DAS SKY LYCANTHROPE | Baltimore, Maryland USA | 01/05/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
I am a die hard Werewolf movie fan. Trust me I have some Werewolf DVD's in my collection that MOST True horror and werewolf movie \ DVD buffs would consider ripe stinkers and LOVING IT! yYES I am proud to own most lesser quality Werewolf themed DVD's because they give me something to laugh at during the sad times. I even sank to buying "Wolves of Wall Street (2002) on DVD" and it was impossible for me to imagine a supposed werewolf movie lamer than that,.... until NOW!
The Feeding breaks new ground in lame werewolf movies. The cardboard acting, the incredibly bad lighting, the predictable implausable plot what little their was of it. Inadequate character development, unlikable innane characters doing things for the dumbest reasons making no sense whatsoever. All topped off by the cheapest looking werewolf costume ever. The Werewolf had a look that strongly suggested it started life at the bottom of a dollar bin at some no name second hand value store.
The saddest thing about The Feeding is bad as everything is, the DVD is in no ways funny AT ALL! The Feeding takes itself way too seriously as legitimate horror. The POOR POOR actors in this tripe don't even look as if they are having one bit of fun at any point in the whole movie. The actors in the Feeding are more deserving of your pity and not your scorn because the best actors in the world could not revive breathe live into "The Feeding" DVD featuring a Werewolf that was Brain Dead On Arrival. Actor's in the movie acts like a bunch of Norma Desmond want-to-be knock off's all fighting for the highly prized dimly lit out of focus close up. The camera work and special effects look like things unworthy of a high school drama class. There is more to be frightened of in a carton of stale milk then exists in the entire running time of The Feeding.
The final insult is the price of The Feeding at $23.99 dollars at the time of this writing. I strongly suspect the sanity of those who brought us The Feeding for even daring to think anyone would pay $23.99 for this dark fuzzy focused unprofessional ill-concieved mess. If the Feeding were value priced at $9.99 it would still be way over priced. At $9.99 however I might have still brought a copy of the Feeding just to add it to my growing collection of really really bad Z quality Werewolf DVD's. Unfortunately there must be a limit even to my DVD buying excesses.
Pricing a really bad Werewolf DVD at $23.99 and expecting anyone to buy it is an insult to any sane customers intelligence. Bad as the Feeding is I will surely find a copy in the dollar bin of some value store very soon. Who knows if I am really lucky that raggity moth eaten flea bag Werewolf costume they used in The Feeding DVD will be in the same bargain bin too so I can enjoy both as a buy any two items for one dollar sale.
All jokes aside folks I ask that you please don't buy The Feeding at $23.99 since it is NOT good and is WAY Overpriced junk. I too love any Werewolf themed DVD's but buying this mess rewards production companies for the very worse production values at prices that seek to make fools of customers.
I have paid and will gladly pay $23.99 and more when the production values or subject matter covered prove worthy of the price but rest assured there is no way in all creation The Feeding is worth its $23.99 asking price. The Feeding is actually worth $7.99 tops and thats me being extremely generous."
Wish I could give it a zero...
Spookee Boo | 11/29/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie sucks. Of course the ending left the possibility for a sequel. Here is my plea to the creators of this movie, "Please for the love of God do not make another one of these titanic turd bombs!" Go rent 'The Howling', 'An American Werewolf in London', or 'Ginger Snaps' if you're looking for a werewolf movie."
Let's be honest....
Jonnathan Ritland | Marysville, WA | 01/09/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Anyone expecting a gem from a movie with average cover art at best and a basic premise described on the back get what they deserve from this "movie?". However it does incure a lot of backlash for good reason, or a few of them actually.
Might be some possible spoilers (hehe, like it matters).
1. The werewolf is shot with what seems like cheese cloth over the lense, which causes some blurry effect of sorts. Not that this is a bad thing, given that when we see the werewolf it looks, well fairly ludicrious would be saying too little. Apparently, Tood Gilpin the Editor and Director of Photography must've realized the monster looked silly too and used the blur effect to cover it up and edit a lot of the scenes with the wolf to make it seem less silly, sadly these efforts were futile.
2. The story wasn't too bad actually just basic, a creature is killing off all the wildlife in a forrested area and only a special agent (Robert Pralgo) and a park ranger (Kara Maria Amedon, in her first role) can save a bunch of campers and stop the creature.
3. The dialogue (written by director Paul Moore "Dark Harvest") on the other hand was pretty silly and the lack of any experienced actors didn't help, heck half of the campers were in their debuts, the people who played Ty, Alan and Elizabeth were each in one film before this.
4. The acting itself is really bad, by all involved. There isn't really anyone good, though as bad as it is, I must say I've seen worse acting in other flicks (The Car, actually comes to mind, in fact that might have been a worse movie).
5. The film itself is a pretty big mess, from the opening scene, to the intros of the special agent, rangers and the 20 something campers. Then the oddly placed sex scenes that can be heard but not seen, to the obligatory nudity by the four female campers. Though I must give the director credit for using girls that looked like actual girls you could see almost anywhere, rather than skinny supermodel chicks. That didn't make the nudity good though.
Then the campers start getting off'd in blurry and badly edited fashion, the agent goes after the creature, gets killed, then the ranger must band the survivors together and fight off the wolf or die trying, (though the trying isn't very hard).
I knew by the ending there was plans for a sequel, but I sure hope not. Unless that is, the cast is given a major overhaul and the budget is given something, anything more than what it had for this one. Bad all around, avoid, unless you need a laugh that is and if you do, just rent "The Beast of Bray Road" at least that one is shot good, or at least better than this. 0/10.