Worm-like parasites infest the dead, returning them to gruesome half-life as rotting, bloodthirsty zombies in this chilling supernatural thriller! Freed from their jungle hell by a secret research expedition, the creatures... more » soon find their way to modern civilization where they begin their deadly mission to transform the human race into an unstoppable army of the undead. Will they succeed in their gory quest? Will the entire human race be wiped out? Can anyone stop the blood-soaked onslaught of the FLESH FREAKS? Winner of a Merit Award from the 2000 American B-Movie Film Festival, where it received nominations for Best Editing, Best Makeup, and Best Foreign Film (Canada)! DVD includes director's commentary, outtakes, and two short films, "Flicker" and "Satan's Psycho Ghoul," which won the Low Budget Film Award at the 2002 Baltimore Microcinefest.« less
Bloody, crazy, no-budget trash ... what could be more fun?
Lucius | Ithaca NY USA | 06/24/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It's zombies on the rampage in this really cheap but really fun horror movie. The plot is just a mix of a hundred other movies you've already seen, but it's done in an off-beat way that actually makes it pretty original ... And the zombies! No shambling people in white makeup here -- each one is a way over the top gooey disgusting mass of trailing eyeballs, bulging brains, and bloody sores! One of these things looks like nothing more than a pile of bloody flesh! Great acting? Ok lighting? Adequate production values? None of the above -- but I still recommend this movie hands down over most of the unoriginal by-the-numbers trash out there ... it's obviously done by people without ANY money, but with a lot of love for the genre ... and a lot of really gross zombies, too! Loads of fun!"
Gore galore for fans of schlock horror
Rezo | Carnelian Bay, CA USA | 04/11/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Enjoyable zombie butt-kicking and gore are a little let down by a slow first half with way too much padding and overall dirt cheap production values. Acting is a mixed bag but the editing and camera work are actually pretty good and the story is pretty original for a no-budget SOV movie. Really bizarre zombie makeup, not too realistic but very cool, helped along by lots of gore. I liked the lobster-snake monsters too. Worth it for fans of low-budget horror, but others beware!"
Great fleshy fun
Jennifer Malin | Newark, NJ | 05/29/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Flesh Freaks was a blast! Sure, it's indie, but I don't see what the other guy was complaining about at all. An engaging (if typical) plot, impressive makeup work, and beautiful tropical location shots in the first half. And that Ronny Varno isn't too hard on the eyes either!! ;) Fans of lowbudget indie horror would do well adding this one to your collections."
Shows promise
David Fenton | Newmarket, ON CANADA | 11/19/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"flesh freaks is so, so, so cheap - like your friends with a video camera cheap - but it's about as moody, scary, and atmospheric as you can get without any budget whatsoever. in the last third they kind of give up and just give you a lot of gore but it's still better than average and pretty exciting once you get into it. the first zombie is terrible but they get a lot better, the one with the big eye is funny, plus there are so, so many eye-stabbing scenes (fulci homage, maybe?) Speaking of fulci, the dvd cover is totally a rips off of ZOMBIE but whatever, this is a pretty good pack of cheap thrills and blood. the scene where the guy hides in the room at the end is funny plus the whole fan scene made me laugh ... how did it slice up the BACK of the dude's head???!"
Homage, rip-off - please.
Example: Mark Twain | 07/25/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"its obvious this movie was meant to be ironic. not to rip off fulci or other classic zombie filmakers/films, nor to pay homage to them. this movie is campy as all out. as the cover suggests."