Made For TV
Thomas Lachtrupp | Cincinnati, Ohio | 03/11/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was made for TV. If you keep that in mind and don't expect a full blown Hollywood production you will enjoy this film. Solid acting top to bottom."
American corperate history
Paul Lesho III | Washington state | 12/07/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie shows some of the inspiration and hard work that went into the starting and successfull operation of a large buisness that is well known today. How ever it does not give the details of the actual friend ships and deallings Mr. Ford had with Thomas Edison and Mr. Harvey Firestone. But all in all I feel it is a good movie to watch and have for your personal collection for later reference to remind us that for every thought and work we do to be successful some one will be there to try and take you out. It allso shows how no family is without problems and the out come of wrong and stubbern decisions have on the ones we love."
Henry Ford
Tony J. Styles | Tasmania,Australia | 08/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I having been trying to find a copy of this video or dvd for nearly 20 years,having originally watched it on tv in the late 1980's, it was this min series which originally got me interested in the life of Henry Ford,I was very happy and quite amazed to find it on,and played fine on my dvd player and it only took a couple of weeks to arrive in Tasmania, Australia."