This is the companion product designed to accompany the "Math Video Tutor Fractions Thru Algebra" video DVD that is also available on Amazon — It is strongly recommended that this product be used along side the "Fractions T... more »hru Algebra" DVD to ensure mastery of Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1. This product is guaranteed to improve your understanding of pre-algebra and algebra 1 and is essential for all students studying algebra at the high school or college level.
This product is not a video DVD. It is a CD-ROM that contains a set of worksheets for every section of the "Math Video Tutor - Fractions Thru Algebra" DVD that allow you to gain practice and test your mastery of the material by working problems not found on the DVD. Every problem has a step-by-step written solution. This CD contains 600+ pages of problems and solutions in the worksheets.
All worksheets on the disk are in Adobe PDF format. To use this product you will watch a section on the "Fractions Thru Algebra" video DVD (also available on Amazon) then you will place this CD in your computer and print out and work the corresponding worksheet problems.
CD Contents:
Worksheet 1 -- 25 Pages - Real Numbers And Their Graphs
Worksheet 2 - 96 Pages - Fractions
Worksheet 3 - 31 Pages - Exponents
Worksheet 4 -- 27 Pages - Add and Subtract Real Numbers
Worksheet 5 -- 32 Pages - Multiply and Divide Real Numbers
Worksheet 6 -- 27 Pages - Algebraic Expressions
Worksheet 7 -- 27 Pages - Properties Of Real Numbers
Worksheet 8 -- 33 Pages - Introduction to Equations