Not my cup of tea even with Sally Field in it but maybe yours!
Movie Reviews
Sister Bertrille flies back for another great season!
Byron Kolln | the corner where Broadway meets Hollywood | 06/12/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Season Two of THE FLYING NUN continues the adventures of Convent San Tanco's airborne novice Sister Bertrille (played by Sally Field). Following the enormous acclaim and popularity of Season One, the basic formula for the show remained unchanged, with Bertrille leading the charge on harebrained adventures that would almost certainly culminate in playboy Carlos Ramirez coming to the rescue.
Sally Field buoys the series nicely and the supporting cast of Madeleine Sherwood (as Reverend Mother Plaseato), Marge Redmond (Sister Jacqueline), Shelley Morrison (Sister Sixto) and Alejandro Rey (Carlos) all deliver handsomely too.
THE FLYING NUN would stay airborne for another season before coming to a natural end. Let's hope the third and final season is released soon.
"Song of Bertrille" - Sister Bertrille is offered the chance to write a pop song for an old friend (guest star Paul Petersen), but the kind gesture backfires.
"The Crooked Convent" - The sisters get caught up in a world of crooked policemen and scam artists.
"The Rabbi and the Nun" - The sisters sing 'Hava Nagila' at a Jewish wedding held in the convent gardens.
"The Return of Father Lundigan" - Thanks to a hypnosis trick, Sister Bertrille and the Reverend Mother swap personalities whenever someone says the word 'red'. Too bad it had to happen when the unstable Reverend Lundigan pays his yearly visit! Guest starring Paul Lynde.
"This Convent Is Condemned" - To keep Carlos in San Tanco, Sister Bertrille traps the police captain into having the building condemned.
"The Organ Transplant" - Sister Bertrille receives an old organ for the convent.
"Two Bad Eggs" - After seeing Bertrille flying, a tourist believes aliens have landed.
"All Alone By the Convent Phone" - Alone in the convent, Sister Bertrille and a sick little boy are terrorised by a robber.
"It's An Ill-Windfall" - Sister Bertrille gets the convent mixed up with a shady politician.
"Slightly Hot Parking Metres" - Chaos erupts when Captain Fomento installs parking metres around the convent.
"To Fly or Not to Fly" - Sister Bertrille tries to stay grounded during serious ceremonies.
"How to Be a Spanish Grandmother" - Sister Bertrille has to convince Carlos' mother that he's a happily married man.
"The Landlord Cometh" - The owner of the convent land decides to sell it.
"Sisters Socko in San Tanco" - Sister Bertrille turns an old magician's farewell performance into his greatest triumph.
"A Star is Reborn" - After being saved from drowning by Sister Bertrille, a movie star believes she's had a religious experience.
"The Great Casino Robbery (Part One)" - The nuns are used as pawns to rob Casino Carlos.
"The Great Casino Robbery (Part Two)" - Sister Bertrille sets a trap for the thieves. Guest starring Alan Hale Jr., Dick Gautier and Ruta Lee.
"The Boyfriend" - An old boyfriend believes Sister Bertrille became a nun because he jilted her.
"The Kleptomonkeyac" - Soon after a monkey arrives at the convent, Sister Bertrille is accused of stealing things.
"The Moo is Blue" - Sister Bertrille buys a music-loving cow for the convent.
"The Breakaway Monk" - Brother Paul Bernardi returns to wreak havoc on Carlos' income tax returns. Guest starring Rich Little.
"Happy Birthday, Dear Gaspar" - Captain Fomento warns he'll issue a summons unless the convent repairs a rut in the driveway.
"Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters" - To solve their financial problems, the nuns decide to go into the bakery business.
"The Convent Gets the Business" - The convent inherits a drygoods store.
"Cousins By the Dozens" - The nuns unwittingly play host to a horde of Carlos' relatives.
"The Lottery" - A poor farmer donates a lottery ticket to the convent."
Second Season Comedy Antics Of The Convent San Tanco's Belov
Simon Davis | 08/16/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What a joy it is to find the second season of the classic television comedy series "The Flying Nun", being released onto DVD so quickly after the highly successful first series came out a few months ago. Watching "The Flying Nun", now almost forty years after it first went on the air it's pleasing to see that the show and its talented performers have lost none of their charm with the passing of time. In her role of Sister Bertrille, the airborn nun who because of her 90 pound body weight and starched coronet was able to fly, Sally Field was a perfect casting choice in a character light years away from her later famous Oscar winning dramatic performances.
