One of the worst movies I've ever seen
a reader | texas | 09/07/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I love movies. I'll hang in until the bitter end of mediocre movies, hoping, hoping, hoping that there will be a redeeming line or scene that will make the viewing worthwhile. That said, "Finding Preet" fell below my admittedly very low theshold of what I'll sit through. "Finding Preet" became the second movie I've ever turned off before the end (the first was "Bonfire of the Vanities.")
What's wrong with this film? Let me count the ways:
1) The scriptwriting was forced, unnatural, and stilted. You had stock campy characters who never veered from stock, campy lines.
2) The acting was forced, unnatural, stilted; I'm not sure if any of these folks ever acted before or if they were plucked off the street, but they just didn't know how to read lines. Over and over again, there were missteps in timing, too-large gaps between lines and responses.
3) The plot was hackneyed - after 8 minutes, you could predict exactly what was going to happen in the rest of the movie.
4) Finally, the lead character, Priti, just never generated enough sympathy for me to give a flip what happened to her.
I've wracked my brain trying to think of something to compliment in this film, but can't come up with anything. This film works only as a demonstration of how to fly a movie right into the side of a mountain."
Cathy E. Simons | 09/11/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Finding Preet was one of those movies that made you feel good in the end. Sometimes it doesn't matter how you get there as long as you do and while this movie took me a couple of minutes to acclimate, I found myself really enjoying it. I got sucked in; I worried about Priti & her dog, I Laughed at her parents' antics. The joy in her moms' entire body when she said she wanted to meet some Indian boys, the poor chef trying to escape pizza and move onto haute cuisine. The love interest I had issues with but not everyone is perfect I guess, but I'm not the forgiving type when it comes to money. It was like being invited into a friends life to see how things turned out. I like the fairytale aspects and the little dancing girl. The soundtrack was great. The costuming was awesome, and I have to say grandma holds a special place in my heart. I'm giving it 4 stars because in the end all I want is to be left feeling happy and Finding Preet did exactly that."