Fasten your seatbelts and brace yourself for the "2-Disc Thrill Ride Edition" of Final Destination 3! It's the DVD that takes you on a ride BEYOND terror where YOU control your limit of fear!!DVD Features: — Alternate endin... more »gs
if you've seen any of the "Final Destination" series, then you know the drill by now: the film opens with a group of annoying twenty somethings who narrowly avoid being killed in a catastrophic event (this time it's an absolutely EPIC roller coaster crash at an amusement park) after one of them has a premonition about it. Shortly afterwards, the survivors start getting killed off one by one in a series of increasingly bizarre "accidents." Eventually the Final Girl and the Final Guy figure out "We were supposed to die! By not dying, we messed up Death's plan! Now he's trying to close the loop! We have to figure out how to stop it!" (dialogue like this, or something close to it, is in every "FD" movie.) The series' formula may be wearing a little thin but once the mayhem starts most viewers won't care.
"FD3" features some particularly inventive/cruel death scenes (esp. the opening roller coaster crash, the nail gun scene and the Paris Hilton wanna-be's who get roasted to death in their tanning beds) make this the best of the "FD" sequels.
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Movie Reviews
I don't care what they say, this was slippery, gross and tot
- Kasia S. | New York City | 09/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Being a big fan of the previous Final Destination movies I knew I would love this one as long as it stuck to the formula. Not only did this movie accomplish the task, it left me squeezing my boyfriends arm a few times too many, a good sign that the disturbing scary horror parts did their job! I liked al the new characters introduced, a class of McKinnley high school seniors celebrating end of their schooling with a wild night at the amusement park. The whole movie does not take the place in the park, only the beginning, the place of unspeakable horrors and lot's of bloody bodies.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead in head role as Wendy Christensen was a new face to me but a joy to watch on the screen. She had a really disturbing premonition of the roller coaster ride breaking, and while everything happened as she imagined, the remaining people who thought they were lucky had no idea what horrible things would await them. I was shocked at the gruesome death scenes perfectly set up in a cat and mouse style of a game. It reminded me of those old fashioned Dominoes games I would play, arranging the pattern on the floor for hours, then at one push one thing led to another and the whole design pushed forward slumped in a mess. That's how death worked in this movie, one misplaced object would leak onto another, push a cart then a bottle toppled over, wetting a heater which in then increased the temperature in a tanning booth while two saved girls tanned in. A coat hanger tripped by an air fan showed the bookshelf on top of the booth locking them in, that is how this movie happens. There are no bad guys, no monsters , no ghosts, just that evil draft and unfortunate coincidences that somehow brought boys and girls to bloody pulp. All of the death scenes were amazing, as much as disturbing, they were really shown in full detail, as I had no idea this movie was going to be that hair raising. The rollercoaster scene itself was incredible, totally disgusting and something I will love to see again.
The best, well the most disgusting death scene was with the nail gun, you guys who have seen it know what I am talking about, I was shocked yet at the same time I was really impressed at the effects and the poor actors. Overall a great fun movie, a blast to watch and really gory but interesting enough when you care for the characters.
I loved trying to figure out with them how to cheat death and seeing their failed attempts and small successes lead somewhere. I hope more parts will come out, as I can never get bored of this theme!
- Kasia S.
A Bit Of Sequelitis Doesn't Hurt An Entertaining Horror Flic
Andrew Estes | Maine | 02/21/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It's tough to come up with a premise for a horror movie that hasn't already been done (or done to death), but the creators of the original "Final Destination," Glen Morgan and James Wong, sure had no problem back in 2000. Now, returning to the franchise they created, the respective writer and director return (after being absent for "Final Destination 2") with an all-new, exciting and invigorating sequel. Starring Ryan Merriman ("Halloween: Resurrection"), Mary Elizabeth Winstead ("The Ring 2"), two plastic bimbos who look too old to be high schoolers, and someone named Texas Battle (?), "Final Destination 3" is a lot like it's predecessors; this one isn't shy when it comes to gore and innovative and wild death scenes.
Hate to make the comparison, but "Final Destination 3" is a lot like a rollercoaster ride. It has it's ups and downs, yet totally unpredictable. Although this movie obviously feels like a retread (kinda hard to stretch this premise to far), there are still a few elements to keep this movie feeling fresh. For starters, James Wong's directing here is a bit more stylish than it was in the original, and some of the death scenes are just as, if not, more, clever and creepy as those in the first two. This time, instead of an airplane or a car crash, our main character has hallucinations of a rollercoaster going off it's rails. After successfully getting half the people kicked off the ride, she can only watch in horror as the remaining victims plummet to their grisly deaths, as predicted. Also, as predicted, the characters wise up to "Death's Plan" and quickly try to find ways to avoid it. One angle that this film had that the other two lacked was a stalker that isn't supernatural. Not to ruin anything, but out of all of the events, a main character finds themselves being stalked by another. This was a cool addition to a tried and true storyline, but I just wish they would have taken it farther.
If you enjoyed the first two movies, buckle up and enjoy. "Final Destination 3" definitely lives up to the legacy. Despite the fact that this franchise feels like it's running out of steam (and supposedly, this is the "Final" installment), the third movie delivers enough thrills to keep even the most discriminating horror junky happy. One thing is for sure, I'll definitely think twice next time I'm standing in line for a rollercoaster..."
3rd Times the Charm...with an Extra Twist!
