Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Past, present, future. Through time and space, one man embarks on a bold 1000-year odyssey to defeat humankind's most indomitable foe: Death. Hugh Jackman plays that man, devoted to one woman (R... more »achel Weisz) and determined to protect her from forces that threaten her existence. His quest leads him to a Tree of Life...and to an adventure into eternity. Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream) directs, continuing his string of imaginative, involving filmmaking with a tale alive with ideas and filled with astonishing vistas. "Not many films can blow your mind and break your heart at the same time, but this one will" (Drew McWeeny, Ain't It Cool News).« less
Jerry S. from OCEANSIDE, CA Reviewed on 7/30/2013...
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Dave S. (FloatingDuck) from DURHAM, NC Reviewed on 3/15/2010...
Experimental films are not for everyone. Some directors earn a living by making popular movies then go back and make what they really wanted to make. The Fountain is such a film; used by Aronofsky to extend the craft of film making - NOT a film for everyone to watch - too challenging for most audiences.
If you like experimentation with good solid concepts which are pulled-off well, then this film is for you. This film is made by a master craftsman and fits into the same class as 2001 and Orlando. It is not the same level as 2001, but more directly comparable to Orlando. It is a wonderful film. If you like watching movies where a skilled director tries to tell a very complicated story without gutting the story, watch it, otherwise walk or run away.
5 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 2/18/2010...
Awful film that bombed at the box office for a very good reason. This film is boring beyond belief, makes no coherent sense and features some of the worst acting I've seen in years. Pretensious, pointless garbage from a grade z director
0 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Julie D. (ecomama) Reviewed on 7/22/2008...
Spectacular! The only reason it wasn't a keeper for me...too much violence for family viewing. But the message is...worth listening to!
I highly recommend this movie, but don't want to give anything's a journey.
3 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jason C. (JJC) from NEWARK, NJ Reviewed on 2/1/2008...
To quote Yahoo, who probably has the best synopsis of this film without giving anything away:
Three parallel stories--about love, death, spirituality, and the fragility of existence--as told through the odyssey taken on by one man in his thousand-year struggle to save the woman he loves. His epic journey begins in 16th-century Spain, where, as conquistador Tomas Creo, he commences his search for the 'Tree of Life', the legendary entity believed to grant eternal life to those who drink of its sap. As modern-day scientist Tommy Creo, he desperately struggles to find a cure for the cancer that is killing his beloved wife Isabel. Traveling through deep space as a 26th-century astronaut, Tom begins to grasp the mysteries of life that have consumed him for more than a century.
If you're familiar with Darren Aronofsky's previous works, "Pi" and "Requiem for a Dream", you'll understand his potent brilliance in filmmaking and scriptwriting to execute his topics of issue. With his third film, "The Fountain," his pet project for many years now, he further shows us that he's a writer/director extroadinaire. The man is brilliant, but he may not attract all.
"The Fountain" is very reminiscent of sci-fi films like "2001", "Final Approach" and "Solaris"...where it's wondrous to look at and you may need to come to your own conclusions to execute the understanding of it. However, if you pay close attention, Aronofsky's "Fountain" isn't as complicated as one would think, there is an amazing tale being told here...and you'll know that genius storytelling is being presented before you.
The film is not a masterpiece by any standards (although it may be too early to tell yet), but it is a great achievement in both writing and directing with an incredibly solid performance from Wolverine himself, Mr. Hugh Jackman; a BRAVO is in order here.