I didn't think there could be a movie worse than AVP Requiem
The Judge | 06/13/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"...And then I watched this dribble.
As a career soldier, watching this film made me want to punch myself in the nut sack.
Imagine a script written by a couple second year high school juniors that don't know where Iraq is on a map - and have learned everything they know about the military from: video games, recruiting posters, CNN, and the democratic party. Sprinkle in some generic mililtary catch phrases and you have this movie.
If you've been to Iraq - DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. It will piss you off. If you're a Marine... Don't be tempted. I'm friends with several and flew in support of you guys for 12 months in Al Ahnbar Province - don't watch this movie. It makes the Corp look terrible - a tragic misrepresentation of the modern warrior. Every time you'll hear "Semper Fi" uttered by the side show clowns that are "acting" as Marines your skin will CRAWL!
If you've lost freinds in Iraq like I have - DO NOT WATCH THIS MOCKERY. You'll end up banging your head into the wall like I was during the ENTIRE movie and thinking violent thoughts about anyone involved in the production of this movie.
Way to make a movie to leach off of America's veterans. Way to bastardize our experiences. Way to repeat tired anti-war rhetoric. Thanks for making the warriors I've fought with look like teenage drama queens to the public.
If I could set this movie on fire and pee on it's residue, I would. If I could give this movie negative stars, I would.
I'm going to have a smoke, drink a coke, and hope for all involved in this disgustingly awful movie to die in car accidents... Then I'm going to the surgeon to ask for a lobotomy."