. Paramount didn't even get half the cast members that would have been willing to do interviews and commentaries. They just had some people go off to a convention 1 year and get a mere handful of people there on camera. They neglected to put effort into contacting actresses Kimberly Beck and Melanie Kinnamon, who have been very outspoken about their enthusiasm onset and their appreciation for the series fans. Also, director Steve Miner is absent from participation on the featurettes or commentaries. Yet he's been on bonus features for the House, Halloween H20, and Last House on the Left DVDs. So sorry, I don't buy that he didn't want to participate here.
The only real work Paramount did here was on the commentaries. The commentaries for only 4 movies. The directors of Friday the 13th's 6, 7, and 8 do commentaries. Jason actor Kane Hodder joins the director on Part 7, and the cast of Part 3 do a commentary. But there's yet another catch! These commentaries - at least the one I heard for Part 3, have the worst sound quality I've heard from a big studio commentary since John Waters track for the Cecil B Demented DVD. And even that was less TIN-can sounding than this.
This boxset is the biggest insult to fans of this series. And even at $57, this is overpriced. I urge everyone here to pay attention to the rumors I'm hearing about future re-re-releasing of these movies on yet another boxset or individual uncut releases. At the very least people, don't buy this until you hear it's about to go out of print. The Star Wars boxset is worth more than this."
Way to go Paramount! You really screwed this one up!
Halloween of 78 | New Hampshire | 08/31/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I never thought I'd actually see all of these movies released together, but now that they are, all I can think is what the crap was Paramount thinking?!?!
As I write this I can see a kick ass box set on my shelf called "The Nightmare On Elm St Collection." And as I look at that box set, I hate this Friday one more and more.
How can you not do four CRUCIAL things?
One being releasing these UNCUT (I know, I know, "we lost the footage"...BULL! You don't just lose footage to eight films!).
Another being NOT giving them GOOD sound for those who have been dying to pop these into their surround sound system...MONO?!?!?!
Another being no Friday 3-D in 3-D?!?!?! COME ON! Spy Kids was even released in 3-D, and that fan base won't give a crap about that movie in 5 years, while Friday fans are dedicated (Friday fans deserve a good box set!). How come a Sylvester Stallone gets to be in 3-D, but not a horror icon?!?!
Finally, two movies per disc? I swear Paramount, you are trying to have people NOT like this box set. Man, even the Leprechaun Box Set has the movies seperated!
My advice to anyone looking to buy this is: Just dish out another 30-50 bucks and get the Nightmare Box set, because it is the cream of the crop, and buy these Friday movies individually, this way you at least get better sound options.
This gets a -13 out of 10."
Worst DVD set EVER!!!!
JasonX | Chicago, IL | 09/07/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is the sloppiest, worst thought out attempt to steal money from Friday fans paramount has come up with. After spending 25 bux a pop on bare bones, terrible transfer DVD's, we get this "special box set" With NO real features besides the audio commentaries...No Uncut footage(especially part 7 which has TONS of cut scenes) No 3-d part 3, etc. God do I wish New Line had the rights to ALL these movies, then we'd have a worthwhile box set with UNCUT movies! As it stands, this is a cheap piece of trash and hopefully Paramount will put out a decent HD-DVD box set when that becomes the norm because this is ridiculous!"
Joseph Brando | NJ, USA | 10/06/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Although I am happy Paramount has finally released some sort of FRIDAY THE 13TH box-set - on the whole, it is pretty disapointing. It seems to be something that was very cheaply thrown together to make a few bucks and satisfying the fans' requests does not seem to have been "paramount". Most every other horror movie that a company has taken the time to release on DVD has been released in its original uncut version and with a director and/or cast commentary, so that should have been the bare essential for each historic film in this set - but we don't even get that. What makes it even worse is that the original FRIDAY THE 13TH has been released in every other country in a special-edition DVD (from Warner Bros) including the uncut version, a very nice "making-of" featurette and a commentary including several of the cast and crew. Paramount obviously was too cheap to even acquire the rights to those features and throw us a bone on this set. There is also no excuse for not releasing Part 3 in 3-D as that has also been made available in other countries. The "extras" on the 5th disc are embarassing and laughable - for example: the two people interviewed for Part 3 are not Steve Miner (the director) and Dana Kimmel (the star) but instead some guy I've never heard of (the director of photography) and Larry Zerner (Shelly, definately NOT the star). Shame on you Paramount - now that you have cashed in on FRIDAY THE 13TH one more time, do us all a favor and sell the rights to these films to NEW LINE (or even ANCHOR BAY, for that matter) so they can release a proper special edition box-set.