Currently Available DVDs (11) Wall Street Money Never Sleeps (3-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack)
| Currently Unavailable DVDs (60)2017 - 1492 Conquest of Paradise (1992) 2017 - Youth in Oregon 2017 - Men's Club 2016 - Captain Fantastic 2016 - The Driftless Area 2016 - The Bible Stories Moses 2016 - Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD) 2016 - Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet (DVD) 2015 - Grace Of Monaco 2014 - Dracula (1979) 2014 - Parts Per Billion 2014 - The Time Being 2013 - Robot and Frank 2012 - Dave (BD) 2012 - The Wrath of God 2011 - All Good Things (Blu-ray) 2011 - All Good Things 2011 - Jason The Argonauts / Merlin 2010 - Sphinx 2010 - The Box (Blu-ray) 2009 - 105 Apocalypse/Full Force Nature V1 2009 - The Ninth Gate 2009 - The Caller 2008 - Crossroads 2008 - Starting Out in the Evening 2008 - 105 Apocalypse The Complete Miniseries (Blu-ray) 2008 - 105 Apocalypse / Category 7 The End of the World 2007 - Lolita 2007 - How You Look to Me 2006 - Twelve Chairs 2005 - Doomsday Gun 2005 - Moses (The Bible Collection) 2004 - Stir of Echoes / The Ninth Gate 2004 - Stephen Hawking's Universe 2004 - Degas and the Dance - The Man Behind the Easel 2003 - Bad Company 2003 - The Prince of Homburg (Broadway Theatre Archive) 2003 - Brainscan 2002 - GI Jane/Eddie 2002 - Eccentricities of a Nightingale (Broadway Theatre Archive) 2001 - Masters of the Universe 2001 - Mummies And The Wonders of Ancient Egypt 2000 - Stephen Hawking's Universe 2000 - Cirque du Soleil - Alegria An Enchanting Fable 2000 - God Created Woman (Ws) 1999 - Eddie 1999 - Lolita 1999 - I'm Losing You 1998 - Junior 1998 - Dracula (Ws Ac3)