Pretty Good
R. Stringini | Addison, IL United States | 08/20/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've seen a good portion of the Flash Gordon series, and I actually thought this film hit the style on the head. It had a good deal of comedy, and never took itself seriously. The acting was... terrible, but that's to be expected from a film called Flesh Gordon Meets teh Cosmic Cheerleaders. The direction is okay, nothing special, but the set design and the costume design is top notch. I found that suprising, considering that this film was probably very cheap to make. The script is fine, but it seems to just throw in everything it could think of, and at times it makes things seem way to stretched out. Yes, it's going for the original Flash's feel, but Flash Gordon was original a seriel, and could stretch out the stories if it wanted to. This film can't, and at times runs WAY to long. But some of the nice cheesy touches make the film worth while.
Now, this film does look as if it was an "adult" movie, but honestly it isn't. Yes, there are insane amounts of nudity (almost every scene includes at least one or two refrences to a part of the anatomy) but actual sexual content is kept to a minimum, with only one actual encounter, and it's entirely played for laughs and includes no nudity. Even the unrated version feels like an R rated film, with only one very brief shot and the fact that the Cosmic Cheerleaders costumes tend to ride up in certain areas, bumbing the film up to the NC-17 rating.
If you are a fan of Seduction Cinema movies then this is right up your alley. If you like cheesy adult comedies, check this out, and if you want to see Flesh Gordan with a very ugly blonde mullet, and rather hairy butt, then check this out. If you want a movie that's well made, exciting, and thoughtful... go get something else. For fans of camp, and Ghoulies 3."
No stars for this copycat
R. Stringini | 08/10/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"After seeing the original 1974 flesh gordon I was happy to see a part 2, I grabbed it from the rental shelf and went home hoping it would be as entertaining as the original but to my dismay part 2 was only a crude attempt to copy the first. There is no humor and no magic touch to this movie, not worth the tape it took to make it. Get the original 1974 Flesh Gordon on DVD but skip part 2. Not funny, not entertaining."
It's me again -- in the flesh.....
S. B. Dupre | Shadowland | 06/21/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Obviously this is a very silly movie. It ain't Oscar material, it has no redeeming value whatsoever. It's a movie to kick back and watch with tongue in cheek -- no pun intended. Most of the acting isn't, most of the effects aren't, and if they decide to make #3, they shouldn't. Given the choice again, I would have preferred to have rented this one instead of buying."
Horrible "sequel"
R. J Westafer | Aventura, FL United States | 11/05/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Like another reviewer, I loved the original Flesh Gordon (not to mention the genuine article, the Flash Gordon serials) and was thrilled to see a Flesh Gordon 2 had been made. No comparison. Not even close. It is just awful. Flesh Gordon 1 is funny, campy and loaded with interesting characters, spaceships and special effects. Flesh Gordon 2 (aside from the opening with cute, toyish spacehips) is so bad, I would be embarrassed to show it to anyone. I expected sex and nudity, of which there is practically none. I expected adventure, of which there IS none. But what this movie unfortunately DOES have is a rather lengthy scatology scene. (Look it up in the dictionary) It's endless, not funny, and eventually, uncomfortable to watch. I hated this movie as much as I loved Flesh Gordon 1. In fact, I threw Flesh Gordon 2 out--I was afraid to give it to anyone for fear they would think I was "into" such things..."