Forbidden Knowledge Conference UK 2006 The Official DVD of the Philip Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge Conference UK 06 featuring some of the world's leading authors in the subjects of the metaphysical, historical, paran... more »ormal and unexplained: Philip Gardiner, Andrew Collins, Dr Robert Feather, Tim Wallace-Murphy, Michael Cremo, Crichton Miller, Hamish Miller, Nick Pope, Alan Alford and special guest Dr. John Jay Harper brought to you by Conscious Media Network. Filmed exclusively at Kings Hall, Stoke on Trent, this unique DVD includes speeches and special interviews with the authors. Over one and a half hours of fascinating topics and information. Music by Soul Path, Warrior, WWIII and many others. From the USA, Michael Cremo, best selling author and researcher, came to present his evidence for the ancient antiquity of mankin stretching back millions and millions of years. From the UK, Philip Gardiner spoke about his experiences at the hands of the sinister order, the Holy Vehm. Andrew Collins gives a remarkable lecture on his new book, the Cygnus Mystery, explaining how the radiationfrom Cygnus may indeed have caused human evolution. Alan Alford is widely recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on the Great Pyramids and he gave a unique exposition of his beliefs. Hamish Miller dowsed around the stage and revealed the earth's power for all to see. Nick Pope is the British "Fox Mulder" and he revealed the British X-Files for all. Then Tim Wallace-Murphy, an international best selling author and world-renowned lecturer spoke about how to crack the symbol code. Crichton Miller revealed the spiritual depths and physical uses of the ancient Celtic Cross and the amazing Robert Feather revealed the Jesus of the Essene and the burial place of John the Baptist.« less
"While the content of the speakers is good, two of the speakers advertised on it weren't included and the production quality is atrocious. It was filmed from the back of the hall from a single fixed camera with no close ups, camera angle change nor direct audio feed so you can barely see the speaker and the sound quality is hollow and echoes. Also, the sound track laid under the vocal content is heavy metal which isn't appropriate and too loud so it makes it very difficult to hear what the speakers are saying - and that's what the DVD is all about! Top this off with the fact that the audio is out of sinc with the video so their lips don't match up with what they're saying like a cheap Chinese matial art movie and I can only comment that this is the poorest quality of anything I've ever purchased from Amazon by a long stretch. The producer, Phillip Gardiner needs to employ some professionals if he intends to sell product, instead of using all his family members for production as is indicated in the titles at the end. (There are at least 5 Gardiners shown.)"
I wish I could get my money back!
Simone Spano | 11/21/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Guys, if your reading this review you most have interest in this dvd. Bad idea.Ok, first you can berely understand anything that is discossed, because the echo and the band in the back ground sound. Sure this could be of a big interest if your investigeting ancent civilizations, but you will defenely waist your $$. Good luck!"
Worthless due to production quality
ken | las vegas, nv United States | 12/22/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"It is really sad that what is apparently interesting information is completely lost in bad production. I could not make out what the speakers were presenting when on stage. While most of the speakers apparently had power point or slides the video uses a far zoomed back image of the projector screen as opposed to the power points. This makes the visuals on average unviewable. Apparently the production team could have obtained the computer files and made images that we could have seen on this DVD. That never happened. Worse yet the camera is so far from the stage that you can neither see the face of the speaker nor the projection screen images. When the interviewer speaks directly with the featured speakers prior to their formal presentations he is close enough for you to understand them and see their faces. That effort is negated by lack of synchronization of their voices and or music over their speech. I would think that the information is new and technical enough to make it a challenge to understand without adding these layers of incomprehensibility. If they actually want to sell this DVD there is a small chance that reediting the video to bring the speaker and the projection screen up to the full TV screen would make it viewable. Get rid of the extraneous music and MAYBE someone could have sufficient hint of what they are talking about to make it worth the attempt. Meanwhile don't waste your money."
A 13 yr. old with a cell phone camera could've done better
Arkay DanYell-Sahn | 11/03/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
""Forbidden Knowledge".... a joke,period.Presented authors who were not there,audio gave 2 words out of 4,could not see what the speakers were showing on the screen,played "stupid" music LOUDLY while people were talking, and gave no answers at all.A stupid,stupid joke."
What a waste
S. Suraci | Texas | 01/19/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I got this DVD along with the Secret of the Serpent DVD...both equally good information with a really really bad background music. The music was so poorly put together, was so loud and very poor choice of music that I did not want to watch anymore. Do your consumer a favor and either let them know that the background music may be disturbing to their nervous system or take it out all together."