Firewall stars Harrison Ford as bank security expert Jack Stanfield, whose specialty is designing infallible theft-proof financial computer systems. But there's a hidden vulnerability in the system he didn't account for - ... more »himself. When a ruthless criminal mastermind (Paul Bettany) kidnaps his family, Jack is forced to find a flaw in his system and steal $100 million. With the lives of his wife and children at stake and under constant surveillance, he has only hours to find a loophole in the thief's own impenetrable system of subterfuge and false identities to beat him at his own game.« less
Action packed with Harrison Ford and Paul Bettany shining in this!
Movie Reviews
Michael Zuffa | Racine, WI United States | 02/20/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Jack Stanfield (Ford) is head of bank security at a bank on the brink of a merger. Bill Cox (Bettany) is a businessman that, after a business meeting with JAck, makes Jack an offer. If Jack helps Bill rob the bank of $100 million, Bill will let Jack's family live. He has taken them all hostage, and is pulling Jack's strings to accomplish the task. OF course, Bill is less than trustworthy, and Jack soon finds himself in a no-win situation as the crimes start to point to him.
"Firewall" is an entertaining thriller. Harrison Ford gets the job done as Jack, although the years are starting to show. Paul Bettany is a solid villain, and is believeable for his brains and toughness. Mary Lynn Rajskub and Virginia Madsen are good in supporting roles. This is not a perfect movie, but it will provide a couple hours of solid enjoyment.
Nearly Perfect Transfer of Millions of $ to Cayman Islands
Erika Borsos | Gulf Coast of FL, USA | 03/06/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Harrison Ford, plays Jack Stanfield, a bank executive, and developer of the most current software for Pacific Landrock Bank. The bank is due to merge with a huge conglomerate purportedly to enhance business and increase assets. Jack has conservative views regarding risk-taking and protecting the assets of customers. This strong stance stood him well for 20 years but places him in a dimlight with the new owners at the board meeting who are willing to risk the money of customers for future earnings. He is introduced to several high level entrepeneurs and associates believed to be associated with the new firm. The meeting is occuring right about when the banking network is being attacked by computer hackers who invaded Jack's home and are holding his family hostage.
The unexpected break in to Jack's house begins the tension that keeps mounting as more details are revealed regarding the reason for the kidnapping. Jack's wife, daughter and young son are threatened with physical harm ... the team of five stop at nothing to get what they want. Jack understands the seriousness of their threats when Bill Cox the leader, shoots one of his own men in the head after he failed to follow directions and nearly foiled their plans. He proved his point: Jack agreed to do what they wanted -- break into his bank's software, override the firewall, and transfer money to an account in the Cayman Islands. His wife and children nearly manage an escape before they are caught and sent back into confinement. Bill Cox punishes Jack by letting Jack's son almost die of an allergic reaction to peanuts ... The family realizes, they know too much to be allowed to live if Bill Cox and his team manage the money transfer ...
Jack desperately goes along with all the plans by moving money and changing information on the banks software - while plotting to overthrow Bill COx and his team. Harrison Ford plays a gutsy, tough, family man who fights with everything he has to save his family, to keep them alive. This film is filled with edge-of-your seat moments. It has a well developed plot, great actors, and a very satisfactory ending. At times, the scenes can be gruesome but the acting is superb and required for the theme. Anyone who loves to see Harrison Ford at his utmost best ... should see this film. He is one of the few great leading actors of modern times. This is a serious film, with lots of fighting and frightening moments therefore not for the faint of heart.
Erika Borsos (erikab93)"
Formulaic Ford
Aleksey | 05/09/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"As much as I love Harrison Ford's acting, this movie is not all that entertaining. It is an uninspired, by-the-numbers execution of a plot which was done much better in Bruce Willis' "Hostage" and numerous other films. There are no surprises or innovations along the way - it just goes on and on, and on, until it runs out of recycled plot devices, and, mercifully, ends."
Farsennah J. Harris | 08/01/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 06/22/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Firewall is one of those movies that you know what is going to happen before the opening credits start to roll. Harrison Ford plays a security expert forced to break his unbreakable security system as a smarmy criminal (Paul Bettany) holds his wife (Virginia Madsen) and kids hostage. It's familiar territory for Ford, but he plays it well like he usually does, while Bettany provides for a decent villain. And that's just about all the good that Firewall does. The film is a strictly by the numbers thriller that doesn't deliver on the thrills and opts instead for a safer route. We never feel as if Ford's family is in any real peril, and by the time Ford comes to the inevitable conclusion to turn on the criminals, we know where things are headed and what will happen next. Madsen, Robert Forster, and Robert Patrick all get wasted in roles that aren't worth their time; the only upside of which is that it's good to see each of them in a big budget flick. All in all, Firewall is a typical, derivative, by the numbers movie that doesn't offer anything beyond it's glossy surface."