Good, but not exciting.
Denise Brown | Snellville, GA | 02/08/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this as I was teaching about volcanoes and Mt. St. Helen in particular. The footage was excellent and the information presented was as well. My only problem was that the scientists they interviewed were very monotone and difficult to listen to. I thought I would lose my fifth graders a time or two. They hung in there and learned a lot, but they did complain that the speakers were boring.
If they ever decide to edit this film, my suggestion is for them to tell the presenters that volcanoes are things that kid's love. After all, they blow up!"
One of the best
William C. Ajello | Highlands, NJ - Gateway to the shore | 05/05/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen many documentaries on volcanos and I would love to study one erupting up close........Umm not too close....but this particular documentary for me was a very informative one that put in perspective what happened that day. It's too bad that an actual video of the eruption wasn't available but the famous still photographs of it still do the job nicely.
I also think that giving you perspective on what life is like post eruption was very interesting too because after an eruption like that, it took years for life to return to that mountain, which is the downside of living on a volcano or near always are in danger of having to move if it decides to erupt. Definitely worthy of a purchase if you like documentaries on volcanos."