C. Crockett | Indiana, USA | 07/23/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"All throughout high school I was a devoted horror movie fan. Over the years I've lost a little of my enthusiasm for the genre as it has steadily progressed away from the edge-of-your-seat thriller that I loved so dearly, and on towards mindless gore and cheap "pop-out" scare tactics. Where's the excitement?
Final Destination 3 is certainly a thrill ride worth taking. I almost didn't watch it, but I was intrigued by a very unique feature on the soon-to-be released DVD version. It is a 2-disc special edition that has all the usual features such as commentary and behind-the-scenes featurettes...BUT the "intriguing" DVD aspect I am speaking of is the "Choose Your Own Adventure" format available on the Special Edition DVD version released Tuesday July 25.
MOVIE PREMISE: As a group of friends are about to get on a rollercoaster, one of them, Wendy, suddenly has a vision of the rollercoaster malfunctioning, and everyone onboard dying. After Wendy begins to panic and tries desperately to warn all those on board, she gets off the coaster, along with a few others. After the coaster crashes just as she predicted, strange things begin to happen to all those who deboarded the doomed coaster. Death will not be avoided for long. After realizing the pictures she had taken with her digital camera that night held clues to the terrifyingly gruesome ways in which each person was going to die...Wendy and her friend/fellow doomed survivor Ryan, try desperately to warn all those who escaped the accident. They realize that each person is being killed in the order that they sat on the the order they were meant to die.
On the DVD, once you click on "Play Movie", you will be given the option of watching the theatrical release version of the film, OR....watching the movie in Choose-your-own-adventure style (which they call "Choose Their Fate"). If you choose the latter (which certainly makes things more interesting), then the movie will pause at key points in the film and give you two choices that will directly effect the way the film progresses.
For Example:
...A flip of a coin will decide where your boyfriend will sit on the coaster. Do you A.) Call Heads, or B.) Call Tails?
...A huge sign is about to fall on top of a man and crush him to death...does he A.) dive to the left, or B.) dive to the right?
...Your friend specifically asks you *not* to look at his picture and possibly foresee the way in which he'll soon die. Do you A.) take another look anyway, or B.) do as he asks and don't look.
Each choice you make has a very specific effect. Some choices will either save a character...or condemn them to a gruesome death. Some choices can't save a character...but they alter the way in which that character dies. Some choices will even end the film early!
It's a new and very fun feature that I've never seen done before, and regardless of the fact that some people feel the "Final Destination" movies have become a little's still worth checking out and having a go at deciding each character's fate.
HELPFUL HINT/SPOILER: When watching the film "Choose Their Fate" style...I recommend that when it comes time to make your first choice (which will be a coin toss...Heads or Tails), that you choose Heads. If you choose Tails, the movie will end almost immediately afterwards and you will not have a chance to see the rest of it play out. Choosing Heads will take you forward with the film...the rest is up to you!
Also...when making your choices...choose wisely and FAST. If you wait longer than a few seconds to make your choice, then Fate will choose for you. Good Luck!
"Final Destination 3" AKA 'Cheating Death...
Blade | WA, USA | 02/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Director James Wong (IV) returns to bring us the next horrifying installment to the FD franchise. The original cast from, the first and second films have been removed entirely, but we are introduced to some interesting new young faces, including Mary Elizabeth Winstead (as the main heroine). I liked the original just as much as I did with FD2, but I absolutely LOVED FD3! Personally, I consider it to be the best one thus far even if the stubborn critics disagree! Mr. Wong knows how to entertain an audience by making his movies scary, imaginative, and fun at the same time! His work is also the most original, when compared to most of the cheap, PG-13 imitations put out today. I got the opportunity to view this with my older brother and friend at the movie theatre yesterday and wasn't in any way disappointed!
Taking place six years since the tragic account of Flight 180 (See the original, "Final Destination"), high school senior, Wendy Christensen (Winstead) has a premonition involving a fatal rollercoaster accident. Before the ride is launched, she succeeds at saving herself and most of her friends from meeting an untimely demise. But death soon comes back to re-claim its victims, as mysterious and bizarre accidents begin to occur! Now, Wendy must solve death's puzzle and save everyone before it's too late! Her only clues lead to the photographs that she took of herself and her friends at the carnival, which also represent the order that they're to die in. Will she succeed, or will death finish them all?
If you've enjoyed FD1 and FD2, then you're sure to enjoy FD3 even more! The acting can drag a little here and there, but the well-written script and amazing special effects do more than make up for it! Furthermore, the death sequences are very creative and executed nicely even more so than that of the first two films (Watch out for the tanning booth and weight room scenes)! However, if you are squeamish and/or the faint of heart, then you may want to look elsewhere! You'll need a very strong stomach if you are to get through the whole movie! But longtime horror fans and gorehounds alike are sure to enjoy this third [and possibly LAST] 'Destination'!
SCRIPT: 10/10
ACTING: 7/10
...Can't wait for the DVD release!"
One of the biggest plot holes ever?
JD | 08/23/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was tremendously entertaining, so much so that I decided to watch it a second time. But during that second viewing, one of my friends pointed something out to me that I hadn't noticed, and apparently very few people did.
In the premonition sequence, Frankie Cheeks drops his camera and it latches onto the coaster rail, starting the sequence of events that led to the deaths. However, when Wendy gets everybody off the back of the train, Frankie is one of the people that survives, never having dropped his camera.
The roller coaster sequence could not possibly play out in the same fashion as the premonition, and theoretically the deaths might not have happened at all without the camera on the tracks.
I don't understand how this could go overlooked by the hundreds of people that produce and edit a movie. That glitch has the possibility of rendering the entire movie pointless, and nobody seemed to notice it.