Charles and Ray Eames are among the finest American designers of the 20th Century. They are best known for their groundbreaking contributions to architecture, furniture design (the Eames® Chair), industrial design and... more » manufacturing, and the photographic arts. In the early 1950s, the Eameses extended their interest and skill in photography into filmmaking. They created over eighty-five short films ranging in subjects from tops to the world of Franklin and Jefferson , from simple sea creatures to the explanation of advanced mathematical and scientific concepts, such as the workings of the computer. Toccata for Toy Trains and Powers of Ten are two brilliant examples of the Eameses' skill, creativity and far-reaching interests. The scores for both those films and some thirty others were written by their friend and collaborator, Elmer Bernstein. This Box Set contains The Films of Charles & Ray Eames volumes 1 ? 6.« less
"Charles Eames was the most influential designers of the 20th century. Chances are you own a knockoff of one of his original and innovative pieces of furniture. But his work does not stop with chairs: both Charles Eames and his wife Ray (also a genius in her own right and his partner and collaborator for life) created a world of joy, innovation and sheer excitement, with a minimum of materials other than those they often found in empty fields or gutters or wherever and incorporated them into their many films, sculptors, household design, or simple pen aand ink holders.
Their films (and all their work) not only set the stage for movement in design, but influenced the better half of most serious filmmakers whether independent or Studio funded.
Their work is playful, complex, quite simple while being very insightful, and of course they all had the element of using the found object or everyday aspect of life. From a film about washing a black top playground to a wondrous overlay of toy trains, both conveying the excitement of the old compared to the new but also the sheer elegance of an innate understanding of space and its power to communicate.
For anyone who wishes to see our world anew and with the genius of vision; this is about the BEST series of films anyone appreciating the art of film making and the purity of seeing, could purchase. 10 STARS if it were possible. DO NOT PASS UP THIS COLLECTION and always remember to keep ones eyes and mind open and receptive: your life will be the better for it and for having had Charles and Ray Eames and their works in our lives.
The Best of Eames
D. Jones | Queens, NY USA | 12/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This collection could be termed Charles and Ray Eames Greatest Hits! For anyone growing up in the late fifties or early sixties, the Eames' designs were the ultimate in modern sophistication. To my childhood eyes, their style personified what it meant to be an adult. Their films personify no less. Watching Powers of Ten, Tops or Day of the Dead, I feel like both the wordly adult and the fascinated little kid. It's as if I'm at the 1964 World's Fair again, enjoying all it's wonders AND enjoying a dry martini at the same time. If you'd enjoy seeing the Adult World again just as you saw it when you were a kid, then this collection is a must-have. For students of design this collection is a must-have. And for devotees of classic High Style this collection is a must-have."
Best Teaching Tool
Agnes C. Bourne | 05/29/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The work of Charles and Ray Eames remains the strongest design voice of the century. This collection of their own films and works of others relating to their products and ideas illustrates the power of design. It opens the world of design to everyone. As a teacher, I use these films to demonstrate the design process and to inspire students to think and inact using both their intellect and their inuition. All the work is done with fun and imagination!"
Treasures of midcentury modern art
santa cruz woman | santa cruz | 10/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you know who they are you'll probably want these. The educational films are what such pics should be and almost never are. I was not interested in the math one but found it fascinating. My favorite was on vol 2. 19th century American navy ships invade Japan and force them to trade with west as drawn by Japanese artists at the time. Beady eyed giant nosed hairy things in US naval uniforms peer at us across time, Japanese officials sit on a small train and get a taste of the future. It makes this moment in history real from the Japanese point of view as I've never seen it."
Completing the picture
Savanah Design Pty Ltd | Australia | 10/04/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you are fascinated by the talents of the Eames' and want to build a fuller insight into the extent of their work then this is certainly worth getting. Be warned though that this has very little to do with their work as furniture designers and more to do with the films they produced either as personal projects or commissioned by companies such as IBM.
The movies are quaint and endearing, lovely 60s animations and models they built in their studio.
There is a nice film made by the family of the Eames' workshop when they packed it up after their death - we get to see the textures and environment of their work areas. the sound track to some of this films, particularly this one, can get a bit jarring, but the sound is relevant as it is from the music box they used to have."