Currently Available DVDs (1) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (25)2005 - The Life Crimes of William Palmer 2005 - The Last Butterfly 2004 - Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed 2003 - Satanic Rites of Dracula 2003 - Clint Eastwood - Adventurer (Firefox / Space Cowboys / White Hunter Black Heart) 2003 - John Cleese - Romance With A Double Bass 2003 - Cold Comfort Farm 2003 - The Satanic Rites of Dracula 2002 - Firefox 2001 - Krull 2000 - The Black Cauldron (Disney Gold Classic Collection) 1999 - And the Ship sails On - Criterion Collection 1998 - The Satanic Rites of Dracula 1998 - Firestarter The Black Cauldron blu-ray