The world is on the verge of complete destruction! The only hope left for mankind is to find a hero worthy of becoming the next Fist of the North Star. Powerful animation and a provocative story distinguish this science fi... more »ction epic. Contains extreme violence.« less
"This is one of my favorite anime of all time. It is simply an over-the-top gorefest. I love the fact that it pulls no punch and simply gets the plot out of the way in the first few minutes.. I can sum this movie up as: Good Guys: "Man builds really big bombs and is stupid and annihilates the whole planet. This was a bad thing, let's not do this in real life. Oh look, a flower survived. Now we have hope."Bad Guys: "Hope?! We can't have hope! We love slaughtering everything in sight for no apparent reason. Die flower die!"Good Guys: "That's it! You die now!"(Insert 70 minutes of insane fighting).As silly as that sounds, this movie is GREAT. Turn off your brain and enjoy it.."
Don't Care For Reviews. Care For Your Own TASTE
Hoelo | 01/16/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well well well. First I would like to stress that these reviews are made in the opinions of the ones who have seen the film. Everyone has a different taste to movies. Well for me, The Fist Of The North Star is like the greatest, most wickest, amazing, animation I have ever seen. I really enjoyed the movie, laughed and cried too. The plot is amazing , the animation is so cool and the violence in this is even more intense than DRAGONBALL ! Others might say that is a stupid movie but I honestly enjoyed watching it and most of my friend enjoyed it too. There are scenes that are comical and tragedical at the same time and you don't know whether to laugh or cry. The scene that touched me most is the scene with Ken protecting the girl! . AMazing STORY. You really have to see it to choose."
Not bad for a TV series compilation
Eric Y. Ushiroda | Bloomington, IN USA | 02/03/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD movie is basically a compilation of the first Hokuto No Ken TV series that was aired in the mid 80s in Japan. First time viewers may not understand or know about how the characters came about and the histories these people had in the series. Yes, we are introduced to our protagonist Kenshiro, his "brothers" Jagi and Raoh, Nanto Rokuseiken practitioners Shin, Rei, and Julia (Yuria actually), Lynn (the girl), and Bat and some others. We don't get to meet Toki (another of Kenshiro's Hokuto Shinken practicing brothers), the other three Nanto Rokuseiken practitioners (Shu, Yuda, Souther), and some other minor supporting characters. Several of the reviews don't give this DVD a fair shake and I can see that considering the quality of animation and the dubbing that was done. I agree that the animation is not top notch compared to today's standards, but what stands out to me is the story itself. Kenshiro is a guy who dearly loves this girl, but is betrayed by a former friend and his own brothers. He then steps out into this post apocalyptic world to find her and to live in peace with her. In the meantime, his brothers who want to be known as the "official" Hokuto Shinken successor are trying to kill him and he also has to deal with his once good friend Shin. There are several human qualities that come out in this film: loyalty, honor, courage, forgiveness, integrity, and love. Kenshiro doesn't hurt or kill people just for the sake of killing them. Only those who deserve it. If you ever get a chance to watch the TV series, you'll be won over like I did and can perhaps watch this film with more appreciation than the casual anime viewer. You'll be wondering why the ending in this film is not like how it ended in the TV series!"
One of the best anime of all time!
Leonardo Rivera | Long Island, NY | 01/20/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Fist of the North Star full feature film mst be one of the best anime films ever made. Along with Akira, this film endoctrinates Westerners to the immense creativity, the culture, and the twisted minds of the Japanese animators. For those of you who still haven't witnessed a Japanaimation flick, now is a good time to start.
This film is not entirely faithful to the 30 minute cartoons, it does capture the essence of the story line. A story in it of itself is deep and complicated, using universal themes that anyone can relate to. It melds together the fear of, and the reality of a nuclear holocaust, with the fantastic feats that were never possible with martial arts.
Check out this film. Don't think of it as just a cartoon. Anima, and Manga are an important part of the Japanese culture, and should be viewed with that in mind. And by the way, this film is definately not for kids!"
An Epic Assault On The Senses
Leonardo Rivera | 11/22/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One of the first anime's I ever saw was Fist Of The North Star, unfortunately the standard it set was so high many other anime's seemed weak. Fist is most probably one of the best anime's ever, it's only competition in my eyes is the awesome Akira.Fist is a pure blend of violence and gripping storyline. From the start you are drawn into the apocalyptic world of the future, and the forces at work within this world. Not a single swear word from anyone, a tiny piece of nudity and 100% pure fun. Heads expload, people are sliced and diced, characters go splat, belly buttons get larger and you can't help but love it.Disregard any bad things you may hear, this is a classic and will always remain as my favourite animated feature of all time!"