As timely now as it was when it was made, this tale of two ex-presidents forced to work together to expose Washington corruption still resonates in our current political climate. Lemmon plays a stodgy, money-grubbing Republican ex-president named Russell Kramer, while Garner plays a womanizing, self-promoting Democratic ex-president named Matt Douglass. Polar opposites in both political party and personality, these two have absolutely nothing in common, except, a love for their country and a desire to make a difference. But that makes this movie sound much more serious than it really is, because, at the heart of it, this is a very funny road comedy starring two of Hollywood's most likable actors. The zingers fly fast and furious throughout, with quite a few quotable lines. Here's an example.
Russell Kramer: "I was Time Magazine's 'Man of the Year'.
Matt Douglass: "So was Hitler."
Russell Kramer: "Not twice."
The supporting cast also carries their fair share of water. Dan Ackroyd, Wilford Brimley, John Heard, Selma Ward, Esther Rolle and Lauren Bacall to name a few. But Everett McGill as Colonel Paul Tanner aka "The Twisted Psycho" cuts the widest swath as the rogue NSA operative with his own agenda, lending just the right amount of malice to elevate this film from a light-weight road comedy, to an incisive political commentary that makes you laugh but also makes you think.
Jeannine L. Reviewed on 2/6/2018...
No matter how many times we see this movie, it never fails to entertain. Lemmon and Garner, two of the greats, are wonderful as the ex-presidents!
Michel D. (michelann) from WALNUT GROVE, MO Reviewed on 2/4/2017...
How to make politics absolutely hilarious while keeping it light and timely (especially recent competitors) involves having James Garner, Jack Lemmon, and Dan Aykroyd sparring in the political minefield that is the modern day election process. Fun Fun Fun!!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Sharon F. (Shar) from AVON PARK, FL Reviewed on 8/31/2016...
The 3 of them together is HILARIOUS! Silly, but worth the hour or so to won't be disappointed.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Nancy W. from CHARLOTTE, NC Reviewed on 1/2/2011...
Great movie; lots of humor.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Deborah A. from SARASOTA, FL Reviewed on 9/3/2009...
This movie was rather silly, but I enjoyed seeing Jack Lemmon and James Garner acting together. A good escape movie, but nothing too heavy here.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Janet W. (knittywitch) from RICHMOND, VA Reviewed on 4/3/2009...
I thought this was one of the funniest adult movies around. Although a complete fiction and a spoof of politics, it gave a little insight about what it must be like as a flawed human to be a president. I loved it.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Rita M. (ritarene) from SILER CITY, NC Reviewed on 4/21/2008...
This is one of my all-time favorite movies. It really shows how diverse our nation is, and yet, how we are all interlinked. The film manages to do this in a comical, entertaining way, which is what makes it so great. Definitely a must-see.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Hail to the chiefs
wiredweird | Earth, or somewhere nearby | 02/26/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"At first glance, this looks one of Hollywood's freakier genetic experiments: implanting the genes of a political thriller into a road-trip comedy. The surpise is that the offspring is not just viable, but a good healthy comedy. It surely helps to have two fathers like James Garner and Jack Lemmon bringing it to life.
They play the roles of two ex-presidents, living out their retirements in their respective ways: grubbing every dollar to be had on the lecture circuit (Lemmon), or grabbing every babe to be had (Garner). Dan Aykroyd, improbably cast as the current president, detects a scandal brewing and tries to nail it to the previous administration. Garner and Lemmon, one-time political opponents, are thrown together and the chase begins.
The comedy comes largely from the series of cheap shots and snide recollections the two hurl at each other. The feel-good part comes from their bonding over shared experiences as past presidents, under the pressure of pursuit. The political thriller builds as the hired guns keep trying to assassinate the ex-pres, and to bury the scandal with him. As long as you're not looking for any great subtlety, it works.
