Changing places
fp | 04/27/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this video only because Vincent D'Onofrio is in it. I had previously purchased The Whole Wide World which is an amazingly wonderful,mostly unseen film of immense power and D'Onofrio's portrayal of Robert Howard in that film just blew me away. He has to be the most underrated actor in films!! He is also one of the most romantic film kissers ever!- He likes to do character roles and is superb in them as well but I wanted to see him in another romantic film and Fires Within looked interesting. He plays the lover, not the husband, and is so sexy and natural that Jimmy Smits pales by comparison. The ending is unbelievable and nearly spoils the movie for me, but I will probably see it over many times just because of D'Onofrio's performance.However, see this movie! You won't be sorry. And don't miss The Whole Wide World. It is in my all-time top ten dramas. First,probably."
For Love of Vincent, Watch this Movie.
mary | Cape Girardeau, Mo United States | 03/04/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"He is,as always,mesmerizing! The story is a standard soapy pot-boiler that borrows rather heavily in my opinion from "Casablanca". But Scacchi is no Bergman and Smits did not compel me to root for him, nor did I see in him the nobility I sensed from Victor Lazlo.
But D'Onofrio smolders! He suffers beautifully and when he crashes the party I thought of "Wuthering Heights". (What a Heathcliff that man would make!)
How could any woman turn him away?"
Both Stars are for D'Onofrio
Cyn | Australia | 01/28/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I too bought this on VHS for Vincent D'Onofrio. My only negative comment about his performance is that there's not enough of it! I'll say right here and now that I'm not a big fan of Smits or Scacchi, and D'Onofrio overpowers them every time he's on screen. It's a beautiful story, and I can see why director Gillian Armstrong was attracted to it - it is a love story with a bit of real-life depth (rather than those soapy ones where the ridiculous problems are created by the characters for lack of imagination - Julia Roberts films, anyone?). That being said, the two lead roles needed to be played by stronger actors, and ones that could keep up with D'Onofrio vivacity. Worth a look for fans."