A well done and educational show
SKOLVK | TUCSON | 06/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ever since I was a kid I've always been fascinated by the martial arts. (thanks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!) My parents enrolled me in Karate when I was in middle school and I've studied off and on for years. So needless to say I was drawn to this show when I caught an episode while channel surfing. The show follows two fighters(jimmy Smith and Doug Anderson) as they travel around the world and practice the native fighting style for five days. At the end of the five day training period they have a traditional sparing match with a advanced student of that art. The show takes them all over the world to places like India, Japan, Mexico and Brazil where they learn both hands and weapon based styles. Both Smith and Anderson are skilled in their own rights. Anderson was a army bodyguard and Smith has fought pro MMA so when they get the snot beat out of them(and they often do) it's a true testament to the effectiveness of the arts they are studying. The styles they study and places they travel to are as follows.
PHILIPPINES: KAILI- A weapons based fighting style involving lighting fast strikes with knives and sticks.The guys get some nasty lumps and bruises. Plus we get to see Anderson get baptized in chicken blood! That's right..chicken blood.
CHINA: KUNG FU- The guys hike deep into the mountains of China to learn the ancient art of Kung Fu. They receive both a physical and spiritual education and the episode really gets into the history of the art.
JAPAN: KYOKUSHIN KARATE- A very brutal style of Karate. The training leaves Anderson almost enable to compete and both guys get knocked out several times. Very fascinating episode
SOUTH KOREA: HAPKIDO- A style thay incorporates dazzling kicks and throws. The boys endure intense training and face true masters of the art.
FRANCE: SAVATE- A variation of Kickboxing that involves blazing fast footwork and devastating head kicks. Nether of the guys are good at kicks and it shows as they fight some of the top flight "Savatetors" in France. Their trainer is pretty mean(but funny) in this episode.
INDONESIA: PENCAK SILATE- A very strange style that has unorthodox strikes, throws and weapon techniques. The guys are put though some of the most brutal training yet(sprinting though waist high water, punching trees for minutes at a time, running up hills with someone on your back) Anderson injures himself while training and doubts if can compete.
MEXICO: BOXING- through out the show both Smith and Anderson display impressive striking skills but both look like amateurs when they spare against some of the best boxers in Mexico City. Not only that, they must train in a environment 10,000 feet above sea level.
BRAZIL: JIU-JITSU: The boys go to beautiful Rio(lucky!) where they are trained by the legendary Rickson Gracie(undefeated) in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a style that uses joint locks and leverage to defeat opponents. Anderson leans a valuable lesson when he is beaten by a girl that is much smaller than him. It's skill and discipline. Not size and strength that matter.
ISRAEL: KRAV MAGA- I've always heard of Krav Maga but I've never really seen it in action. After watching this episode I'm very impressed. Krav maga is a style that the Israeli army learns to disarm and kill their enemies as effectively and quickly as possible. using pure aggression, throws and nasty strikes, Krav Maga is one of, if not the deadliest style shown on the show.
USA: KAJUKENBO- the best thing I can compare this style to is a mix of MMA and just strait up street brawling. Anything goes in this episode and the guys must train by fighting up to 5 people at a time. Fight hard, Take out your enemy and live to tell the tale.
THAILAND: MUAY THAI- A type of kick boxing that allows knee and elbow strikes(In Muay Thai a punch is considered the weakest strike you can throw) Vastly popular in Tailand, Muay Thai is considered the national sport. The boys learn that is can be as poetic as it is deadly while they endure brutal training and an in depth education to the style's spiritual side.
INDIA: KALARIPPAYATTU- A sword and shield as well as a striking style, Many people believe that the ancient art of Kalaprppayattu is the architect of many eastern fighting styles. Definitely the most exotic style shown on the show, it was fascinating to watch it in action because it is rarely practiced outside of India. A shocking accident occurs with a sword in this episode.
HONG KONG: WING CHUNG- A style of Kung Fu that emphasizes speed and street brawling. The guys learn how to use fast strikes to defend themselves against multiple foes. It's really amazing to see how fast the masters strike and in turn, how difficult it is to strike them back. Smith gets head kicked off a boat in this episode. Pretty funny.
"Fight Quest" is very entertaining and there's a lot to learn by watching it. The season is 13 episodes that each run at 43 minutes so you get an in depth look into each style. Anderson and Smith are very humble and professional through out the show and provide excellent commentary during their training. They are in no way cocky meat heads that think they can beat everyone. If you're a martial arts fan or practitioner this show is for you. I was introduced to arts I've never heard of or seen and got a better understanding of the ones that I knew. "Fight Quest" is a thinking man's fight show.
Well worth the buy, but...
A. Fuller | 03/10/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Doug Anderson-- An Iraq war vet and rookie fighter from New Jersey. Jimmy Smith-- A professional mixed martial arts fighter and former math teacher from L.A. Join them as they explore the world's most dangerous fighting arts."
That's how the show draws you in and they know how to keep you there. These guys are tough, have great personalities, are relaxed on camera, and know how to fight! This is definitely a series that will draw you in and have you shouting at the final match like you were there yourself. That's the highlights of this DVD. And here's the but...
For each episode, there were some 60 hours of footage filmed and cut down to a 43 minute show. So imagine my shock when there were NO special features. No deleted scenes, no interviews, no nothing. They even keep the episodes censored by bleeping out the swear words.
So while the lack of extras is a sore spot, these guys are worth watching and the series is worth owning!"
Fight Quest Is Great
Mete Tanyeri | Somewhere, New Hampshire | 02/27/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The DVD that I've been waiting for has finally arrived and I can't help but be happy. Every episode from the first season is on it, including a new episode that I have not seen before, which was the Wing Chun kung fu episode. I only have two problems with this DVD. One, I would have liked to seen a few things that were left out, such as the demos for Kyokushin karate at the end of the episode, which they took out. I also would have liked to see the deleted scenes that did not make it into the final cut of each episode, such as Jimmy training the shaolin monks how to play basketball or Doug talking about the bond he has with his Hapkido master and how his teacher shared, with him, the definition of Hapkido. Other than that, I recommend this DVD to anyone who can't get enough of Fight Quest!"
The better Fight Quest dvd set
Collin D. Freeman | Shawnee, KS USA | 03/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I previously purchased and reviewed the first Fight Quest 5-dvd set which contained all of the aired episodes of Fight Quest. Although nice to have, I found it somewhat disappointing. This dvd set is the one to get! Don't even bother with the other one. The bonuses with this set are the 3 unaired episodes. I found the Muay Thai and Wing Chun episodes to be 2 of my favorites of the entire series and was disappointed that neither of them aired before Discovery Channel cancelled the series. I won't rehash my comments from my other review, but will only add that of the 2 series, Human Weapon and Fight Quest, it is Fight Quest I found to be more enjoyable and will probably watch repeatedly for entertainment value."