The Beatles' appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 and 1965 helped catapult the band to stateside fame and fortune. Their debut performance alone was viewed by 73 million viewers. This collection compiles four full e... more »pisodes containing 20 songs in total, and including other guests like Soupy Sales, Cab Calloway, and Cilla Black; and even commercial breaks. Shown in their original black and white, these episodes convey the feeling of a bygone era, while placing some of The Beatles' early appearances in a framework that shows how they eventually exploded as one of the most influential rock bands of all time. The four Beatles, with their fluffy mop-head haircuts and little black suits, look like fresh-faced kids as they stride nervously onto the stage in their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, February 9, 1964. Met by screaming, lovestruck fans--mostly teenage girls dressed in clean-cut sweaters with their hair curled and combed--The Beatles launch into a trio of carefully played songs including "All My Loving," "Till There Was You," and "She Loves You." The next two weeks, on February 16 and February 23, 1964, they reappear on the Ed Sullivan Show, each time to the same unabashed hero worship, performing hits like "Twist and Shout" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand." The last episode on this fascinating collection, September 12, 1965, shows how the band has changed after a year and a half--with longer hair, a loose and rebellious spirit, and a bolder stage presence. Through these classic television episodes, viewers of all eras can join the fab four as they begin their ascent into the musical history books, courtesy of the Ed Sullivan Show.« less
"This 2 disc set provides a most wonderful glimpse of an important time in both music and television history. Most notably, it contains the three full length shows (along with commercials) that were integral in the Beatles' first visit to the United States. The Beatles perform their chart toppers in the U.S. including "I Want to Hold Your Hand," "She Loves You," "From Me To You," and "Please Please Me." The set also includes a most intriguing (and complete) 1965 show where you can clearly see the group's growth as songwriters. The 1965 song set consists of "I'm Down," "Ticket to Ride," and "Help." This is a long way in a relatively short time from "All My Loving" and "From Me To You." The first show is the one most treasured by fans, and it obviously is a must-see. Viewing the complete show allows you to better appreciate the magnitude and importance of the Beatles appearance in the U.S. However, ALL of the shows provide an amazing look at popular music during this time. Performances by Mitzi Gaynor, Cab Calloway, and the original brodway cast of Oliver (including Davy Jones who later became a member of the Monkees) are incredible and historical. Cilla Black (also managed by Brian Epstein) performs two enjoyable numbers.One interesting note about the entire set is that you might get a feel for the generation gap that existed in America at that time and what impact the Beatles had on whom Ed Sullivan called "youngsters." Performances by Acker Bilk, Tessie O'Shea (from England), and Gordon & Sheila McCrae show us what most adults who tuned in to Sullivan were listening to. The Beatles clearly went against the grain. As one famous person noted, "Suddenly, there were the Beatles and everybody else. And everybody else just looked wrong." As you see the younger generation embrace the Beatles, references to Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and even Dave Barry's comedy routine (on disc 3) seem like something that only the "old folks" would be interested in and perhaps considered very "square." Suddenly, the younger generation has decided what they like and what they would listen to. Soon after the Beatles first visit, Sullivan would be sure to always include "something for the youngsters."Historic and classic comedy routines by Allen & Rossi, Morcombe & Wise (also from England), and Soupy Sales are enjoyable to watch as well. The novelty acts are quaint and somewhat amusing, but nevertheless important because they were an integral part of Sullivan's shows. The real importance of these discs lies in the music and musical productions.The only drawback to the set is that it leaves Beatle fans hungry for more in the sense that now we want "the story behind the story." Davy Jones mentioned his inability to leave the wings during the broadcast because he was so enraptured by the Beatles' performance and how he suddenly realized that he wanted a future in a band. McCall & Brill, who perform a comedy skit on the first show, have told of their experience that Sunday night. Ed Sullivan hated their skit and wanted them to switch to another routine just before they hit the air. They panicked and didn't know what to do. By chance, they met the Beatles backstage while John Lennon was looking for a Coca-Cola. All of the Beatles made them feel more at ease and they went ahead with the routine, but Sullivan was not pleased. You'll notice that he does not call them over to shake hands, which is what Sullivan usually did with the acts he truly liked. It would have been nice to see interviews with reflections from those involved in the production of the first show. There are naturally some technical glitches once in a while but they are really not noticable. The shows are in glorious black and white and the audio is at its best. If you are a Beatle fan, this is definitely a must-buy. If you're not, but have a longing for musical variety programs once again, this set is still classic and enjoyable."
