What the deuce? × 4
Annie Van Auken | Planet Earth | 10/15/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"THE FOUR DEUCES is the last film story from Don Martin, scripter of many forgettable 'B' pictures. This one's no different than his others, quality-wise.
Imaginative opening credits that feature comic book panels dissolving to live action are the highlight of this color-boosted Prohibition Era bomb. Jack Palance was by 1975 well into the tough guy parody phase of his career. Jack does what he can with a weak script. Co-star Carol Lynley looks good but seems to phone-in her performance from Jersey.
A deadly street feud between two rival gangs, one headed by Palance and his four capos (the deuces), plus tit-for-tat attacks on their competing speakeasys are main elements here. There's also more than a half-dozen neo-20s vocals to slow things down. Note that Jack's fatso crime boss rival has an equally weight-challenged 'songbird' at his club while Palance's girl singer is svelte in her bobbed hair and shimmy skirt. Frankly, I thought the big gal the better vocalist.
Saloon bust-ups and night time tommy gun raids get quickly monotonous. The largest of these bullet-riddled assaults (and the last of them) is spoiled by intentional camera undercranking that turns violence into unamusing cartoon movement.
Ultimately, "Four Deuces" is a waste of time. It's ONLY for Jack Palance fans with a high tolerance for cinematic crapola."