During a solo space mission to Mars, NASA astronaut Col. Frank Saunders (Robert Reilly) ? who happens to be an experimental android-- is shot down by an alien warship. Frank survives the attack, crash-landing on Puerto Ric... more »o. The space aliens?led by Princess Marcuzan (Marilyn Hanold) and her putty-eared lieutenant, Dr. Nadir (Lou Cutell) -- decide he must die, so they give chase, but manage to only disfigure him before commencing with their ultimate endeavor: steal bikini-clad young women to re-populate their nuclear-ravaged planet! Meanwhile, scientists Adam Steele (James Karen) and Karen Grant (Nancy Marshall) leisurely tour the scenery on a Vespa motor scooter in search of their creation, Frank, who?s busy terrorizing the coastal populace. The marauding aliens crash a swingin? pool party and steal the girls, who are brought aboard their ship to be separated by their lusty attributes and then further frightened by a hairy, skull-faced space monster? In the overcrowded pantheon of bad but deliriously fun movies, few surpass this science fiction drive-in staple.« less
MIchael S. from DEWEY, AZ Reviewed on 11/16/2012...
Squeal! I finally got a title on my want list. Hysterically , entertaining sci-fi schlock classic is now mine Come on people look over my want list. The titles aren't that esoteric.
Movie Reviews
Absolutely wonderful garbage
S. Boone | Louisville, KY | 06/03/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've lusted after this movie for a long time now after reading about it in my movie books and now, finally, thanks to Dark Sky Films, it's on DVD. Was I disappointed now that I've finally gotten to see it? Nope, not one bit. Here's the plot, such as it is: Alien beings, hanging out in space, keep blowing up earth's space shots because they think they're missles sent to destroy them. Earth doesn't get it. They send up a robot, named Frank, who looks human but underneath that nice head of hair he's vacuum tubes and capacitors. The aliens shoot him too but he escapes in a capsule and lands in Puerto Rico. The Aliens land there too & their mission is to capture babes to help bring back their population which was destroyed in a nuclear war. Frank tangles with aliens and gets most of his face blown off after which he looks like a monster. Alien dudes are running amok collecting bikinied babes. The babes get dragged back to the space ship, and put on conveyer belts, covered with sheer curtains (like your mom had in the living room) and sent off somewhere else in the spaceship while the leaders look on and nod in approval. Is this weird? You bet. Is this cheesy? Also affirmative. But is it FUN? Oh yeah, it is. Lots of cool music in the background also adds to the charm. This will most likely be enjoyed the most by drive-in and bad cinema enthusiasts, like myself, but it's a fun little time capsule of sorts and even has a very young James Karen from "Return of the Living Dead". Check it out. 5 out of 5."
"We've proven again that science and the military can accomp
cookieman108 | Inside the jar... | 09/27/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Pop quiz hotshot...your home planet, devastated by atomic war, is now inhabited by a handful of men and almost no women...what do you do? Answer...you hop in your spacecraft and scour the universe for hot babes in the hopes of abducting them and returning home to repopulate your world of course, and that's pretty much the main gist behind the film Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (1965), directed by Robert Gaffney, who would later go on to direct photography for part of Stanley Kubrik's 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). Starring in the film is James Karen (Poltergeist, The Return of the Living Dead), former playmate (June '59) Marilyn Hanold (The Brain That Wouldn't Die), and Lou Cutell (Little Big Man). Also appearing is Nancy Marshall (Asylum of Satan), David Kerman (Murder, Inc.), Robert Reilly (To Save a Child), and Bruce Glover (Diamonds Are Forever, Chinatown) in a dual role as a Martian patrolman and also the space monster named Mull.