Season two of the series continues the same successful formula of season one and sees the talented ensemble cast really settled in their roles. This season boasts a very interesting collection of well known guest stars which reads like a who's who of 1960's television including Alan Hale Jr, fresh from his much loved role as the Skipper on "Gilligan's island", Elinor Donahue from "Father Knows Best", returning as Sister Bertrille's sister Jen, and Victor Buono, famous from his role in the classic "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?", and for playing King Tut on the "Batman", series. The series I feel displayed one of the best late 1960's casts for a television series and their combined talents meshed superbly with Sally Field's energetic playing of the often comically trouble plagued Sister Bertrille. And what a cast! You couldn't get any better than Broadway's Madeleine Sherwood as the strong but loving Reverend Mother, Marge Redmond as Sister Jacqueline; the often surprised accomplise to Sister Bertrille in her many crazy schemes, Shelley Morrison as the zany Sister Sixto who spent the whole three year run of the series turning the English language upside down, and of course Alejandro Rey as playboy Carlos Ramirez who spent all his time trying to get away from Sister Bertrille and her always well meaning schemes that invariably landed him in hot water. Season Two of "The Flying Nun", also saw the welcome introduction of the character of the bungling, and accident prone Captain Formento played by veteran TV actor Vito Scotti. After appearing in a couple of first season episodes he adds an hilarious new element to the show in this season as the incompetent policeman always suspecting the Nuns or Carlos of being up to some imagined no good all the while bringing complete mayhem with him wherever he goes. An accomplished scene stealer through more than forty years of television work on shows as diverse as "Wagon Train", "The Twilight Zone", and "Gilligan's Island", through to "Charlie's Angels",and the "The Golden Girls", Scotti is a most welcome addition to the cast and I find myself missing him in the episodes in which he doesn't appear. The second season of "The Flying Nun", with Vito Scotti added, makes it easy to see why the show was such a big continued success during both its initial network run and in countless reruns ever since. Indeed watching "The Flying Nun: The Complete Second Season", this last week with episodes filled with great comedy,warmth and terrific guest stars, really makes me lament the rather sad state of most modern television programming that seems to totally lack the charm and great cast chemistry of these earlier efforts from the 1960's. Despite her own mixed feelings about the series Sally Field makes "The Flying Nun", truly enjoyable with her spunky playing and the near perfect marriage here of actress and role now makes it hard indeed to imagine original casting choice Patty Duke in the role of the loveable Sister Bertrille.
Going on the air just as the period of television innocence was drawing to a close in the late 1960's, I feel the influence of "The Flying Nun", was definately in evidence in later big screen efforts such as the classic "Sister Act". Like "The Flying Nun", that Whoopi Goldberg movie had as the basis of much of its humour very amusing and often non stereotypical portrayals of nuns that managed to remain dignified while piling on the laughs. The four lead women who performed in "The Flying Nun"; ie Sally Field, Madeleine Sherwood, Marge Redmond, and Shelley Morrison really accomplished that hard task with great expertise making them like lovable old friends who you like to revisit time and again. Indeed my revisiting "The Flying Nun", will be a wonderful regular experience from now on thanks to Sony releasing the show season by season onto DVD. Let's hope the third, and sadly what proved to be the final season of "The Flying Nun", will also be released soon so that we can enjoy completely again this delightful series that with its fantastic premise and wacky situations could only ever have been made during the 1960's. Enjoy!"
Season Two flys high with the Flying Nun
K. Johnson | 06/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am very excited they are putting out season two.... so many older tv shows only have "The Best Of" or only the first season, ignoring the the second third and so on years. It usually takes a first season to fully establish and develop the charactors and situations so the general public can really get the feeling of the whole "lives' of what these people are about and really get into the show.
The Flying Nun is a very enjoyable fantasy 60s tv show to watch. I haven't seen season two since I was a teenager, but if it is anything like season one, spunky free spirited Sister Bertrille always the humanitarian who was trying to do the good for the poor people of SanTanco, but somehow always getting herself into trouble. Sister Jaqueline and Sixto were her supporters and tried to protect her when the Reverand Mother got so exasperated and beside herself with Bertilles latest antics. The handsome playboy Carlos Rameriz who admired her from afar was always bailing her out when she was over her head in the next tangled mess she got herself into. ( they seemed to bump into each other accidently or not with alarming frequency!!! )
I hope they bring out season 3 soon. It would also be fun if they made a movie of it to for the big screen. They could get away now with a lot more then they did back then
As a side note; It is wonderful to see the acting and comedic talent of the late Alejandro Rey Who's life was tragically cut way too short.
Post script;8-17-06
I finally got the second season set... and it is such a joy to watch! Better than the first year... though I like season one very much too!
The characters are far more developed, writing is clever, sometimes a bit slap stick with new cast member Captain Formento being a complete bufoon and clutz, but it is very funny.
I especially like the episode when Reverend Mother and Sister Bertrille are hypnotised and switch personalities, and the always amusing complex feelings Carlos had for Bertrille with their love hate friendship and chemistry is very fun to watch.
Everything about this light hearted fun show gells so nicely. It is a pure delight. I give it an A+.
Buy it, You won't be sorry"
Sr. Bertrille brings Joy to a crazy world
Patrick | Seattle | 08/17/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"How refreshing its been to escape back to the late 1960's childhood days with Sr. Bertrille and friends, at the Convent San Tanco. They will welcome you in with laughs and touching stories! This season 2, the colors seem more vivid, they had more scenes in the Convent garden with vibrant colored flowers. The characters and guest appearances are very slap stick, so corny they are funny. One scene has Sr Bertrille and Sr Jaquline on a vacation, in bathing suits by the hotel pool. The cases of the DVD's have some nice old BW pictures from the show on the inside case and the outside have very colorful pictures, one has a group picture of the Sisters when they tried the new modified habit in blue with dresses to their knees from season 3. They looked like flight attendants! I hope Sony will complete the series with season 3, they have done a nice job."
Waiting for season three
Rebecca Winter | SOUTH PERTH, WA Australia | 09/12/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I never watched the flying nun as a child and only discovered the show recently. I enjoyed season one and two so much that I can't wait until the release of season three."