Frank E. (realartist) from HENDERSONVLLE, NC Reviewed on 12/23/2009...
1975..groan..a lost decade. But some say the 80's were worse. Think of all the cliche lines, all the sappy musical melodies you ever heard, tacky sets, tacky people, and roll it all up into one, and there you have "The First Nudie Musical". is not altogether grist for the trash compactor. The seventies was a time for the ( cough ) alternative lifestyles/anything goes 'trial balloon' decade.WE all realize now what an embarrassment it really was. This movie is worth having if for no other reason than to serve as a court document...a kind of criminal evidence, exhibit "A" to show today in university level cinema courses . "This was a nice college try, boys and girls...but here are the obvious problems...". Actually it doesn't even need to be spelled out. That being said, it is also something not to be taken too seriously. It's just fluff. Distraction from more serious issues. Sometimes a little silliness can make us smile...among the winces and groans, and "ooh...that was tacky" thoughts. So you see there are worse movies that 'indict' America in the "Court of Good Taste". I'd say "Witless Protection" outdoes this one in sheer awfullness.
Movie Reviews
A true classic is finally given proper respect !
hippiedj | Palm Desert, CA USA | 08/01/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is my all-time favorite film!The First Nudie Musical has held its own for all these years by word of mouth and undoubtedly many pirated copies on vhs made the rounds since it was so hard to find. Even Paramount let it go to at least two other video companies I know of, and the last vhs release of it a few years ago was a collector's item in the fact that it contained the "plumber scene" which is now included on this DVD release as part of the deleted scenes. It's so good to see that people have cherished this film and are doing it great justice by giving us so much on this DVD.I have been a true fan of this modest classic, telling everyone I know about it and forcing them to see it. No one to this day has been disappointed, especially if you appreciate extreme camp and honest to goodness silliness. The film is aware of its own low budget and uses that to its advantage, as one film critic once said "it was made for one percent of the budget of New York, New York and is a hundred times funnier!" It transcends the boundaries of a T&A comedy by actually appealing to anyone with a giddy sense of humor, straight or gay. Cindy Williams has always had a special place in my heart after seeing her performance in this film, she is top-notch here! SHE makes this film a complete experience, besides the charming and very funny Diana Canova's character of Juanita Juanita. And watch out for that very funny brief cameo by Ron Howard!The early pressings of the DVD contain the soundtrack on CD -- what a welcome sight since I have held on to my vinyl copy of the soundtrack since it was released in 1977! Many will want this especially for the fact that Annette O'Toole was the singing voice behind the song The Lights And The Smiles! This may sound corny, but with the DVD release of The First Nudie Musical and its soundtrack right now, I feel life has come full circle for me. This has been my all-time favorite film since its theatrical release back in 1976, and I urge everyone to pay their respects and buy this DVD! You'll be glad you did and find yourself saying what Juanita Juanita said: "It's just so BIG!""
You Should Own This One!
Thomas Kilbride | Waco, TX USA | 07/01/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was delighted when I first heard THE FIRST NUDIE MUSICAL was being done on a DVD. I had a 3rd-rate VHS of the movie and eagerly awaited the DVD. I was not disappointed. This is a very funny movie with some of the best showtunes heard since the great shows of the 1940's and '50's.It is amazing that this movie could be made for $150,000! It looks as good as most million dollar productions of the time.Unless you are offended by nudity (the movie lives up to its title), I think you will be laughing and humming along from beginning to end.The DVD is LOADED with extras! Two commentary tracks, a behind the scenes featurette, two deleted scenes (one a mucical number of a song Barbra Streisand should record), and more.As an added bonus the DVD comes with a Soundtrack CD that has the music from the movie PLUS instrumental versions of the songs. This is an extraordinary bonus!THE FIRST NUDIE MUSICAL is a cult favorite that deserves a wider audience. Add it to your collection. You'll be glad you did!"
You'll Laugh
L. Tauber | 07/01/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I don't know what movie all those other people that wrote reviews saw, but The First Nudie Musical is funny! I enjoyed all (and I mean ALL) the commentaries. The commentary on the documentary is especially funny (and I can honestly say I haven't ever heard a documentary-of-a-film commentary before!) Also, the soundtrack cd for the film which is included as a bonus is good.....I've been listening to it in my car all week. In other words, get this won't be disappointed!"
Grin and Bare it With The First Nudie Musical
Michael Shayne | Boca Raton, FL United States | 06/28/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The negative for the First Nudie Musical has been lost and the transfer was taken from an existing prints. The visible evidence that it was taken from print rather than a negative is during the reel changes. The excellent telecine transfer must be mentioned, as the colors are rich and vibrant. They are far superior to the older video releases. The sound is mono, but in the earlier seventies so were the majority of the films made at the time.The film was the brainchild of Bruce Kimmel who wrote, composed the score and directed the majority of the film with Mark Haggard. Kimmel also stars in the film as the inept director John Smithee. He has an infectious laugh and plays his role with the similar expert timing he displayed on his many guest-starring roles on 70's sitcoms. Stephan Nathan, Diana Canova (Soap) and Cindy Williams just months shy of the role that would make her famous in Laverne and Shirley also star in the film. Canova plays Juanita an aspiring actress and singer who has the thickest Cuban accent this side of Ricky Ricardo. Nathan is a very able song and dance man as he displayed in the original New York productions of Godspell and in the film version of 1776 singing the controversial "Mama, Look Sharp". Cindy Williams a very able comedic actress with great comic timing who appeared in such diverse roles in Francis Ford Coppola's The Conversation, American Graffiti, Travels With My Aunt and Mr. Rico. John Kirby's scene stealing work as the very bad nudie film actor in the deleted Plumber Scene is another highlight. The rest of the cast is filled with young raw talent and they memorable sidesplitting turn by Susan Stewart as Joy Full. Everyone has his or her moment to shine. Leslie Ackerman plays the fresh off the bus Wanna-be-star who has no idea what a nudie film or what a lesbian is; Alan Alebew as the leading man trying to pick up all the women in the film, Alexandra Morgan as Mary LaRue the Faye Dunaway of nudie Films. Look out for a young Susan Buckner as a singing and dancing prostitute (Later to appear as Patty in the film version of Grease) and Joel Blum who went on to be a Tony Nominated actor on Broadway.Two interesting side notes: Annette O'Toole (Martha Kent of WB's Smallville) and Debbie Shapiro (later Debbie Shapiro Gravitte and then Debbie Gravitte) were two of the more notable ghost singers a la Marni Nixon.The hilarious songs and dialogue by Kimmel obviously inspired the South Park creators' Trey Parker and Matt Stone in their offbeat songs and humor in their films South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut and Orgazmo. This includes the "infamous" words uttered by Cindy Williams so lovingly, "stunt co**" that found their way into their films. Kimmel was the first and therefore has the freshest take on the material. The film is briskly edited to 97 minutes.The DVD has commentary by Kimmel, Williams and Nathan on one track of the film, Kimmel and Nick Redman, and Michael Rosendale on the other. There is also commentary on the deleted scene and musical scene. And what might be a first an audio commentary on the making of documentary features.All will have an enjoyable time and is highly recommended."