As the movie begins we see some Martians, led by the comely Princess Marcuzan (Hanold), along with her bald-headed, smirking, often effeminate brainiac sidekick/scientist named Doctor Nadir (Cutell), cruising about in outer space, headed towards Earth. Once in orbit they perceive various rocket launches by NASA to be missile attacks and proceed to use a force field to destroy them. NASA, unaware of the Martians, decide on a new approach by sending a rocket into space piloted by a human looking robot (one that can feel pain, for some reason), created by Dr. Adam Steele (Karen) and his assistant Karen Grant (Marshall), to eliminate the possibility of human error, I guess. As launch time approaches we get a load of stock footage, and, again, the Martians force the ship down, but the robot manages to eject his capsule, landing somewhere in Puerto Rico. Princess Marcuzan, now realizing the rockets were not missile attacks but manned space missions, orders her crew to land and destroy the pilot for fear he might relate to Earth authorities of their presence, which results in the robot getting blasted and subsequently damaged, turning it into a sort of Frankenstein monster who wanders the area killing at random. From here the Martians decide to enact phase two of their plan, which involves collecting nubile, young female specimens for the purpose of returning them to Mars, because Mars needs women...er, wait, that's a different film. Anyway, a bunch of stuff happens including tons more stock footage (most of it of the military type), some go-go dancing, the procurement of more bikini clad breeding stock, Nadir continuing to act fruity, Adam cruising the streets of San Juan on a Vespa, a couple people get disintegrated, we meet Mull, the mutant Martian monster brought along for the ride, Karen gets abducted, all culminating in a real clash of the titans (sort of) as the discombobulated Frankenstein robot battles the Martian mutant.
While this film was the pits (but in a fun way), I did learn quite a bit including the following...
1. Stock footage and lengthy driving montages are a great way to pad out a film's running time without having to spend a lot of extra dough
2. Dressing a few guys up in phony looking spacesuits hardly instills the belief they're actually Martians.
3. Martian men are bald and sport Vulcan ears.
4. The makers of this film should have gotten their money back from whoever supplied them with those baldheaded wigs and pointy ears for the Martian characters as they look ridiculously phony.
5. Martian princesses, while certainly attractive, are harsh mistresses, especially when it comes to punishment doled out to those who fail in performing their duties.
6. A machete works just as good splitting skulls as it does coconuts.
7. A mutant Martian with excessive body hair and obviously rubber claws doesn't seem all that threatening.
8. When trying to communicate with a Spanish speaking bartender your need to use his telephone by using the word `telephone', he'll most likely give you a beer, but if you use the phrase `el telephono', he'll understand you perfectly.
9. Dr. Nadir seems to enjoy the more heinous aspects of his job just a bit too much.
10. When the military issues a `Code 24' alert, prepare yourself for massive amounts of stock footage.
11. Earthmen are unusually passive when dudes in spacesuits show up and steal their women (in all fairness the spacesuit guys were sporting ray guns, but still, forty unarmed Earthmen against three armed spacemen seems like favorable odds).
12. Conventional weaponry (artillery, rockets, etc.) is useless against a geodesic dome-like spaceship with a metal skirt and spindly landing gear, all seemingly made of aluminum.
13. When obtaining the rights to songs for a film, maximize the expenditure by playing the songs more than once.
14. Unused montage footage can be utilized to provide viewers with something to watch during the closing credits (waste not want not).
As I alluded to earlier, the film's a real dud, but goofy enough to be entertaining. One really funny aspect that sticks in my mind is near the beginning when Adam, Karen, a General, and a pilot are traveling in a Lincoln Continental, all four in the backseat. Now the backseat of a Continental is large, it's obviously not large enough to accommodate the foursome, resulting in the appearance of the General actually sitting on Karen's lap. Another entertaining aspect of the film was the character of Dr. Nadir, played by Lou Cutell. He's made up in a way that makes him look like a bald, evil gremlin, enhanced by his slyly suggestive, effeminate smirks. The performances are generally rotten, as was the dialog, which is steeped with harebrained exposition. The special effects are bargain basement (I thought the creature Mull actually looked halfway decent). I dug inclusion of the song `That's The Way It's Got To Be' by The Poets, even if it had no relevance what so ever to the film. There's probably about a good twenty minutes of stock footage (the film only runs 77 minutes) but what's used seems to have been chosen with some thought, so that was appreciated. All in all the movie is a real dog, but entertaining in an Ed Wood/Plan Nine from Outer Space sort of way, certainly worth a few laughs.
The picture quality on this Dark Sky Films DVD release, presented in anamorphic widescreen (1.85:1), looks better than it should (there are some obvious signs of age, but, overall it's quite clean and clear) and the Dolby Digital 2.0 mono audio comes through exceptionally well. There are some good extras, including a 14-page insert booklet, an original theatrical trailer for the film, a still gallery, and English subtitles. All in all a great release of a rotten, albeit fun, film. Two stars for the film plus an extra star for the DVD release.
By the way, if you're interested in getting a copy of the infinitely groovy tune `That's The Way It's Got To Be', by The Poets, featured in this film, you can find it on disc two of a four CD box set released by Rhino Records entitled Nuggets II: Original Artyfacts from the British Empire and Beyond. The set itself is pricey, but it's worth it especially if you dig on rare British rock from the mid to late 1960s.