A Fabulous Journey Back to 1964
Bruce Spizer | New Orleans, LA USA | 10/17/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD collection is an example of why the simplist approach is often the best way to present an historic event. The four "Ed Sullivan" programs featuring the Beatles are shown 99% complete. Unlike many DVD issues, there are no clever edits or extras. But these shows stand on their own. Not only do you see the Beatles in glorious black and white, but you also get the other acts (many quite entertaining) and Sullivan's classic introductions. By having unedited versions of each show, one can truly experience what 73 million viewers saw all those years ago. For those who saw the shows when they first aired, the DVD will bring back wonderful memories. For those who weren't even born in 1964, it will give an accurate picture about what all the excitement was about. It is a true pleasure to see each Beatles performance in its entirety without any anoying voiceovers. I don't need or want anyone telling me about the importance of these performances. I just want to sit back and enjoy the magic of the Beatles as captured by the CBS television network in 1964. The camera work is excellent throughout, particularly on "I Want To Hold Your Hand," which efectively mixes long shots, close-ups, crowd shots and a move in and out on Ringo by a mobile crane camera. There are a few glitches on the sound balance on a few performances (originating from the original broadcasts), but this does not lessen the impact or excitement of the songs. The DVD sound and picture quality is superb. The DVD is indexed by performance so you have the option to skip the other acts and just watch the Beatles. My soon to be published book, "The Beatles Are Coming! The Birth of Beatlemania in America," covers the three 1964 shows in great detail. But while words and photographs can explain the magic and significance of these shows, the only way to truly experience it is to watch this DVD. This is an absolute must for every Beatles fan or anyone interested in learning why the Beatles took America by storm in 1964."
The Only DVD With The 1965....Ticket To Ride/I Feel Fine Stu
Steve Nakamoto "The Friendly Voice | Huntington Beach, California USA | 06/23/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have all of the other Beatles DVD's and this is the only one with the I Feel Fine, I'm Down, Yesterday, Ticket To Ride performances from 1965. Shortly after this, the Beatles stopped performing live.
For John Lennon fans, this is a priceless piece of what many of us liked best of John's days as the smart, fun, confident Beatle. It also takes many of us back to the Ed Sullivan Sunday evenings of our youth."
A bargain. Don't pass this by!
Colin Klein | Chagrin Falls, OH USA | 10/09/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I too paid much more for this when it was a private Sullivan label issue. It was worth it then, at this price there is no question! It is fantastic that these shows have been packaged together in their basically original form. Sure, it would have been even nicer had they included the Florida rehearsal show and later video clips that aired. But, that this was released at all, and in this nice of quality, I'm very happy with it as it is. You get to see history in the making all over again, and this DVD brings back a lot of forgotten memories--if you are old enough to remember those times.Some of the other acts presented are surprisingly bad by current standards (much worse than what you see now on amateur shows) but that just puts The Beatles into more perspective of how special they were in that time, and continue to be into the future. You also get to see very young pre-Monkee Davy Jones perform with the Oliver cast. Considering all the other bad and dodgey quality "Beatles" DVDs being offered now, this one by far should rise to everyone's must have list. Thanks to Apple for not finding some way or excuse to sue and stop this, or forcing them to put new interview bits over top of the performances. See what we can get when people that actually seem to care a LITTLE about the fans are in charge! Just think what could be if fans really were in charge of released material."
A must for Beatles fans!
James C. Darling | Burbank, CA | 01/23/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't know why it took me so long to buy the Ed Sullivan Beatles Shooos! These performances are some of the most important in The Beatles' careers, and the most significant in the history of Rock and Roll!
Of course, the first appearance on Ed's show on Feb. 9, 1964 is the defining moment for the band's conquest of America... and the two subsequent shows filmed over the course of the next couple weeks are a large part of The Beatles' first visit to the country. But, I bought this colection primarily for the 1965 show.
Appearing on Ed's show only weeks after their historical concert at Shea Stadium, and just before they were to go into the studio to record "Rubber Soul", this show represents The Beatles at the time in their careers where they were just about to peak as performers and recording artists.
The first three songs they play are "I Feel Fine", "I'm Down", and "Act Naturally". The second half of the show kicks off with "Ticket To Ride" with an extended intro to accomodate some "artsy" special camera effects (their profiles super-imposed one-by-one over the shot of the entire band). Pretty tame by today's standards. But, in retrospect, it sure showed how the times were-a-changing and getting more creative on all fronts of the entertainment realm.
Included are the entire shows - all of Ed's other guests as well as some hilarious TV commercials for Lipton tea, Anacin, and Pillsbury cakes and breads! Not only is this DVD collection a treasure trove for Beatles fans, but also for vintage advertising buffs!
I found that watching the entire shows offered an excellent vantage point into American society in the mid-1960's... and how The Beatles fit into the whole panorama of what was going on here during that era. The next time I watch, I will probably just skip the other acts and go straight to The Beatles' performances.... and a few of the commercials, of course!
For those who were there, these will be a wonderful trip down memory lane, among other things. For those who were not, it will afford you the chance to see things as they once were, and appreciate even more fully what a creative force The Beatles were in the 60's... and why they continue to be a driving force today."