It's a bit goofy, but it's a good, safe comedy with just enough plot twists to keep it from becoming completely predictable. It couldn't have worked without Garner and Lemmon in the lead roles, though - their experience in such roles is what made the movie work.
Jordan | 08/06/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
""MY FELLOW Americans" is everything you could ever want in a comedy. Sharp, caustic wits from Lemmon (as Russell Kramer) and Garner (as Matt Douglas) combined with a downright hilarious plot makes this my #1 movie of 1996, my #24 of the 90's, and my #3 comedy of the 90's (behind #1 Bulworth and #2 Dogma). This would be an excellent one to go rent and prepare for the election in November.
The excellent comedic writing is apparent ("There are only two watches like that in the world, Reagan has one and now Shamu the Killer Hick has the other!"), and Heard's underrated performance as Vice President Ted Matthews nearly steals the show. (For those that have seen it, tell me his last line shouldn't be ranked up there with other classic lines!) As usual, Lauren Bacall is magnificent ("Don't say friggin', if you're going to use the F word go for the gold"), and of course Jack Lemmon and James Garner turn in great performances.
The great cast, writing, and script idea all fold together to make one of the best movies ever made.
A Great, Entertaining Film!
Kenneth A. Bagenstose | Fleetwood, PA USA | 12/07/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, I don't know how the critic, Mr. Keogh, could possibly call this a "lousy" film! I'm a big fan of Garner and Lemmon, two of the all-time greats. This movie is one hilarious joke after another, with some serious moments thrown in for good measure. It certainly is a heck of a lot better than some of the garbage hailed by critics as masterpieces; it's a straightforward, non-stop entertaining affair, one that makes you feel as though you got your money's worth after watching it. The supporting cast is great, too, with Bacall, Heard, Ackroyd, and others putting in some solid performances."
Still funny after the Gore-Bush fight!
Cheryl-Ann Tan | Moscow, Russia | 12/02/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
""My Fellow Americans" has wonderfully funny and snappy dialouge and comes with a wonderful bunch of supporting comic characters like the bumbling veep, the NSA chief ("Hello, sirs. No need for concern. It's only me. The twisted psycho.") and the ever-so-clever Republican's wife ("Russell Kramer: It's a kick in the balls! Sorry, sweetheart; Margaret Kramer: Please, I'm a politician's wife. I have a set of my own!) All these come together to bring out the best of American political comedy. "Dave" was great and I enjoyed "Running Mates", but so far this one is the best! The two leads whose characters hate each other's guts, come together harmoniously create the best comedy ever.Hail to the comedy chiefs 'cause they're the chiefs and they need hailing...."
Lemmon Less Matthau Plus Garner - and Bacall
Movie Mania | Southern Calfornia | 01/11/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Republican Russell Kramer (Jack Lemmon) beat Democrat Matt Douglas (James Garner) for President in a very tight race. Four years later Douglas beats Kramer. Four years later Kraemer Vice President William Haney (Dan Aykroyd) defeats Douglas.
Three more years have passed. Kraemer is now making paid public appearances and writing books on any subject. Douglas has more noble goals, nailing every babe he can. Then a scandal is about to break out and Douglas and Kramer find out. Since he can no longer shift blame to Kramer, Haney decides to kill the former Presidents.
The plot fails but leaves the Presidents stranded. They must find the proof that Haney is guilty and get back to DC alive. This starts a cross country chase that is constantly funny including the Presidents becoming involved in a gay pride parade - that saves their life!
I have to guess that this was originally conceived as a Lemmon Matthau film but was too physical for the declining Matthau. It actually works better with Garner as he is more believable as the Clintonesque womanizer.
Lauren Bacall is great as Mrs. Kramer but only has a couple of scenes. Marg Helgenberger (pre CSI) makes an appearance as Douglas' book editor. And Bradley Whitford makes a White House appearance two years before he took up residence with the Bartlett administration in The West Wing.
It's too bad that Lemmon died before he could reteam with Garner. They made a great pairing.