Pitch Perfect B-Movie Madness
Timberculosis | ky,usa | 06/20/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I had a great time with this one. This film does everything wrong--exactly right. If anything, this served as a primer for later parodies of the genre, since so many of the great cliches are here: Bad editing, bad acting, bad special effects, bad plot. Oddly enough, some of sequences border on avante garde in the way they layer image and sound. An interesting, enjoyable (but not good) film."
"We Will Initiate Takeoff Procedures And Proceed With The Op
Robert I. Hedges | 02/03/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Do your eyes dare witness total terror?!?"
Grab the popcorn, and prepare for a wild ride! "Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster" is a hilarious 1965 sci-fi flick about astronauts, Martians, nuclear war, and stock footage! The film starts with a wacky backstory about a half human-half android astronaut on a trip to mars, but quickly finds itself in Puerto Rico. Featuring tons of stock footage courtesy of NASA and the US military, it turns out that a Martian ship under the command of the strict but beautiful Princess Marcuzan (Marilyn Hanold) and proto-Vulcan Dr. Nadir (Lou Cutell, whose bald head and ear appliances are beyond hilarious) are shooting down the spaceships from Earth. The android astronaut ejects (is that wise in space?), and the aliens pursue him and land their ridiculous spaceship which looks like a piece of Buckminster Fuller architecture on stilts. The aliens succeed in burning half his face off, but are otherwise stymied. The now Astro-Frankenstein (Robert Reilly) becomes a murderer, and begins his random monster trek, killing randomly when the urge strikes him.
The film then explains that the reason the Martians came to earth in the first place is that their own world was destroyed by nuclear war, and there are no females left for breeding: humans are obviously required for breeding stock, and women in bikinis are most highly prized: no wonder why they landed in Puerto Rico. The hoards of aliens are stunning to behold; I am particularly entertained by the scene where they storm the pool party.
Along the way there is much padding when a cute couple from NASA, Dr. Adam Steele (James Karen), and Karen Grant (Nancy Marshall) explores Puerto Rico on a Vespa scooter: you have to get the running time up to 79 minutes somehow! The couple finds Frank (the astronaut is still technically Col. Frank Saunders) in a cave, and he seems compliant and doesn't mind having electrodes implanted in his skull at all. The couple splits up, with Karen (Marshall) going on the scooter for help, at which point she is promptly abducted by the aliens. Karen resists the aliens, who punish her by putting her in a cage by Mull, a hideous beast. I can't bring myself to describe the "purification" the aliens employ on their bikini-clad captives: suffice it to say it's one of the silliest concepts in motion picture history.
Because of the disappearance of eight women the military goes to it's highest level of alert ("This is Code 24, General!") and the stock footage brigade is unleashed. Steele gets Frank up and walking and they search for Karen. He instructs "Karen shouldn't be very far," even though he sent her away on a moped. Of course they find her moped without difficulty, and adjacent to it they discover the very conspicuous alien ship. Steele leaves Frank in charge of securing the ship, while he goes for help on the scooter. The General activates "Project Mayflower" with a "priority one message, code 24!" Oh, the excitement! Frank fights the aliens and loses; the aliens bring his body into the ship and Karen eyes him with something like lust in her eyes. It's a whole weird thing. Frank wakes to Karen's soothing voice; Frank then frees all the women, but Mull escapes and Frank and Mull duke it out, hence the title of the film. (Finally!)
I bet you cannot imagine what happens next. Steele and Karen are reunited, the alien ship takes off with the Frank and Mull battle still raging, and Frank becomes a hero as he blows up the ship, saving Earth from a horrible fate! The action is over, but your personal terror is not: the film closes with a ghastly song and endless footage of moped touring of scenic Puerto Rico. Good luck!
The DVD includes some extras including a photo gallery and the trailer for the film, and pictures of some great poster art and lobby cards. This film breaks no cinematic ground whatsoever, and is like many other "Martian women harvesting" movies, most notably "Mars Needs Women." The pleasure of this film is in viewing it as a humorous artifact of mid-1960's cheap horror cinema, complete with almost total lack of logic, continuity, or budget. For people who revel in the delicious badness of B-movies from years ago, "Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster" is a clear gem of the genre."
Great B Movie Fun.
James E. Needham | Durham, NC USA | 01/14/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you like this type of movie (and you already know if you do or not), you'll enjoy this one. It's not deep or meaningful, but it's a lot of fun."